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sudden unexplained death in adults

The authors declare no conflict of interest. In Figure 1, a system of classification of SD is proposed. At necropsy, abnormalities that might have been associated with a seizure were bruising of the tongue in 17%, and in 7.6% petechial haemorrhages in the mucous membranes were described. Sudden and unexpected death due to hemorrhage from occult central nervous system lesions. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Postmortem toxicology was performed in 101 of the cases and of the 81 cases in which the results were available, only 65 were tested for anticonvulsants. [3] [4] The syndrome is rare in most areas around the world but occurs in populations that are culturally and genetically distinct. The aorta is the largest artery in the body. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help The usefulness of traditional X-ray images and post-mortem computed tomography (PMCT) is useful in visualizing calcified plaques, hemopericardium, and valves, and in identifying and locating cardiovascular devices [124,125]. In the definition of SD, it is important to clarify the meaning of the term unexplained: indeed, in common forensic practice, a death is defined unexplained only after an adequate post-mortem investigation. Miles C.J., Behr E.R. Ullal A.J., Abdelfattah R.S., Ashley E.A., Froelicher V.F. described two cases who died from non-traumatic ICH [, Brain infarction secondary to atherosclerosis or embolism. Your email address will not be published. How to Determine if you are a Disciple of Jesus Christ or Not, Does Your Family Believe You are Out of Your Mind? They cannot be allowed to call a loved ones death SADS. We respect your email privacy ), 3Forensic Medicine, Department of Law, Economy and Sociology, Campus S. This cause is considered one of the natural causes of nc-SD [, Asthma. These occurrence rates would be equivalent to a total of 3338 cardiac, and of 143 unexplained, sudden and unexpected deaths . In a recent study performed in Denmark in young people with uncontrolled asthma, Gullach et al. Stein P.D., Henry J.W. But the data for 2021 and 2022 shows that there have been anywhere from around 290 cases to 390 people aged 15-44 requiring an ambulance for cardiovascular cases per week. A practical flowchart that should be applied in all cases of SD. This has to stop. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help I did not take the shothad covid before any symptoms were being published. But the most concerning figures are the mortality rates among those vaccinated at least 21 days ago, which you can see more clearly in the following chart . Approximately 60% of 15002000 necropsies each annum comprise sudden unexpected or unexplained deaths. Introduction. Notably, when other causes are excluded, this tragic event may be related to different pathological statuses such as adrenal insufficiency (although infrequent, it may occur in individuals treated for other critical conditions where impairment of corticoadrenal function often happen) [98,99], diabetic coma [100], severe hypothyroidism (myxedema) [101], parathyroid crisis [102,103], thymoma [104], etc. Sudden unexplained death in adults. Very occasionally, they present as a sudden death, an extradural haematoma being the cause of death in only one patient in the department of forensic medicine files from 1995 to 1998. A sudden cardiac death case. Also, in senate hearings Rand Paul was demanding that Dr. Mengele (fauci) tell if he received royalties from any entity that he later funneled funds to. Required fields are marked *. The source of the haemorrhage may be difficult to determine, but has been attributed to tearing of small blood vessels in the walls of the ventricular system, including the interventricular septum and in the choroid plexus,49 therefore reflecting a degree of injury consistent with inner cerebral trauma.50 In addition, the deformation of central portions of the brain may cause sufficient dilation of the ventricular system to result in the rupture of small blood vessels beneath the ependyma.51 Sometimes, it is caused by extension of midline haemorrhages into the ventricular system, or there is evidence of diffuse brain damage.5254, The forensic pathologist not infrequently undertakes a necropsy on a patient who has died rapidly, usually with features of external trauma to the head, but without obvious external abnormality of the brain. It is responsible for collecting and publishing statistics related to the economy, population and society at national, regional and local levels. Mercolas headlines is a whitewash, giving it a misleading slant. However, death is often preceded by witnessed fits, with these comprising 67% of cases in the series of Kloster and Engelskjon17 and 50% in the study by Leestma and colleagues13; in addition, SUDEP often occurs while the person is asleep, comprising between 4060%1718 and 79% of cases.20. Cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death registries: A systematic review of global coverage. Pediatr Neurosurg. Lindbohm J.V., Kaprio J., Jousilahti P., Salomaa V., Korja M. Risk Factors of Sudden Death from Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. In particular, smokers had a 3-fold greater incidence of SD than non-smokers; moreover, the abuser (meaning smokers of >1 pack per day) had higher rates than did smokers of <1 pack per day [26]. Kjrulff M.L.B.G., Astrup B.S. Zhuo L., Zhang Y., Zielke H.R., Levine B., Zhang X., Chang L., Fowler D., Li L. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: Evaluation of forensic autopsy cases. Khera A.V., Mason-Suares H., Brockman D., Wang M., VanDenburgh M.J., Senol-Cosar O., Patterson C., Newton-Cheh C., Zekavat S.M., Pester J., et al. Any doctor worth their salt would not instantly use the above to claim that Covid-19 vaccination is the cause of a sudden uptick in Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. Major pulmonary embolism: Review of a pathophysiologic approach to the golden hour of hemodynamically significant pulmonary embolism. I do have friends who had covid and now have problems with taste and sense of smell. Since the rollout of the COVID jabs, the news has been chockful of reports of young, healthy and often athletic people dying for no reason and doctors claim to be baffled by it. GIVE ME A BREAK! On average the one-dose vaccinated were 51% more likely to die than the unvaccinated between 1st Jan 21 and 31st Jan 22. This is the leading cause of death in people with uncontrolled seizures. National Library of Medicine Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Acute Pulmonary Embolism Stratified According to Their Presenting Syndromes. Santacroce R., Santoro R., Sessa F., Iannaccaro P., Sarno M., Longo V., Gallone A., Vecchione G., Muleo G., Margaglione M. Screening of mutations of hemophilia A in 40 Italian patients: A novel G-to-A mutation in intron 10 of the F8 gene as a putative cause of mild hemophilia a in southern Italy. Sessa F., Messina G., Russo R., Salerno M., Castracani C.C., Distefano A., Volti G.L., Calogero A.E., Cannarella R., Mongioi L.M., et al. The most common mechanism of death is raised intracranial pressure as a result of an intracranial expanding (space occupying) lesion, as in intracerebral, extradural, and subdural haematoma, tumour, or abscess. In the absence of any clear circumstantial evidence, such as a witnessed seizure, the cause of death may well be ascribed to the pathology rather than the epilepsy. Other causes of SD strictly related to the respiratory system are: Among the nc-SDs, an important category is the imbalance of the autonomic nervous system control of the cardiovascular system. Influence of Football on Physiological Cardiac Indexes in Professional and Young Athletes. Cardiovascular causes of sudden unexpected death in children and adolescents (017 years): A nationwide autopsy study in the Netherlands. There are small hives on my left arm where the elbow meets the forearm on the upside of my arm. SADS experts say there is no relation between Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome and COVID-19 vaccines. Caused by a global mass vaccination campaign led by the Pharma masters of BMGF/WHO/CDC that illogically (but profitably) targeted a rapidly mutating coronavirus. This situation has happened maybe once in my whole career, when two arrests happened on the same floor or unit within a short time period., And, while medical staff still are not speaking out publicly, the reality of the situation appears to be dawning inside the hospital walls, in private conversations between staff. Other causes may be related to the sudden withdrawal of steroids or other drugs. In these cases, analysis was negative in just over a third and subtherapeutic values were identified in most of the others. Indeed, in a recent article by Vos et al. 2002 Jan;55(1):44-50. doi: 10.1136/jcp.55.1.44. It was not until April 2021 that we saw a significant increase among people under the age of 30 though, and it again has increased month on month since then. Done! This disparity reflects the more restrictive coroners' laws in England and Wales, whereby the certifying doctor must have seen the deceased during their last illness, usually within 14 days of death, failing which a coroner's necropsy will be required. Kornegoor R., A A Brosens L., Roothaan S.M., Smits A.J.J., Vink A. Digitalization of post-mortem coronary angiography. But rulership by psychopaths is only ONE part of the equation that makes up the destructive human condition as the referenced article explains. Aortic Rupture. Ethanol was the most used substance, followed by legal drugs (meaning therapeutic drugs) and drugs of abuse. Major and Massive Hemoptysis: Reassessment of Conservative Management. A retrospective review of cases from the department of forensic medicine and science during the years 19916 showed that a relatively constant proportion of deaths was attributed to epilepsy (0.71.8%). Acute liver failure. Cunningham K.S. In his June 13, 2022, Substack article,40 Kory also shares insider information from a senior ICU and ER nurse who suffered blood clotting injuries, spontaneous unstoppable bleeding and cervical lymph node enlargement following her second Pfizer dose. The major cancer hospital where she works now have caseloads in the thousands, she says, whereas before the average caseload was between 250 and 400 in any given quarter. I WILL NOT GIVE THE GOVERNMENT THE SATISFACTION OF TURNING A FAMILY TRAGEDY INTO A MOCKERY. Authors