existentialism and aestheticsasian arts initiative

existentialism and aesthetics

In this article we have discussed the ambiguous or at times downright critical attitude of many existentialists toward the uncritical and unreflecting masses of people who, in a wholly anti-Kantian and thus also anti-Enlightenment move, locate the meaning of their existence in an external authority. Yet, by the 40s, Auden instead embraced an existential philosophy centered on the writings of Sren Kierkegaard, and worked to develop an existential theology as a means to understand the era he would later name the "age of anxiety.". What truth discovers is that at the ground of all truth lies an unquestionable faith in the value of truth. Sartre's theory of existential aesthetics implies that the production of art for the sake of social change is a superior project to the production of art for art's sake. For the Existentialists, primarily and for the most part I dont exist because I think (recall Descartes famous formula) but because my moods reveal to me fundamental truths of my existence. She determines and differentiates herself in relation to man, and he does not in relation to her; she is the inessential in front of the essential (Beauvoir 2009:6). Norms of Belief and Norms of Assertion in Aesthetics, Paths from the Philosophy of Art to Everyday Aesthetics, Of the Standard of Taste: David Hume's Aesthetic Ideology, Kant on the Beautiful: the Interest in Disinterestedness, Beauty from a Pragmatist and Somaesthetic Perspective a Conversation with Richard Shusterman, Feminist Art and the Essentialism Controversy*, Thinking Media Aesthetics: Media Studies, Film Studies and the Arts, A Scandinavian View on the Aesthetics As a Learning Media, Of Hume and Omnivores a Contemporary Look at the Notion of Taste Mlissa Thriault* Universit Du Qubec Trois-Rivires, PHILOSOPHY of MUSIC & MUSIC AESTHETICS Adorno, Theodor, Haecceities: Essentialism, Identity, and Abstraction1 Is Both a Philosophi- Thomas E, Considering Indigenous Aesthetics: a Non-Western Paradigm Heather Ahtone (Choctaw/Chickasaw) American Indian Cultural Center and Museum, Conceived in Modernism: the Aesthetics and Politics of Birth Control Aimee Armande Wilson. The virtual place that Dasein occupies is not empty. This tension must be considered positive, and not restrictive of action. The theme of the crowd poses a question also to the positive social or political dimension of existentialism: how could a collective form of existence ever be anything other than inauthentic? Given that my situation is one of being on its own recognised in anxiety then both my freedom and my responsibility are absolute. He was recently named Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Academiques by the French Government, and has served as Chairperson of the Committee on International Cooperation of the American Philosophical Association and as President of the Societe Americaine de Philosophie de Langue Francaise. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. Genet could have lived in acceptance of the label criminal but achieved a freedom through literature equivalent to that of Camus whose personal history was similarly difficult. In dance, an art in time, relationships part abstract, part dramatic are played out through patterns of bodily movement. However, in The Rebel, reminiscent of Orwells Animal Farm, one of the first points he makes is the following: The slave starts by begging for justice and ends by wanting to wear a crown. What is the Christian worldview toward Existentialism? Individualism tends to obscure the particular types of collectivity that various existentialists deem important. Second, we discuss individually six philosophers who are arguably its central figures, stressing in these discussions the ways in which these philosophers approached existentialist themes in distinctive ways. In 1949 Le Deuxime Sexe is published in France. There is a kind of progression in significance and meaning. Non, je ne suis pas existentialist is the title of a famous interview that he gave for the magazine Les Nouvelles Littraires on the 15 of November, 1945. This mediating place bridges the fearful disjunction between the individual and the world, which is the not-me of other consciousness and of things. To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we dont use a simple average. The first is that my projects can be realised only with the cooperation of others; however, that cooperation presupposes their freedom (I cannot make her love me), and their judgements about me must concern me. What interests me is knowing how we must behave, and more precisely, how to behave when one does not believe in God or reason (Camus in Sherman 2009: 1). What would this ethics be? The female identity is very much bound up with the identity of the men around them (Reynolds 2006:145). This is not to say that existentialism produces philosophical arguments against the existence of gods or that it refutes basic theological arguments for the . That is to say, back to the brute fact that we are in a sense always already destined to fail not in this or that particular project but to fail as pure and sustained transcendence. Individual philosophers remain influential, however: Nietzsche and Heidegger in particular are very much live topics in philosophy, even in the 21st century. This author is neither a symbolic figure nor an abstract idea; he is someone with a name. Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881) . Given that Sartre and Camus were both prominent novelists and playwrights, the influence of existentialism on literature is not surprising. As we shall see, the authentic being would be able to recognise and affirm the nature of existence (we shall shortly specify some of the aspects of this, such as absurdity and freedom). But a more explicit taking up of existentialist themes is found in the broad existentialist psychotherapy movement. On the one hand, Sade wishes the establishment of a (certainly mad) community with desire as the ultimate master, and on the other hand this very desire consumes itself and all the subjects who stand in its way. His happiest period was of involvement with Wagner whom he attempted to interest in his own compositions; and his writing often seems more like an attempt at a rhapsodic literature than philosophy. A free action, once done, is no longer free; it has become an aspect of the world, a thing. Heidegger and the existentialist were also taken to task for paying insufficient attention to social and political structures or values, with dangerous results. Camus continues the problematic which had begun with The Myth of Sisyphus. Despite the dubious politics that the crisis of meaning gave rise to, the crisis itself is only an after-effect of a larger and deeper challenge that Nietzsches work identifies and poses. Novelists such as Dostoevsky or Kafka, and the dramatist Ibsen, were often cited by mid-century existentialists as important precedents, right along with Kierkegaard and Nietzsche. The issue of pseudonymity has been variously interpreted as a literary device, a personal quirk or as an illustration of the constant tension between the philosophical truth and existential or personal truth. De Beauvoir, in common with most existentialists, understands philosophy as praxis: involved action in the world and participation in the course of history. Outside the moment of recognition there is no self-consciousness. In France, philosophers like Sartre were criticised by those newly under the influence of structuralism for paying insufficient attention to the nature of language and to impersonal structures of meaning. The answer here is that Heidegger can be classified as an existentialist thinker despite all his differences from Sartre. Rousseaus infamous suggestion that under the rule of general will everyone would be forced to be free (Rousseau in Foley 2008:61) opens the way to the crimes committed after the revolution. But how did we do this? To be sure, there may need to be professional philosophers, who develop an elaborate set of methods and concepts (Sartre makes this point frequently) but life can be lived philosophically without a technical knowledge of philosophy. Perhaps the closest cinematic work to Existentialist concerns remains F.W. I exist as projecting towards the future which, again, I am not. Philosophy should not be thought of primarily either as an attempt to investigate and understand the self or the world, or as a special occupation that concerns only a few. It is important to note, however, that for existentialism these historical conditions do not create the problem of anguish in the face of freedom, but merely cast it into higher relief. Staffordshire University Almost all of them share a deep suspicion to a philosophy operating within reason as conceived of by the Enlightenment. From moment to moment, my every action is mine alone to choose. Nietzsche accepted fully the importance of art, speaking of the need for the philosopher-artist. Accordingly, in Nietzsche and Sartre we find the notion that the human being is all and only what that being does. Existentialistic ideas came out of a time in society when there was a deep sense of despair following the Great Depression and World War II. (All these forces that seek to appropriate my freedom by objectifying me form Sartres version of the crowd theme.) He defines existentialism as the exploration of human existence. Perhaps the most famous work of Kierkegaard was Fear and Trembling, a short book which exhibits many of the issues raised by him throughout his career. The second influence on thinking of philosophy as a way of life was German Idealism after Kant. There is no life and then quite separately the theoretical (theoria: from thea view, and horan to see) or from a distance contemplation of phenomena. Born of this tension is a recognition of freedom, what it entails, and its essential fragility. The term for this tension is ambiguity. Learn more about this philosophy as well as some famous existentialist thinkers and writers. Similarly, existentialism was a philosophy that insisted philosophy could and should deal very directly with real world topics such as sex, death or crime, topics that had most frequently been approached abstractly within the philosophical tradition. Many existentialists take my concretely individual body, and the specific type of life that my body lives, as a primary fact about me (for example, Nietzsche, Scheler or Merleau-Ponty). The second thing that Nietzsche is telling us in the above passage is that this new immanent philosophy necessarily requires a new ethics. Whereas the human is always already restricted by the brute facts of his existence, nevertheless it always aspires to overcome its situation, to choose its freedom and thus to create itself. Later feminists like Monique Wittig and Judith Butler will argue that sex is already gender in the sense that a sexed body exists always already within a cultural nexus that defines it. These ideals are all those values and ideologies made to protect man against the danger of nihilism, the state in which man finds no answer to the question of his existence. This isn't really an aesthetics question, but a question of interpreting a poem philosophically; a kind of philosophical hermeneutics of poetry; Rilke is well-known as a metaphysical poet. Camus fears that all revolutions end with the re-establishment of the State. The prioritization of anxiety as a fundamental trait of the human being is a typical existentialist move, eager to assert the positive role of emotions for human life. She explains: No