deuteronomy 1:6 commentary

order in Hebrew is verb-subject-direct object. The first and introductory address of Moses to the people is here Others might be optional, but these feasts were obligatory. 36:13. Moses began his recollections of the journey by reminding the people that their coming possession of Canaan was solely because of Gods grace, not because of any virtue in them (1:1-8).Only through Gods mercy had they grown into a strong and contented people who enjoyed the blessing (rare among ancient races) of just, impartial and humanitarian government (9-18). The aged lawgiver in these last words was led of the Holy Ghost to speak home to their souls. from thence until the twentieth day of the second month in the _In the plain over against the Red sea._ _Suph, The consequence is that, though all have their place, these distinctions may here seem small indeed. In Deuteronomy 5:1-33 we come to still closer quarters. For he had himself told them to go up into the land; but they begged spies to search it first. It is not therefore a question of how far the offerings, etc. In Deuteronomy 6:1-25 we find the first of those texts which our Lord quotes. In the one case there was a remembrance of creation; in this case, of symbolic redemption, the bringing out of Egypt. They were a people brought into relationship with God, and the object of His words was to guard them from practical inconsistency with that relationship. c "Go to the hill-country of the Amorites, and to all the places near to it . God then judged that generation by decreeing that the Israelites fate would be as they had spoken: every numbered person twenty years and older will die in the wilderness. It is the same principle here again as elsewhere. it is an easy thing to say, "We have sinned;" but how often we have to learn that it is not the quick abrupt confession of sin which affords evidence that sin is felt! In Numbers 32:1 Israel is seen to remain in the area east of Jordan Moses told the *Israelites to do things because God had given *grace and love to them. See Romans 8:15. So Jehovah our God delivered into our hands Og also, the king of Bashan, and all his people." kind this book, while it does not want allusions to what God had said in all the other books, has, no less than the rest of them, its own peculiar character. "On comparing the decalogue as recorded inExodus 20:2-17; Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21, it will be observed, "1. The LORD our God spake unto us in (f) Horeb, saying, Ye have dwelt Not withstanding [Moses said] you rebelled against the Lord: And you murmured in your tents ( Deuteronomy 1:26-27 ). I know God will do it; I do not require to put Him to the proof. Many count it buried in Christ's grave, but it is not. Accordingly the very large introduction is an address to the people for the purpose of enforcing these claims. We may without difficulty see the admirable appropriateness of such an introduction. Jordan, in the wilderness, in the plain over against the Red Sea, Is this what you feel? In this case too we have the fact that there had been a great deal of fighting in previous days. "( Romans 6:6 ) Paul the apostle said, "I am crucified with Christ" ( Galatians 2:20 ). Jordan in the wilderness._ We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. ". In Deuteronomy 16:1-17 (where I now stop) we have the winding up of all this part the termination of the statutes which had to do with religion. Occasionally in Deuteronomy he supplemented what he had written earlier with other explanatory material. To what were they always inclined? were then offered but of a vast body of systematically-ordered teaching by types. country of the Amorites A disgraceful perversion; for Deuteronomy 10:6-7 is manifestly a parenthesis. "Then shalt thou enquire, and make search, and ask diligently; and, behold, if it be truth, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought among you; thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is therein, and the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword," the small things as well as great. Redemption accomplished; Christ the head of the church above; the Holy Ghost sent down here below; and all this borne witness to in the worship and in the ways of Christians and the church. A. Deuteronomy 17:15 = Yes. NUMBERS 10:11,12. Deuteronomy 1:6 LORD H3068 God H430 spoke H1696 (H8765) Horeb H2722 PROBLEM: According to Numbers 26:64-65, all the unbelieving generation (Audio only) Daily Bible readings from the Christadelphian Reading plan 31st Oct, 2 Chron 29, Dan 9, Acts 9. It is therefore the strongest assertion of His authority. The Lord our God, If people like to choose for themselves, as mere men, what an awful delusion it is to be choosing for God to be really governed by your own will in matters of religion! Did He offer him the book of the law with the one hand or the sword with the other? We're always the one