dangerous superpowers

It can destroy a target with only one strike and that makes it really dangerous. The guilt from her actions proves to be too much for her to bear. Ability to alter or deceive the perceptions of another. Superman on Krypton isn't super-powered, but on Earth he is because of the yellow sun. Superpowers Discuss Unified Anti-Xeno Fleet. It's one of the coolest powers to have because empaths will always understand; nothing you say can be lost on them or taken for granted. Or ice. He once bit into a detached finger to get a vision of the murderer who cut it of. Power: Emit super slugs from one's body that in turn digest solid objects and transfer the energy to their host. Not a bad deal. Doomsday can adapt to nearly any attack or power, even if it destroys him. Second of all, if you do have the superpower of making people annoyed, you may be slightly effective against villains, but you are also going to work mostly alone. The ability to cause death is pretty much part and parcel of most powers. Feeding on life energy is sort of like being a leech of one's life force. You'd be the king/queen of bar trivia! A representative democracy founded in 2242. The ability to conjure a protective bubble around anything -- inluding yourself and your loved ones -- is a surefire way to protect against any kind of attack, from the magical to the practical. Nothing says "evil" like shooting bolts of lightning out of your finger tips, but there are more practical purposes too. You've heard of the unstoppable force, but this power would make you the immovable object. It sees the ascension of psionic mutant Jean Grey (originally known as Marvel Girl) from troubled hero to galactic mass murderer. Power: The ability to form your hands into tools of destruction. Invisibility is a passive power that doesnt let you do crazy stuff that a lot of other powers can, but thats the beauty of it. Before you go seeking the truth that's out there, be sure you're ready to know. Animals have a wide range of abilities that humans simply can't replicate unless, of course, you've got animal powers. Proving that in a court of law is another thing entirely, but having a prosecuting attourney with the power of persuasion (see #92) would probably help. Power: The ability to instill pain on someone with mere thought. First of all, being annoying also isnt really a superpower. Third of all, you better hope. The ability to see things before they happen has its uses, and not just for trivial matters like winning lotto numbers and the outcome of sports games. Power: The ability to command water at your leisure. Notable Users: Cyclops, Martian Manhunter. Where would we be without super powers? One of the best things about having this power, besides the ability to blast things to kingdom come with the sound of your voice, would be how hard it is for your opponents to defend against. Fire is practical, sure, with the ability to melt through metal doors or heat your enemys weapon up so they throw it to the ground. Ability to lift off the ground, to ride air currents or to fly self-propelled through the air. These abilities have given many characters on our list second thoughts and reservations, making them wonder if they (and those around them) would be better off if they'd never acquired their superhuman abilities in the first place. There are three extant galactic superpowers in the human-inhabited Core Systems of the Milky Way galaxy: . You'd be on the cutting edge at all times, and you'd push humanity to a new stage of evolution. The plight of mutants, who gain bizarre powers without the ability tocontrol them, has led to many storylines revolving around the painand danger they pose to themselves and others. Just as paralysis would limit your basic motor functions, so too would it impair your ability to use a natural power, so taking that away from an enemy would be critical to winning a battle. The users can create, shape, and manipulate ink change the color, and its consistency, it can also be tattooed, printed, or written without tools. Notable Users: Abe (Oddworld), Wario, Fartman (Howard Stern). Power: The ability to increase probability in your favor. Also, they are pretty slow, and can only manipulate certain fat tissues if theyre pretty limited. Peter Parker has certainly seen his powers as liabilities at times, but he's got nothing to complain about in comparison to the characters on thislist. Power: The ability to create multiple versions of yourself at once. If ice powers means you never have to endure a melted ice cream cone again, heat vision means your soup will never be cold! Power: The ability to freeze time at any given moment. If you're into extreme sports, a healing factor might be something to consider. Its also super cool since only two notable characters in fiction are using this power Turbine Org from Power Rangers and Invisible Eye Blast users from Dragon Ball. It isquite an ominous power that a handful of individuals bear in fiction. Jinping singlehandedly restarted the nuclear arms race that had been dormant for much of the 20th century. Even though this power is similar to vision powers, it is not. Badass. If you thought controlling ice or water was cool, what about controlling all of that stuff?! With invulnerability, you are immune to all manner of harm from gunfire to energy blasts to needles at the doctor's office. The Storm, Anthems most electrifying javelin, has electrifying power, but minimal armor. Immutability bearers have absolute protection from any alteration or change, regardless of the source or cause, other than their own and retain the state they currently are. Labs scientist with amedical condition known as hyperpituitarism. Not only would this power (presumably) give you a natural understanding of complicated subway lines, but it also lets you draw increased strength and speed from the cityscape. His mental anguish is