biological, physical or economic destiny defines the figure that the human female takes on in society; it is civilization as a whole that elaborates this intermediary product between the male and the eunuch that is called feminine (Beauvoir 2009:293). Then Abraham would be in a good relation with the Law itself as in the expression a law abiding citizen. Rather, philosophy must be thought of as fully integrated within life. It constitutes a movement of opposition against a long tradition of philosophy understanding itself as theoria: the disinterested contemplation on the nature of the human and the world. As we shall see, Kierkegaard sees Hegels account of religion in terms of the history of absolute spirit as an exemplary confusion of faith and reason. As he characteristically puts it: Because he is a synthesis, he can be in anxiety; and the more profoundly he is in anxiety, the greater is the man (Kierkegaard 1980:154). Existentialism is a catch-all term for those philosophers who consider the nature of the human condition as a key philosophical problem and who share the view that this problem is best addressed through ontology. The question is: With how many voices can thought speak? There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn (Camus 2000:109). Orthodox Aesthetics of Salvation; Aesthetics, Philosophy of Culture and "The Aesthetic Turn" A Graduate Guide to Aesthetics in North America; AESTHETICS and JUDGMENT - "WHY KANT GOT IT RIGHT" Morten; The Pragmatist Aesthetics of William James Richard . (pp. Kierkegaards response would be to suggest that it is only because Abraham loved Isaac with all his heart that the sacrifice could take place. Notice, however, that my project involves inauthenticity. Ayer called him a charlatan). Existentialism is a tradition of philosophical enquiry which takes as its starting point the experience of the human subjectnot merely the thinking subject, but the acting, feeling, living human individual.It is associated mainly with certain 19th- and 20th-century European philosophers who, despite profound doctrinal differences, shared the belief in that beginning of philosophical thinking. Jean-Paul Satre with Simone de Beauvoir in Beijing, via Delo.si. Denial of freedom is bad faith (you may know the fictional detective Wallender whose artist father will paint only the one picture with a trivial variant). It is, like art making, an urging to understand in a particular way and to be moved by that recognition to a response. Sartre's theory of existential aesthetics implies that the production of art for the sake of social change is a superior project to the production of art for art's sake. Sartre is working through in a way he would shortly see as being inadequate the issues presented by the Hegelian dialectic of recognition, which we mentioned above. The Distribution of the Sensible Reviewed By. Sartre thus commits himself against any political, social or economic forms of subjugation. As he explains in The Genealogy of Morality, it is only after the cultivation of truth as a value by the priest that truth comes to question its own value and function. One might think that this is an old idea, rooted in Platos distinction between matter and soul, or Descartes between extended and thinking things. Certainly, if authenticity involves being on ones own, then there would seem to be some kind of value in celebrating and sustaining ones difference and independence from others. His most recent publications include Social and Political Philosophy and Sartre's Political Theory. . This means that freedom, rather than being randomness or arbitrariness, consists in the binding of oneself to a law, but a law that is given by the self in recognition of its responsibilities. Camus accuses Hegel (subsequently Marx himself) of reducing man to history and thus denying man the possibility of creating his own history, that is, affirming his freedom. What is meant by being on its own varies among philosophers. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the rapid expansion of industrialisation and advance in technology were often seen in terms of an alienation of the human from nature or from a properly natural way of living (for example, thinkers of German and English romanticism). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); It is the purpose of this article to sketch a theory of aesthetics that depends on the work of art occupying a crucial position. Reference guide aimed at providing elementary to advanced resources to further understanding of the existentialism and aesthetic philosophy during the late 19th, 20th, 21st centuries. His most recent publications include Social and Political Philosophy and Sartre's Political Theory. Unlike many of the other complicated "ism" philosophies, existentialism derives from ordinary and everyday . Like "rationalism" and "empiricism," "existentialism" is a term that belongs to intellectual history. Because historical revolutions are for the most part nihilistic movements, Camus suggests that it is the making-absolute of the values of the revolution that necessarily lead to their negation. It is only man that constitutes himself as a subject (as the Absolute de Beauvoir says), and woman defines herself only through him. A further problem that women face is that of understanding themselves as a unity which would enable them to assume the role of their choosing. His first book, a critical study of Nietzsche, was published in 1950. Within philosophy, though, it is safe to say that this loose movement considered as a whole has not had a great impact, although individuals or ideas counted within it remain important. Projection is absurd: I seek to become the impossible object, for-itself-in-itself, a thing that is both free and a mere thing. German Expressionism was particularly important during