that put the restrictions upon what God can do for us. 1:6-7. For a Jew no doubt there is the law of Moses. Go in" and the key is of course "to possess the land which the Lord has sworn to your fathers. But when we are called weak by God it is not a compliment. Cultural commentary from a Biblical perspective. They were the dues He demanded in virtue of His position as landlord of the people in the land. Let us now look at the details as far as it can be done in so brief a glance as we can afford to give it at present. What we have here is not a repetition; it leads us into things secret what wrought in the people and hindered their blessing. b "Turn you, and take your journey" ( Deuteronomy 1:7 a). Moses' First Sermon - a Recounting of the LORD's Faithfulness (1:6 - 4:43) III. There was incomparably greater strictness of judgment with the children of Israel than with all their enemies put together. The heart may be made up to follow the Lord, but the difficulties are still felt keenly; whereas the man who only theorises is ready in his own conceit, in word at least, to do anything; but there is no seriousness of spirit: he does not know himself yet. 6TheLordour MOSES DISCOURSE TO ISRAEL A summary of the address is given in the chapter-headings usually found in English Bibles. At the same time Moses, though well aware of this, reminds them of the real source of their misery, and of the judgment that had fallen on them from God. numbered and marshalled in order under four standards, and so We have here, I. So, all of these things transpired in Deuteronomy, as far as Moses was concerned, in the last forty days of his life; his final exhortations to the people prior to their crossing and entering into the land. The intercession of Moses prevailed so far for his brother and the people, that the one lived till near the end of the wanderings in the desert, and the others, instead of perishing as a whole at once, lived to take their journey from a land of wells (Beeroth) to Mosera where Aaron died at Mount Hor, and thence to Gudgodah, and to Jotbath, "a land of rivers of waters:" such was the patient goodness of God to both, as the long interval made the more marked.*. The man who said, "Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest," had no faith at all. And this is the first mentioned . "Rise ye up, take your journey, and pass over the river Arnon." Mark how very strikingly this is shown. and theirdescendants after them.. What a guard this was against the misuse of outward forms! Jesus quotes Deuteronomy three times when the devil tempts Him in the wilderness (Mt 4:1-11). The time was near the end of the fortieth year since they came out of Egypt. "But Sihon," it is said, "king of Heshbon, would not let us pass by him: for Jehovah thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as appeareth this day. Deuteronomy 1:6. or near it; for hither they came on the first day of the third month from their departure out of Egypt, and they did not remove from thence until the twentieth day of the second month in the second year, ( Exodus 19:1 ) ( Numbers 10:11 ) so that they were here a year wanting ten days; in which space of time the law was given . Following the giving of the civil laws, in Deut. Jehovah spake only here to "us". This he tried to conceal from One, all whose ways were obedience, venturing to insinuate what a noble demonstration of His Messiahship it would be. 95. speaks of the inland mountain range. We say, "Oh, but I'm so weak and I've tried so hard and you don't know how long I've been struggling with this thing". It is the due conduct of a people in relationship with Jehovah; no longer the bringing out of typical institutions, but the development of the moral ways which become the people with whom Jehovah had a present connection and intercourse on earth. And thou shalt love Jehovah thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And Israel bow to the will of their God. He will make clear But inasmuch as the Lord's three answers are taken from the early portion of Deuteronomy, which comes before us on this occasion, I have at once referred to this patent fact. Introduction: Moses will explain the law (1:1 - 5) II. _Jehovah . Numbers 10:11 KADESH-BARNEA Jehovah went along with them; and of course the faithful turned back just as much as the unfaithful. Ye have - "These be the words which Moses spake unto all Israel on this side "4. neighbors Indeed he could not have written either in its present form, because that in Exodus is Jehovistic, and older than the record in Deuteronomy. The Israelites refused, saying God had led them there to die. In examining Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers, we have found what may be called an abstract typical system. 2The people great and tall, the sons of the Anakim whom you know and about whom you have heard it said, 'Who can stand up against the sons of Anak?' He would have them happy in Himself, and enjoying all He had given them to enjoy. Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount.From the beginning of the second month of the first year of the exodus (Exodus 19:1) to the twentieth day of the second month of the second year (Numbers 10:11). This section begins with the covenant name of God, the LORD (or Yahweh). * It is a familiar point to many, but may claim a brief notice here, especially as all do not see its bearing in by no means the least striking of the ten words; I speak of the law of the sabbath. Obedience is the real spring of blessing, as disobedience is the sure pathway of ruin. The word of Jehovah mentioned here is not found in this form in the previous history; but as a matter of fact it is contained in the divine instructions that were preparatory to their removal (Numbers 1-4 and Numbers 9:15-10:10), and the rising of the cloud from the tabernacle, which followed immediately afterwards (Numbers 10:11). With this they did not at all like to comply; and thus the same spirit which declined to go up in obedience to Jehovah refuses to go back in submission to Him. His Father will take care of him. Hence there is a tone of exceeding seriousness, as well as of chastened affection; there is a solemnity founded on the grand dealings of a God whose faithful and holy hand was now ushering them into His land. None ever honoured God's word as Christ did. journey. Deuteronomy is the record of that exhortation. It was simply a question of subjection to God and obeying Him, who had from the first a plan for the nations round Israel as their centre. Historical Part of the First Good instructions from parents and ministers will but aggravate our condemnation if we do not live up to them. No matter what it may cost, he assumes that he will at once go through with the will of the Lord. "I will not give you of their land." God is saying to you, "Hey, you've been there long enough, walking in circles. Mount Horeb (Exodus 3). This is now developed. Yet he discourses not to them concerning military affairs, the arts and stratagems of war, but concerning their duty to God; for, if they kept themselves in his fear and favour, he would secure to them the conquest of the land: their religion would be their best policy. Moses' instruction will now commence, recapitulating their history, If therefore God was dishonoured by the high places, they must all come down. There may be lands where everything morally is at the lowest point, and where therefore a wrong is less severely estimated than elsewhere. The fixed use of the name Horeb to designate the mountain group in general, instead of the special name Sinai, which is given to the particular mountain upon which the law was given, is in keeping with the rhetorical style of the book. Such was the uniform walk of Jesus. ( Romans 7:24 ). The priests were Levites. If they betook themselves to rites and ceremonies as a means of pleasing God, Jesus gave Himself up to unreserved obedience was Himself the constant pattern of One who never sought His own will. And so they departed from Horeb. Scripture: John 10:10; Exodus 2:23 - 25; Dt. Is there anything so wholesome! In Deuteronomy 15:1-23 we find a similar principle as to the year of release. The book from which they were selected had itself a special appropriateness to the occasion, as we shall see: can it be doubted that the blessed Lord knew this infinitely well when He was pleased to use it? And then he really started getting on God's case. For we must remember that the sabbath does not mean a seventh day, as some persons (I am sorry to say) equivocate; but the seventh day and no other. It was only eleven days journey from Mount Sinai to Kadesh-barnea, and about the same from Kadesh to the plains of Moab where the people now were, but they had taken forty years to get there. Hence therefore we see why it is that the first circumstance in their history brought before them was that God told them not to go up to the mountain of the Amorites; but they would go up in self-will and self-confidence, and utterly failed before their enemies. They possess that inimitable solemnity which cannot be so much uttered in words as felt in the general bearing of the book. The less that Israel felt they had failed, the more Jesus felt it for them. They had marched round to the eastern side of the Jordan; they were now on that border of the land, after God's long-continued process of dealing with them in the wilderness had come to its full measure. And this is enforced in the very words which our Saviour employed. Promised Lan DEUTERONOMY: GODS LAW OF LOVE O. T. i. (Deuteronomy 1:6 to Deuteronomy 3:29) _ 1. Give, Ex 18:21 Nu 11:16,17 Ac 1:21-23 6:2-6 Deuteronomy 1 Resources - Multiple Sermons and Commentaries His preface is a persuasive to obedience ( v. 1-3 ). Not surprisingly, they were defeated and driven back into the wilderness (41-46). But their fathers would not obey at that time. Godspoke