M Black 1 , D I Graham. There is no universally accepted definition of sudden death, and time periods ranging from 1 to 48 h have been used in several countries. Xu K., Tang X., Song Y., Chen Z. 8600 Rockville Pike As the Pfizer Comirnaty trial continues in New Zealand, we are seeing an unexplained rise in cases of sudden death, many of whom were otherwise fit and healthy which makes this all the more alarming and begs the question, is there is a correlation between vaccination and deaths and the mysterious new condition referred to as SADS sudden adult death syndrome. Lambert A.B.E., Parks S.E., Camperlengo L., Cottengim C., Anderson R.L., Covington T.M., Shapiro-Mendoza C.K. Sudden death from massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage associated with crack cocaine use: Case report and review of the literature. And they reveal that the risk of death increases significantly immediately after vaccination. A recent article suggests that cardiac troponin I (cTnI) values in pericardial fluid and the troponin ratio (pericardial fluid/serum ratio) may be helpful in SCD [40]. The brain was submitted for formal neuropathology in 41 of the 131 cases (31.3%). And therefore one better RE-learns what a psychopath REALLY is (see cited source above). A few hospital based studies have also suggested a somewhat higher mortality after rupture of posterior circulation saccular aneurysms,31,32 whereas others have failed to detect any differences in outcome.3336, The frequency of posterior circulation saccular aneurysms has been variably reported as between 5% and 10% of all intracranial aneurysms,32,33,37 whereas in some referral based medical centres the frequency of posterior circulation aneurysms may approach 20%.35,38 The under representation of posterior circulation aneurysms in most other series of patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage is explained, in part, by the high early mortality associated with a rupture before the patient receives medical attention. Seo M.H., Sung W.Y. Campuzano O., Allegue C., Partemi S., Iglesias A., Oliva A., Brugada R. Negative autopsy and sudden cardiac death. In these cases, innovative approaches are frequently proposed. The use of post-mortem imaging is very important in the classification of SCD. Based on these criteria, they may be divided into coronary and non-coronary causes: The so-called SCDs in the majority of cases are due to coronary artery disease. Obviously, from a forensic point of view, autopsy findings should be carefully evaluated as well as the crime scene investigation with the relative circumstances and the medical history of the victim. Comprehensive review of cardiovascular toxicity of drugs and related agents. Its pressing us against the walls. The following chart shows the average-age standardised mortality rate to have occurred between 1st Jan 21 and 31st Jan 22 by vaccination status for all-cause deaths, per 100,000 person-years among adults aged 18 to 39 in England . In England and Wales, approximately 80% of cases reported to the coroner will be natural deaths. The above article is almost total speculation, drawing conclusions to two events because, why not? Based on these considerations, SD may be classified under the criteria of the anatomical system involved. Increased COVID-related SCD [sudden cardiac death] appears to be due, at least in part, to a recent history of infection and/or vaccination that induces inflammatory and immune impairment that injures the heart. You will have to cite something other than a fact check site. Pellegrino P.L., Bafunno V., Ieva R., Brunetti N.D., Mavilio G., Sessa F., Grimaldi M., Margaglione M., Di Biase M. A Novel Mutation in Human Ether-a-Go-Go-Related Gene, Alanine to Proline at Position 490, Found in a Large Family with Autosomal Dominant Long QT Syndrome. There are occasional examples caused by rupture of a vascular malformation or in association with a blood dyscrasia, sickle cell disease, or antithrombolytic treatment. Of the 3,500 cases, 1,500, or 43%, were SIDS, or unexplainable infant deaths. Ill tell you inside scoop from the floors and suites. He was a true believer and in denial until it was him who was the injured patient, she told Kory. A sudden death is any kind of death that happens unexpectedly. Shirazi S., Mami S., Mohtadi N., Ghaysouri A., Tavan H., Nazari A., Kokhazadeh T., Mollazadeh R. Sudden cardiac death in COVID-19 patients, a report of three cases. Heres the answer, heres what that ULTIMATELY means, It means that a mafia network of manipulating PSYCHOPATHS are governing big businesses (eg official medicine), nations and the world, the evidence is OVERWHELMING and TOTALLY IRREFUTABLE read The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid Phenomenon sudden natural causes, such as heart attack, brain haemorrhage, or cot death. It has been described that the risk of this tragic event increases progressively with increased weight, arriving at more than doubled for those weighing 120% or more than their ideal weight [25]. Menezes R.G., Ahmed S., Pasha S.B., Hussain S.A., Fatima H., Kharoshah M.A., Madadin M. Gastrointestinal causes of sudden unexpected death: A review. Imaging and virtual autopsy: Looking back and forward. DOvidio C., Carnevale A., Grassi V.M., Rosato E., Del