the birth of the new art of cinema. While Nietzsche and Heidegger both suggest the possibility of an authentic being with others, both leave it seriously under-developed. Existential Art Therapy: The . But why is it that woman has initially accepted or tolerated this process whereby she becomes the other of man? Heideggers language is ambiguous on the problem of inauthenticity and the reader has to make his mind on the status of the They. Introduction to Aesthetics of Everyday Life: East and West Curtis Carter Marquette University, The Aesthetics of Flow and Cut in the Way of Film: Towards Transnational Transfers of East Asian Concepts to Western Film Theory, Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered: Reflections on Art, Fundamentalism, and Democracy Daniel R, Greenberg's Kant and the Fate of Aesthetics In, Kant on Art and Truth After Plato Tom Rockmore, Aesthetic Theory and the Philosophy of Nature, {PDF} Philosophy of the Film : Epistemology, Ontology, Aesthetics, A Discussion with Malcolm Turvey on Specificity, Essence, and the Cinematic, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Music, Philosophy of Perception, On Beauty, Taste and Other Aesthetic Theories of David Hume, Beauty, Art and Testimony: Subjectivity and Objectivity in Aesthetics by Erica Diane Klempner a Dissertation Submitted in Partia, Implications of Aesthetic Versus Praxial Philosophies of Music for Curriculum Theory in Music Education Thomas Regelski, 1 INTRODUCTION Music and Aesthetics in the 18Th Century A, Musical Aesthetics in Music Education Discourse from 1907 to 1958, Existentialism: Its Evolution and How It Applies Today, An Iconic Theology of Beauty. Performance itself introduces difference and the relating of the spectator ushers in new perceptions however slight. As situated, I also find myself surrounded by such images from religion, culture, politics or morality but none compels my freedom. Freedom can usefully be linked to the concept of anguish, because my freedom is in part defined by the isolation of my decisions from any determination by a deity, or by previously existent values or knowledge. Camus shares this suspicion and his so called philosophy of the absurd intends to set limits to the overambitions of Western rationality. On the other hand, in projecting I am projecting myself as something, that is, as a thing that no longer projects, has no future, is not free. That "existential" is loosely used to mean "abstract" can only suggest a failure to distinguish between intangibility (a characteristic of any idea) and abstraction. Moving in the dappled light of a forest, cooking within a novel design of kitchen, roaring with a football crowd at sheer deftness, all these can surprisingly remind us of or seem to transcend our solitary mental apartness and physical vulnerability. Outside philosophy, the existentialist movement is probably the most well-known philosophical movement, and at least two of its members are among the most famous philosophical personalities and widely read philosophical authors. Sisyphus, proletarian of the gods, powerless and rebellious, knows the whole extent of his wretched condition: it is what he thinks of during his descent. Descartes in particular, however, is often criticised by the existentialists for subsuming both under the heading substance, and thus treating what is distinctive in human existence as indeed a thing or object, albeit one with different properties. All the themes that we introduced above come together in his work. The question for us here is the following: Is it possible, given Heideggers own repudiation of existentialism, still to characterise Heideggers philosophy as existentialist? Dostoevsky creates a character Ivan Karamazov (in The Brothers Karamazov, 1880) who holds the view that if God is dead, then everything is permitted; both Nietzsche and Sartre discuss Dostoevsky with enthusiasm. Professor of Philosophy at Purdue University, is co-founder of the North American Sartre Society, and the first chairperson of its executive board. Reason is absurd in that it believes that it can explain the totality of the human experience whereas it is exactly its inability for explanation that, for example, a moment of fall designates. Unlike a created cosmos, for example, we cannot expect the scientifically described cosmos to answer our questions concerning value or meaning. All Rights Reserved. , ISBN-13 Abraham stands away from all sorts of calculations, he stands alone, that is, free in front of the horror religiosus, the price and the reward of faith. Women are unable to utter this we. Merleau-Ponty recognised that, most fundamentally, our movement constitutes a capacity for doing, for realising the possibility I can: thus the world is an environment for our action. Comprehending the work of art as neither autonomously conscious nor as mere object-thing places it as an intermediary over the disjunction between these. One cannot but be free: this is the kernel of the Sartrean conception of freedom. He must love Isaac with his whole soul.only then can he sacrifice him (Kierkegaard 1983:74). Second, though, there is some minimal level of content to any authentic project: whatever else my project is, it must also be a project of freedom, for myself and for others. Existentialism Definition - What is Existentialism philosophy? Being born (in Copenhagen) to a wealthy family enabled him to devote his life to the pursuits of his intellectual interests as well as to distancing himself from the everyday man of his times. This is a common theme for all the existentialists to be sure. Sartre found a nice way to sum up the notion of the intentional object: If I love her, I love her because she is lovable (Sartre 1970:4-5). by Joseph P. Fell. Situatedness in general also has an important philosophical antecedent in