to us at Horeb, saying, You havestayed long But nobody knows about the sabbath-day unless Jehovah command it. Let's turn to Deuteronomy. They got their eyes upon the obstacles rather of than the power of God to remove the obstacles.And this is the mistake that we so often make as we look at our own lives and we look at the dominion that our flesh has had over us. Yet in this thing ye did not believe Jehovah your God, who went in the way before you, to search you out a place to pitch your tents in, in fire by night, to show you by what way ye should go, and in a cloud by day." Whatever we are called out for is what Satan endeavours to destroy. So, they are words of encouragement as he is recounting that which God has done. This too explains why the book of Deuteronomy is made use of in the New Testament in so very striking a manner, and in circumstances so eminently critical. of a collection of the final utterances of Moses and is a Book of At the same time we are told how the tribe of Levi was separated, after having brought in (in an episodical way) an allusion to Aaron's death. Yet he discourses not to them concerning military affairs, the arts and stratagems of war, but concerning their duty to God; for, if they kept themselves in his fear and favour, he would secure to them the conquest of the land: their religion would be their best policy. With the exception of the first two verses of chapter 1, MOSES RECALLS THE START FROM HOREB It was to be a real fealty: it was not merely a dogma pure and simple, but to be known as a fact. But also it would appear that the deepest wisdom lay in citing from that book, as well as its most applicable words. Meekness is to be strong and able to do harm, but restrained and gentle. An Israelite king could not take many wives because they would lead him astray from the Lord. On the other hand, there is no mercy but ruthless severity always served out to those who refuse to fraternise, not to speak of ceaseless enmity to those who condemn and oppose. long enough for the two and a half tribes to build cities. That is why the book of Deuteronomy reiterates and expands on the covenant to a new generation of Israelites poised to enter and conquer the Promised Land. Then in Deuteronomy 13:1-18 there is a similar line, all these early injunctions being what we may call religious statutes. called an abstract typical system. It represented that death which befell the Lamb, and arrested the judgment of God which had gone out against us because of sin. And this is another chapter from which our Lord quotes when tempted, to which we may refer in passing. Pastor Craig Hall teaches Wednesday night Bible study from Calvary Chapel Fortuna. They were not compelled to take this to the one place that God had consecrated. This was their boast. No signup or install needed. Thus when the story of their rebellion is mentioned, it leads Moses to go back and to trace how this spirit betrayed itself even so early as at Horeb; for when it is a question of rebellion, we must go to the root of it. in keeping with the rhetorical style of the book." All this was now closed. Moses recounts for them the history of what had taken place before as a warning not to repeat the same mistakes. That it is said of both, " God spake all these words." Nothing of the sort. It is very possible that not a single institution during that time may have been strictly enforced or obeyed among the people. _by,_ or _near Horeb._ In this first speech, which ends at the 43rd LOVE AND OBEY THE *LORD YOUR GOD The remembrance of their own estate as slaves in Egypt till delivered by Jehovah is most suitable in verse 15; but it is certain that this is an appeal to their hearts, not the ground stated by God in promulgating the fourth commandment. The same with Sinai, as Aben Ezra observes; while the Israelites lay encamped near this mountain, the Lord spoke unto them: saying, ye have dwelt long enough in this mount: or near it; for hither they came on the first day of the third month from their departure out of Egypt, and they did not remove from thence until the twentieth day of the second month in the second year, Exodus 19:1 so that they were here a year wanting ten days; in which space of time the law was given them, the tabernacle and all things appertaining to it were made by them, rulers both ecclesiastical and civil were appointed over them, and they were numbered and marshalled in order under four standards, and so ready to march; and all this being done, they must stay no longer, but set forward for the land of Canaan. Moses mentions how the saying pleased him: here things are stated exactly as they were. If truth be abandoned, it indicates the power of Satan as the source, and not the true God. The other had its place when God was giving the book of Leviticus. I do not mean that there should not be the profoundest feeling of gratitude, and the fullest expression of thanksgiving to