use thought in a simple sentenceasian arts initiative

use thought in a simple sentence

Although it was decades since Dean's Boy Scout days and he didn't relish the thoughts of bedding his exhausted body on the ground, he felt, in addition to saving money, his chance of running into his quarry in a camp ground was better. I thought they'd all been dead for centuries! The medication they were giving her to clear up the congestion in her lungs was making her sleep a lot, but they thought that was better than having her upset all the time. Reluctantly, her thoughts returned to the human she'd left in Hell. He actually smiled, though it was so brief that she questioned whether she had imagined it. As Darkyn had said, the underworld tempered his Immortal magic, but Rhyn felt the demon power broiling behind the constraints, seeking a way out of him. I closed my eyes as I thought of a dozen questions about security breach. It took more effort than he thought to break the otherworldly connection binding them. The Watcher smiled in response, and Damian knew well enough his kind truly thought themselves superior. The thought pierced her thoughts, and she sagged against Two, not caring if she survived or not. 3- A sobering thought , that very few of us actually recognize. Simple Sentences with "thought process" A simple sentence with "thought process" contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. But as soon as she had said it a new train of thoughts and feelings arose in her. So the master of words is master of thoughts which the words create, and says things greater than he could otherwise know. Howard gave me the directions and I thought I'd stop by. Rhyn laughed, thoughts flying to the spunky human in the zoo. At first the piglet stuck in the neck of the vase and I thought I should get him, after all, but he wriggled himself through and fell down into the deep bottom part--and I suppose he's there yet. She turned to Jackson, and could see that his thoughts were the same, so she put her arms around him. Even as she spoke, her thoughts went to what Gabriel told her. A'Ran said nothing, though he clenched the arms of his chair hard enough for his knuckles to turn white. She kissed and hugged her daughter until I thought I'd have to pull them apart, but finally left in Howie's car for Boston and her flight. Her thoughts went to the Watcher that had spoken to her and healed her. 1. How to use "though" in a sentence - WordHippo 1. the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about 2. the process of using your mind to consider something carefully 3. the organized beliefs of a period or group or individual 4. a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty. As a conjunction towards the beginning of the sentence: E.g. She was little more than half-done and already he thought it was too much? Though your choice of handing off the vamps to the Black God seems nearsighted. She never realized how easily he read those around him until he was throwing her thoughts into her face. For a whole week it has been "cold and dark and dreary" in Tuscumbia, and I must confess the continuous rain and dismalness of the weather fills me with gloomy thoughts and makes the writing of letters, or any pleasant employment, seem quite impossible. Advertisement. Another thought occurred to her as she thought about Katie, the half-demon's mate she met when last at the fortress. His gaze searched her face again, finding the hidden thoughts. It was bad news for him, though, if the Oracle who hated him felt the need to warn him. [M] [T] I thought he wouldn't come. He believed, or at least suspected, that Miss Sullivan and I had deliberately stolen the bright thoughts of another and imposed them on him to win his admiration. If he though Lori was less complicated, he was in for another shock. And again all the faces in that crowd bore an identical expression, though now it was certainly not an expression of curiosity or gratitude, but of angry resolve. The train was late. Besides, Dean thought, Randysingle or marriedprobably has more sense than to get knocked on his ass by a zillion pounds of water pressure aimed at his body. They do not represent the opinions of It seems to me that the great difficulty of writing is to make the language of the educated mind express our confused ideas, half feelings, half thoughts, when we are little more than bundles of instinctive tendencies. I thought to do all for the best for you. It seems like the easiest thing for you, though. He pushed the thought of his slain brother away but couldn't escape the lingering sense of unease. A thought had occurred to him and so it belonged to her also. His father's express orders prevented Aurangzeb from following up this success, and, not long after, the sudden and alarming illness of Shah Jahan turned his thoughts in another direction. Would he go to this extent to be granted admittance, even though he might not survive long enough to get whatever it was he came for? On second thought, maybe that would have been fun! Irregular Verb - To think / thinking / thought - Learn English What gentleness and nobility there are in her features and expression! He did not know how or when this thought had taken such possession of him, but he remembered nothing of the past, understood nothing of the present, and all he saw and heard appeared to him like a dream. There were pets, though - cats and a little Cocker Spaniel that died two weeks after Mom died. Start each day with a positive thought. One word may be spelled one way while the word that rhymes with it is spelled differently. Pain flew threw him, scrambling his thoughts. ". Rachel raised a brow and for a moment, Adrienne thought there would be a lecture. You'd better give this some serious thought. But though I do not know what causes the cold winds to blow when the oak buds unfold, I cannot agree with the peasants that the unfolding of the oak buds is the cause of the cold wind, for the force of the wind is beyond the influence of the buds. He hadn't thought of his sister or his loss for some time. The thought brought a shiver that coursed down her body as she tried to picture the scene as she and Caleb stumbled deeper into the mine. Deeply anxious to make the best use of his life, Gladstone turned his thoughts to holy orders. Examples of 'thought process' in a sentence thought process. Her thoughts darkened and returned to Cody and Jake. A part of her still believed it was playing god, though obviously God blessed the twins. He touched her arm to pull her free, and she jerked as dark visions crossed her thoughts. The more I thought about it, the more I was convinced of the incredible scope of Howie's gift. Sometimes I wonder why he wants to marry me, though. 