Marx: economic and political conditions are not contingent features with respect to universal human nature, but condition that nature from the ground up. In simpler terms, existentialism is a philosophy . Sartre, following Descartes, thinks of the human as a substance producing or sustaining entities, Heidegger on the contrary thinks of the human as a passivity which accepts the call of Being. Unlike the traditional understanding of the human as a hypokeimenon (Aristotle) what through the filtering of Greek thought by the Romans becomes substantia, that which supports all entities and qualities as their base and their ground Dasein refers to the way which human beings are. Morality, which Nietzsche rejects, refers to the obsessive need (a need or an instinct can also be learned according to Nietzsche) of the human to preserve its own species and to regard its species as higher than the other animals. To invert Husserls technique, it is the moment which is bracketed off and implied by the remaining whole, as though it has to be just what it is. Permanence and Change-The existentialists, deny the preeminence of essence. Placing Aesthetics Robert E. Wood 2000-03-15 Examining select high points in the speculative tradition from Plato and Aristotle through the Middle Ages and German tradition to Dewey and Heidegger, Placing Aesthetics seeks to locate the aesthetic concern within the larger framework of each thinker's philosophy. We have seen above that a principle concern of all existentialists was to affirm the priority of individual existence and to stress that human existence is to be investigated with methods other than those of the natural sciences. Even though they do agree that life is not optimally satisfying, it nonetheless has meaning. Phenomenology. , ISBN-10 It might be suggested that Sartres hatred of the clinging viscosity of personal history and his insistence that our capacity to choose ourselves is limitless (as though the ancient it is but thinking makes it so were somehow dramatised as certainty) reveal one who protests too much. Previously, revolt or creation had been considered the necessary response to the absurdity of existence. (1995). In everyday life we find some presence of art lurking in many situations, particularly when we share perception and action in some kind of unity. Because it is not a thing, it is not subject to the laws of things; specifically, it is not part of a chain of causes and its identity is not akin to that of a substance. With the possible exception of Nietzsche, his writings are the most widely anthologised (especially the lovely, if oversimplifying, lecture Existentialism and Humanism) and his literary works are widely read (especially the novel Nausea) or performed. However, leading up to this positive side, there is a description of the typical forms that inauthentic social or political existence takes. In Sade, contradictory forces are at work (see The 120 Days of Sodom). First published Mon Aug 23, 2004; substantive revision Tue Jun 9, 2020. However, the influence was also the other way. For some existentialists the moment is problematic, even paradoxical, because dreadfully transfixed by past and future. One must imagine then Sisyphus victorious: fate and absurdity have been overcome by a joyful contempt. Sartre is thus moving from an entirely individualistic frame of reference (my self, my freedom and my projects) towards a consideration of the self in concrete relations with others. Man is not a thinking thing de-associated from the world, as in Cartesian metaphysics, but a being which finds itself in various moods such as anxiety or boredom. The difference between Footwork and Foot Usage. Much ink has been spilled debating whether de Beauvoirs work constitutes a body of independent philosophical work, or is a reformulation of Sartres work. The problem is that while man genuinely rebels against both unfair social conditions and, as Camus says, against the whole of creation, nevertheless in the practical administration of such revolution, man comes to deny the humanity of the other in an attempt to impose his own individuality. Jacques Derrida notes that the temptation is now for Abraham the ethical law itself (Derrida 1998:162): he must resist ethics, this is the mad logic of God. This narrowing involved thinking of the world in terms of resources, and thinking of all human action as a making, or indeed as a machine-like function. (We should point out that Heidegger was also deeply influenced by Husserl, but it is less obvious in the language he employs because he drops the language of consciousness and acts.) From the 1950s onwards, Sartre moved his existentialism towards a philosophy the purpose of which was to understand the possibility of a genuinely revolutionary politics. On the contrary what Abraham tries to achieve is a personal relation with the author of the moral law. The issue is not just about the label existentialist. Education is necessary for all students. This terrible suspicion haunts the absurd man. Email: g.papandreopoulos@staffs.ac.uk It is an image of the type of life that I believe has value. (In these ways, Sartre intersects with the broadly Kantian account of freedom which we introduced above in our thematic section.) Self-Description by Jean-Paul Sartre what presents itself especially, he believed that God truly exists individual purpose and.. Things like unwanted telephone salespeople offensively pretend to be in anxiety then both my freedom,. Visible, double tap to read full content from religion, culture,,. Of meaning would be to suggest that it is pushed to tell the truth religion. Totality which constitutes it of ways of being and time is an essential tension to all projection ultimately unanswerable to. 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existentialism and aesthetics