God. God had already multiplied the Israelites, and He was ready to give them the land. It reminds them of his gracious acts on their behalf and calls from them a fitting response of covenant loyalty. "When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.". Deuteronomy also shows us how to show our love for God and for people. "I have given Mount Seir unto Esau for a possession." We are far from being then on the ground of a mere rehearsal of what has been shown in the previous books. Not only did the Lord say the right thing, but the ground, the line, and the spirit of the book whence He chose His answers were such as took the becoming place under such circumstances before God. This was their point of imitating God. 7-9). Genesis describes Gods plan to bless the Israelites and the world through one man named Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3). What did it matter about all others? (There are eleven days' journey from Horeb by way of mount Seir to Kadeshbarnea.) II. Verse Deuteronomy 1:6. These figures Moses was inspired to give as a whole to the people, entirely apart from the question whether they were or could be carried out according to the letter while passing through the wilderness. Above all the prime object is to press obedience on the people of God, but the obedience of a people who had already found what it was to have utterly broken down on their own assumed responsibility. Horeb was the general name of 94.]. So he's getting up there now, about a hundred and twenty years old. It was otherwise with Mahomet. ", Then comes (ver. Amorites, and to all their neighbors in the Arabah, in the hill Moses-' first discourse, based on JE in Ex. And Jehovah our God delivered him before us; and we smote him, and his sons, and all his people." _THE LORD OUR GOD SPAKE UNTO US IN HOREB,_ &C. Rather Such moral motives as are added are therefore as appropriate in Deuteronomy as they could not, ought not to, be in Exodus. This was the substantial meaning of the tithes and other requisitions (ver. Hence, if darkness had not veiled their eyes, they would have seen that the latter clause of Deuteronomy 5:12 cited could not be in Exodus, and that its existence in Deuteronomy proves that we have here a grave and instructive reference to the commandments formally given in the second book of Moses. Introduction: Moses will explain the law (1:1 - 5) II. verse of the fourth chapter, Moses reminds the Israelites of the Ye have dwelt long enough, c. They came to Sinai in the third month after their departure from Egypt, Exodus 19:1-2 and left it the twentieth of the second month of the second year, so it appears they had continued there nearly a whole year. review. Meditation. About a hundred and twenty-six miles from Mount Horeb to Kadeshbarnea. _SIHON_. Sep 20, 2022, 25 views. Search But one must only expect this from men whose aim is to reduce the inspired writers to their own level, and who think that piety can co-exist with fraud, yea, with fraudulent falsehood about God. is the way God operates throughout scripture. There is a third feast, that of tabernacles. He called the judges to conduct their legal procedures with equity, knowing that every judgment belongs to the LORD. Accordingly this is the solemn and central truth that is brought in here. We can all see how very bad it was in Israel; but do we feel that it is still worse in the Christian? "The Lord our God spoke to us at Horeb, saying, You have stayed long enough at this mountain. So, their fear was inspired because of these cities that were high and walled and because the people, the inhabitants were large, gigantic kinds of people. It is obedience. The chief point to observe is that there was not a spirit of obedience in the people, and this they lacked because there was no faith in God. Listen, God'll take you all the way if you'll just believe Him and trust Him for it. He might and would give it to them, but still He always kept His place. ii., pp. He gives gifts to If we have," &c. In the same sceptical spirit follows Dr. Colenso. Not so. Surely this again makes it too plain to call for many words of ours to demonstrate what Moses, or rather God Himself, has in view in all these chapters. God led them to the edge of the Promised Land and told them to conquer it. The other whom Jesus called thought about his father and mother; he would like to see them first. The name Deuteronomy means "second law." It was the second giving of the Mosaic Law, the first being at Mount Sinai. Again, what can be more simple and appropriate than that Moses at the close should omit the name and counsel of Jethro, and bring the people into greater prominence than himself in the choice of rulers? All the previous part prepares the way. In Psalms it says, "And they limited the holy one of Israel by their unbelief" ( Psalms 78:41 ). Know ye not that the old man was crucified with Christ? The inspired editor may have given later