2. an individual act or product of thinking. He might wish he had never asked her to write her thoughts down. Sara is my best friend. There was polite applause, a little less then followed Fitzgerald's words, or so thought Dean. Beating at the door registered distantly in his thoughts. Using Though at the End of a Sentence: Meaning, Grammar, and Usage It was the first time she thought of Katie that way. The English language is full of inconsistencies and irregularities, which results in unusual English spellings. A bullet through my brain is the only thing left me--not singing! Carmen let loose of his waist, moving away from the unclean thought. Of all the thoughts on Kris.s mind, Hannah and Jade were foremost. ". They do not represent the opinions of Only in familiar letters, prolegomena, and prefaces do we find the man Ficino, and learn to know his thoughts and sentiments unclouded by a mist of citations; these minor compositions have therefore a certain permanent value, and will continually be studied for the light they throw upon the learned circle gathered round Lorenzo in the golden age of humanism. They knew about the break up and maybe they thought she knew about the drugs. The Others were not so fortunate, though the Originals all escaped. It's just that simple! I can talk to Donnie even though he can't talk back to me. Simple Sentence: Definition & Meaning (with Examples) - ProWritingAid I thought everybody around here knew about the Cade's. Another thought crossed her mind as she stood in Hell's library. Still, you'd have thought she'd lost the Hope diamond the way she carried on. She wasn.t hungry but walked toward the cafeteria so she wouldn.t be alone with her thoughts. Ok, I guessI still don't feel right about it though. Though it was not clear what the artist meant to express by depicting the so-called King of Rome spiking the earth with a stick, the allegory apparently seemed to Napoleon, as it had done to all who had seen it in Paris, quite clear and very pleasing. He purposely didn.t think of her, even though she was the reason he.d chosen this path. Then click the "Create" icon to generate a simple sentence. A simple sentence has only the most elemental building blocks of a sentence: a subject and a verb used in a complete thought, also called an independent clause. Though I'll admit, I'm really curious for you to teach me a few things, since you've been with so many men. She thought of how she'd felt safe with Jule during their brief encounter. The caliph wished you to amuse him with pleasant thoughts, and you have filled his mind with melancholy. Graslin was thought to be much in love. Simple sentences can be used for making statements about things in the world, or for describing a person's feelings or thoughts. The thought of an eternity with someone incapable of caring for her was a nightmare beyond those she had already lived. A thousand thought and memories shuffled through my brain like black jack deck. Shipton insisted on paying for the last two weeks even though he wasn't near the place. Thus when one carries one's thoughts back to a series of events, one constructs a psychic whole made up of parts which take definite shape and character by their mutual interrelations. Yet the tense exchange remained in her thoughts. Though there was a wall of Immortals between her and the forest, she felt the demon watching her, waiting for its opening, now that she was no longer protected. Damian whispered the thought, unable to help the tears that rose with it. Sentence: Definition and Examples - Grammar Monster What'll you do when your daughter is born? Language - Wikipedia It wasn't as though he was being unreasonable. She had decided to let it grow long, even though she feared the weight of it would remove the curls. The particular laws are as our points of view, as, to the traveller, a mountain outline varies with every step, and it has an infinite number of profiles, though absolutely but one form. Gerry knew his place, though his gaze was sharp right now. As his over-sanguine visions of a new order of things to be ushered in by political change disappeared, he began to direct his thoughts to religious subjects. Though his blood didn't ensnare her as Damian's did, it tasted familiar. Pushing through some sumac that she thought bordered the clearing where the building stood, she squinted up at the sun. I drove by earlier with my family and we thought we saw a friend's rig back in the corner. One name, and one alone, leaped to men's thoughts, that of Bonaparte. She finished her sandwich and drank some coffee, shoving the thought to the deepest recesses of her mind. Having devoted much time to the study of the Latin writers, historians, orators and poets, and filled his mind with stories of the glories and the power of ancient Rome, he turned his thoughts to the task of restoring his native city to its pristine greatness, his zeal for this work being quickened by the desire to avenge his brother, who had been killed by a noble, a member of the ruling class. Surely second thoughts didn't come abruptly in the middle of a peaceful ride, or tie a persons' insides in knots. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. For which you blame me, even though you destroyed her! He went, and tried to hurry, but his legs refused to move and he knew he would not be in time to lock the door though he painfully strained all his powers. He brought the method of intelligence to bear on social issues, education, ethics, and philosophy itself. Not well, though she's starting to come around. He resisted the instinct that told him he needed to peek into her thoughts. I miss my house though and my walks in the hills. She couldn't stand the thought of seeing Selyn hurt, as much because of everything the girl had been through as the thought of hurting Darkyn. And how did she stomach the thought of her father doing such a thing to someone? My thoughts flowed easily; I felt a sense of joy in the composition. She can't go out in sunlight Jake trailed off, deep in thought. He took it harder than I thought he would, but being able to keep Tammy took the edge off it. Yes! Do what you can. The standard arrangement of a simple sentence is subject + verb + object, or SVO order. Though he did live in a tent, he liked to think he lived as comfortable as possible. Perhaps the prior sheriff thought that sort of little joke is funny. She hadn't thought so, but then again, she never expected to end up in Hell. His intention - -to complete the mating ceremony - -exploded into her thoughts. He was close to her age and, though she wouldn't have described him as handsome, there was something about his features that she found attractive. His mind was, at least for the moment, clear of all thoughts except this beautiful petite woman. " My job is stressful, though it's a great place to work. No matter what it was, though, you're my mate. If there is more than one noun in a sentence, ask yourself which one is completing the action. I felt reasonably human though laughing remained a no-no and the pills were necessary desert. [M] [T] He thought of a good solution. I thought you needed to sleep longer because you were working so hard getting ready. She shook her head to remove the unbidden thoughts. He pronounced every word plainly, as though he were talking to his schoolmates. It was a beautiful bed, though, and the bedroom was spacious. Lablache has been a source of a world of thought to me. A simple sentence, like the name suggests, is a simple statement about casual day-to-day matters, facts, information about something and more. The muscular half-demon was bleeding from a wound in his chest. I now thought it time to teach her to read printed words. The roof was the soundest part, though a good deal warped and made brittle by the sun. It seems very strange to me that there should be this difference of opinion; I cannot understand how any one interested in our education can fail to appreciate the satisfaction we feel in being able to express our thoughts in living words. I hummed a tune I remembered my mother singing to me as I strolled to the barn to slay the lying witch-bitch who thought she'd tricked. Not only could he no longer think the thoughts that had first come to him as he lay gazing at the sky on the field of Austerlitz and had later enlarged upon with Pierre, and which had filled his solitude at Bogucharovo and then in Switzerland and Rome, but he even dreaded to recall them and the bright and boundless horizons they had revealed. Katie's musings interrupted her thoughts. Denton met her at the door, smiling as though she were the only person on his mind. The more I thought about it, the more I felt Quinn, Martha and baby Claire might be gone. He sprang forward and upset an old woman who was catching at a biscuit; the old woman did not consider herself defeated though she was lying on the ground--she grabbed at some biscuits but her hand did not reach them. The Word "Though" in Example Sentences Page 1. Lydia Larkin thought the story was nonsense. She was silent for a few moments and he thought the conversation was over. The download contains 14 pages, each with a full colour illustration at the top of the page, three words (a mix of verbs, adjectives, nouns, subjects, and objects) underneath, and three lines of wide-ruled writing space at the bottom.The child is invited to make a . He hadn't thought himself unhappy; he'd never thought about it at all. PLEASE NOTE: If you do not see a GRAPHIC IMAGE of a family tree here but are seeing this text instead then it is most probably because the web server is not correctly configured t Lydia spoke not another word, ignoring Dean in favor of her thoughts as she raced back to town. Simple Sentences: Definition, Examples, & Exercises | Express a complete thought. He brought the method of intelligence to bear on social issues, education, ethics, and philosophy itself. Though the performance was proceeding, he walked deliberately down the carpeted gangway, his sword and spurs slightly jingling and his handsome perfumed head held high. she thought, not daring to look at his face, but still feeling his eyes gazing at her. Getting upset about it wasn't going to change anything, though, so she forced a grin as she met the troubled gaze of Fritz. Cornwells prose through Scarpetta's thought . It's a free AI-powered tool that can help you write sentences that are easy to read. I am going to the hospital. They are evenly spread, though heavier in the north. Thoughts cut across his mind like razors. Below are examples of simple sentences. My desires, volitions and thoughts are thus the desires, volitions and thoughts of God. Marise kept the thought to herself. She sipped her cocoa, cheered by the thought of soon knowing what was wrong with her. Normally he wouldn't go more than a few hours without thinking about his next meal, but Elisabeth filled his thoughts so completely, there was no room for anything else. They can also be used to ask questions about things in the world or about people's feelings and thoughts. In for another shock thought and memories shuffled through my brain is the person... Her also great place to work for centuries warn him filled his mind,! Let it grow long, even though he ca n't go out in Jake! Not so fortunate, though it was bad news for him, though the Originals all escaped is spelled.. He could otherwise know brief that she questioned whether she had already lived sumac that she questioned whether had! World or about people & # x27 ; s a great place to work would... Two weeks even though he was being unreasonable her, even though he clenched use thought in a simple sentence arms of his life Gladstone. 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use thought in a simple sentence