further agitated after he believes that his powers have been cured after being duped by drugs supplied by the Kingmaker. Users can create, shape, and manipulate all aspects of moons, including their gravity and the effects it has on the planet like ocean tides and the minute lengthening. Power: The ability to manipulate plant life. A dude with knives on his hands is intimidating, but a feral warrior with friggin' bone claws? But it's not just evil dudes and dudettes that have had electrical powers even Superman was electric for a while! The Dark Phoenixsaga is perhaps the most iconic arc in the history ofX-Men comicsfor good reason. Notable Users: Domino, Longshot, Amos Fortune. Why is it different from just being able to control minds? If you think subtlety is overrated and want enough artillery to take out a small army, unleash the pure devastation of the Colossus Anthems hulking war machine. Super strength? http://kindlykeyin.com/SubscribeFollow. I know that an anxiety attack is a real thing that has real consequences and that giving one to an opponent is a useful disabling technique. Power: The ability to absorb information at an advanced rate, or even instantly. He was a S.T.A.R. Feeling the Earth move under your feet is an actual possibility for those with this super power, allowing the user to literally move mountains should they choose. Still really awesome, but if you're looking to bring back loved ones from the dead, this probably isn't the way to do it (see also: dressing up like a bat and enacting vengeance). Notable Users: Stacy X, Daken, Spider-Woman. The most dangerous superpower in 21st century is undoubtedly CHina. Because of this, the mutant feels her powers are more of a curse than an attribute, and it affects how she deals with the outside world, while limiting any form of intimacy orromantic relationship. What is the most dangerous superpower? Certainly a great lead-in for a surprise assault on their secret base. Best of all, never be late for work again! View source. Also called the Empire of Achenar. We've seen many different levels of this power at work -- most significantly Wolverine's very extensive ability to recover from, well, anything -- but a quick fix to a broken bone or a concussion could do you wonders in life. 28 OCT 3308. If the person is not invulnerable, there is a risk of serious damage that a flyer can inflict oneself if they hit an obstacle. I would be very disappointed if my power was the ability to literally look like garbage. Whether it's the good ol' Jedi Mind Trick or just a skill to modify your Diplomacy in D&D, the power of persuasion is all-powerful. Power: Wounds will heal at an advanced rate, making you nearly unkillable. Power: A precognitive ability warning you of incoming danger. I guess the ability to grow really long nails and make them stronger can be a useful power, it just seems like an overly specific one. That depends. That are just a few things that supernatural thieves are capable of. Furthermore, individuals with Knowledge Replication can leave the copied person with less skill or ability. In addition, Trainor can't sustain physical touch with any other human. Whether it's preventing future crime a la Minority Report or knowing whether or not your new relationship is doomed, precognitive abilities will always give you a leg-up on every situation. There's nothing quite as satisfying as catching an artillery shell midair and hurling it back at your enemy -- all with your mind! But one of the most memorable, disturbing, and tragic characters to bear the name is Clayface III, a.k.a., Preston Payne. Notable Users: The Blob, Vision, Ultimate Kitty Pryde. Notable Users: Animal Man, Vixen, Manimal. It is the ability to change the properties or appearance of objects, entities, or even physical or metaphysical rules by altering reality itself, or by creating a new form of reality. Notable Users: James Heller (Prototype 2), Carnage, Sandman. The fear of death is what keeps most people from following their vigilante dreams, but this power would take that element out of the equation. It can be cool that theyre able to sneak in places undetected and leave with a priceless artifact, but its not a power. A necessity after a hard day's work of putting away bad guys. The inducement powers sure do have their stinkers, dont they? Notable Users: Hydro Man, Wonder Twins, Mercury. Someone who is the best at being a thief is just really good at stealing stuff. With mimicry, there's always a new option to try, though we imagine the fun is only equal to how easily one acquires these powers. (This being a Marvel character, however,she's been resurrected many times over.). Think about it: plants, animals, and other human beings are all acting as your own personal batteries! Notable Users: Sindel (Mortal Kombat), Venom, Medusa. Now that's a super power. Also called the Federation of Star Systems. Most notable users are Sam Howell/SCP-3812 A Voice Behind Me from SCP Foundation, Vandala from Chaos Comics, and Chaos-Kin from Kid Icarus Uprising. Power: Intelligence beyond human capacity. Andhis powers aren't just disgusting, they're also physically painful, too. Not a power. Why not just have claws? As said before, this power only a few people have Mighty Parents from The Fairly Oddparents, Opticoids from Ben 10, and Shepard from Marvel Comics. Find the Loch Ness Monster! Chances are no one could out power you when it comes to fisticuffs, plus you'd put on a hell of a light show for the onlookers. In addition, some users have been known to project their inner energy outwards in a lethal blow or create optical illusions and tricks of the mind by accessing the spiritual plane. It's less dangerous that way. Superpowers range from improving oneself way past peak human potential, to influencing and manipulating concepts on a universal scale. Without superpowers, the highly skilled soldier was able to beat Snake several times via CQC, which she helped co-found before turning on her ally in one of the biggest plot twists. But on a day-to-day basis, how nice would it be to get out of parking tickets or haggle the price of a burrito down to a penny? Quite a useful power to have around. If you've got to choose between super maggots, gold balls, and explosive farts, it stands to reason that explosive farts is by far the coolest power. Throwing yourself in front of allies and civilians is now a reflexive action because there's no worry about your own safety. The Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved in . 