Olmo B., Coll M., Campuzano O., Iglesias A., Brugada R., Oliva A. The drugs most commonly associated with this are ecstacy (MDMA; 3:4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine), other amphetamines, and cocaine. In all cases, an autopsy should be considered mandatory in order to ascertain the exact cause of death. This becomes obvious once you know where to look. Ackerman M.J. State of Postmortem Genetic Testing Known as the Cardiac Channel Molecular Autopsy in the Forensic Evaluation of Unexplained Sudden Cardiac Death in the Young. Sudden unexplained death in alcohol misuse (SUDAM) patients have different characteristics to those who died from sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS). Goldstein R.D., Blair P., Sens M.A., Shapiro-Mendoza C.K., Krous H.F., Rognum T.O., Moon R.Y. A disturbing signal screaming from the original clinical trials data,21 VAERS data,22 life insurance data,23 disability data,24 reports of cardiac arrests of professional athletes,25 rises in ambulance calls for cardiac arrests in pre-heart attack age young people,26 and the massive increases in illnesses and data manipulations27 in Department of Defense databases. September 10, 2022 - Gateway Pundit: 1100 Athletes Die From Sudden Death From 1966-2004, At Least 673 Have Died Since January 2021, Number Likely Higher - READ, Referencing - 2006 STUDY. For example, pulmonary thromboembolism has been identified as one of the common clinical pictures of COVID-19, justifying SD in several subjects who died from SARS-CoV-2 infection [54,55,56]. The medico-legal term sudden death (SD) (also called sudden and unexpected natural death) refers to those deaths that are not preceded by significant symptoms. See: If our website is seized and shut down, find us on, MeWe, and Telegram, as well as Bitchute and Odysee for further instructions about where to find us. The minimum volume required to form a significant space occupying lesion and thus potentially produce a fatal outcome is variably reported between 35 and 100 ml. 1Department of Forensic Medicine and Science, University of Glasgow, University Avenue, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK, 2Department of Neuropathology, University of Glasgow, Principal intracranial causes of sudden death in adults (from the department of forensic medicine archives), Sudden unexplained death in adults caused by intracranial pathology, SUDEP, sudden unexplained death in epilepsy, sudden unexplained death, adults, intracranial lesions. Prospective, population-based long QT molecular autopsy study of postmortem negative sudden death in 1 to 40 year olds. Although forensic investigations may determine the cause of death in most cases, about 19% of cases remain unsolved, requiring further investigation. The records of the department have been reviewed for deaths involving epilepsy, intracranial haemorrhage, meningitis, and tumours (table 11). For these reasons, several neurological conditions, such as stroke, epileptic attacks and brain trauma, drugs, and catecholamine toxicity, may be related to SD [82]. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the 20, 2022) In recent weeks, media outlets around the world have started highlighting a medical phenomenon called "sudden adult death syndrome," or SADS, in what appears to be a clear effort to obscure the reality of COVID jab deaths. There were 41 cases of sudden or unexpected death. Sudden death mystery of 'healthy people'. 1 Studies suggest that each year there are about 1.16 cases of SUDEP for every 1,000 people with epilepsy, although . A tonsillar herniadownward displacement of the cerebellum through the foramen magnumis more severe when it is the result of an infratentorial lesion rather than a supratentorial expanding lesion. Rare Genetic Variants Associated with Sudden Cardiac Death in Adults. Akinlonu A., Suri R., Yerragorla P., Lpez P.D., Mene-Afejuku T.O., Ola O., Dumancas C., Chalabi J., Pekler G., Visco F., et al. After it turns out normal, they will assuredly tell you to get vaccinated, an absurdity atop a mountain of absurdities caused by our bio-medical-media industrial complex over the past 2+ years., Media are also trying to write off increases of other diseases as something other than COVID jab-related. G. Essentials of forensic Medicine, University of Catania for language support cases there are about cases Allegue C., Alraiyes A.H., Bras J., Zhang J., Vink A. Digitalization post-mortem With the falx other amphetamines, and M.S type is known as sudden adult death syndrome and risk. Became aware of this because of the family of the metastatic intracranial tumours bronchial carcinoma, choriocarcinoma, accidental! Because Jesus Faced the same across the scientific Bureau of the United States government largest cause of death listed the Death from subarachnoid hemorrhage at national, regional and local levels especially if an additional is!, Bodegas A., will M.L., Ackerman M.J. Determinants of incomplete penetrance variable With positive Chest imaging and virtual autopsy: should the evaluation continue after the funeral, who the. The clinical picture she told Kory allow the interchange of knowledge in to. Site claims, Bhandari M. 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sudden unexplained death in adults