names, and added "as it is in this day," or explanatory remarks. This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the nations that are under the whole heaven, who shall hear report of thee, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of thee. Now the life of the spirit begins with the death of the old nature, the old man, which is the position that we must take by faith. Hey, it's time to go in and begin to possess that which God has promised unto you." Was not this a positive promise? So it was done; but it is added that, when they did depart from Horeb and went through the wilderness, "which ye saw by the way of the mountain of the Amorites, I said unto you, Ye are come unto the mountain of the Amorites, which Jehovah our God doth give unto us. Like Moses and the people of Israel, failure to trust God can have serious consequences in life, but our failure is ultimately redeemed by God's grace. It is rather a proof of hardness of heart. It is remarkable that, even though in this connection Moses gives them what are called the ten commandments, there is nevertheless an express and manifest difference in the form as compared with Exodus; so little is Deuteronomy a mere rehearsal of the earlier books. Israels covenant God (the LORD) is the possessor of all the earth The fact is that, no matter what might be the measure of carrying them out in the wilderness, God was setting forth by them the shadows of good things to come. However the "strife" (Deuteronomy 1:12) of the people would prove to be their undoing. The essential revelation of God to us is the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost the Father displayed by the Son, and made known by the Spirit. If the rigidly literal meaning of the phrase 'God spake these words' is not adhered to in the case of the one record, it need not in the case of the other. But the cry must come, "Who shall deliver me?" "You've encompassed this mount" God said, "long enough. CONTENTS: Review of the failure at Kadesh-barnea. And it is always our unbelief that places the limitations upon the work that God is seeking to do in our lives. A great auditory, no question, he had, as many as could crowd within hearing, and particularly all the elders and officers, the representatives of the people; and, probably, it was on the sabbath day that he delivered this to them. Deuteronomy, spite of its Septuagintal title, is no such repetition; but the Spirit of God by Moses has given us, along with special moral exhortation, such types as bear on the position of the people on the very edge of the promised land. This closes the first part of Deuteronomy. tr A. I do not envy them the thought that God has not revealed His mind about what is nearest to Himself, and what most of all is bound up with His glory! If it were merely a question of man, nobody would think of choosing for another. It was revealed as the great operative truth, continually impressed on Israel their one true God. I have no hesitation in subscribing the opinion that our Lord Jesus chose them not only because they were in themselves exactly such as met and confronted Satan's temptations perfectly, but because there was a moral suitability in the fact that they were the words addressed to the people when ruin had already come in when nothing but the grace of God was afresh appealing to them before they were brought into the holy land. "but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of Jehovah doth man live." And they took of the fruit of the land in their hands, and brought it down unto us, and brought us word again, and said, It is a good land which Jehovah our God doth give us. But Moses began with This fact appears to be of some importance, because notoriously difficulties have been raised, on the score of practicability, as to the various ordinances requiring sacrifices and offerings where the means did not appear. 1. (There are eleven days' journey from Horeb to Kadeshbarnea.) It is not the people's consecration to God, but their discipline, the trial of heart, and exercise by the way to which Jehovah subjected the people; and a most instructive section it is in this point of view. (1) Et non sans cause; and not without reason. Boy, what a horrible thing to say.So, the people were discouraged and they said, The people are greater and taller than we are; the cities are great and walled up to heaven; and we have seen the sons of the Anakims ( Deuteronomy 1:28 ). Soul, and numbers, we have here is not a single institution during that time may given! However the `` strife '' ( Deuteronomy 1:12 ) of the civil laws, in the wilderness._ 'll... Then offered but of a mere rehearsal of what had taken place before a. For Deuteronomy 10:6-7 is manifestly a parenthesis here Others might be optional, but he! Would prove to be their undoing not that the deepest wisdom lay in citing from book. 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deuteronomy 1:6 commentary