6. Power: Transporting oneself from one place to another. Most of us wish we had better control of our inner mojo, but for people like Iron Fist, he doesn't have to wish. Power: The ability to speak with and take command of animalkind. This power is a sub-power to Dust Manipulation and a variation of Earth Generation. Power: The ability to consume all matter in any form. So while magic is awesome, it's not a power by our guidelines. Notable Users: Franklin Richards, Scarlet Witch. The bearer of the Darkness has at his or her disposal the legions of Darklings, which they can use to utterly destroy their enemies. After saving her fellow X-Menfrom a space mission, Grey is exposed to fatal levels of radiation. It will always blindside your enemy and it will always look super awesome when you scream your lungs out like a rock star of utter destruction. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Plus, you'll always be invited to skee ball night! Its also a useful place to find some of the most terrible, most ineffectual, and downright baffling superpowers in the universe15 of which weve compiled here. Power: Controlling magnetic fields and metals. Easy: Ask the victim, case closed. As a superhero, there's nothing cooler than helping people, so what better power could there be than the ability to heal? It has multiple variations like Illusive Power, Power Summoning, and Strenght-Based Invulnerability. Maximum Overdrive 2 Updates: Will The Stephen King Sequel Happen? Notable Users: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kayla Silverfox. They look like they hurt like heck when coming out, for one thing, but more to the point they simply look more ferocious. I guess its helpful in putting yourself in charge, but why have this power? The premier tool of espionage, invisibility allows you to be the ultimate spy. Check out our list of characters whose frightening abilities feel more like a curse. Power: A powerful emmission of concussive force in the form of an energy blast. That's the question that drove the creation of this list. No, this is the ability to slide across surfaces for unusually long distances. And it's not, really, but it is damn useful. There arent that many fictional characters with this power but theyre quite known by fans Anna Korolenko from Heroes and Haoshoku users from One Piece. Armed with the Yellowjacket suit and Pym technology, he was able to become a mirror image of Ant-Man in a lot of ways. It's a cool power because as it drives you to be more confident in yourself, the more confident you are, and the better you will be. Phasing through walls, floors, closed doors, and gigantic cosmic bullets can come in handy in your life as a superhero. Power: The ability to turn your skin into a protective layer of steel. This list was made possible by our sponsor: Anthem, BioWares new Action RPG. Whether it'd be to get more "wow"s in an intense fight scene, creating your own supernatural entity, writing the latest sci-fi, or even to craft a society of superheroes, superpowers will never be far behind. While Mossa's planet is destroyed, he survives and becomes Pariah, cursed with the uncontrollable power of teleporting onto other parallel Earths just in time to watch the inhabitants die and their planet be completely destroyed at the Anti-Monitor's hands. Also, sometimes fire manipulators are also able to use their ability to fly. Its also guaranteed to get your kids pissed at you and yelling something about being smothered. Power: The ability to produce and emit poison from the body. But still, being able to harness the psychic energies around you -- that are emitted from every living being -- for a destructive purpose is unabashedly awesome. Theoretically, one could create holographic images, turn invisible, and even move at light-speed simply by adjusting the properties of the light that surrounds them. Plus you'd never have a problem ordering meals no matter where in the world you might find yourself. Power: The ability to remove your arms and legs at will. Whether you're swinging through skyscrapers or hanging thugs from a streetlamp, having webs is definitely one of the more unique powers there is. For example, some do it through touch, which requires close contact, while others can simply observe and copy. If youre the target of kidnappers, also a good thing. You'd never miss an appointment, and bad guys would be hard pressed to take you one-on-one in a fight. Can't figure out who killed the victim? They are also arming the terrorists nation of Pakistan with nuclear warheads. Or should we say personalities? While channeling Satan probably isn't high on your checklist of things you look for in a mate, it can come in handy when you're fighting an enemy -- especially if you're using the devil's energies against evil. Whether you're using it to catch a falling civilian with a catcher's mitt or bombard your opponent with jet fighters, the only limit is your imagination. In addition to generic energy, versions of these powers exist that deal with such things as light, sound, electricity, nuclear energy, and the Darkforce dimension. As if suffering from this mutation wasn't enough, Maggot was later killed in a concentration camp orchestrated by Weapon X. You've got elite weapons for the entire army. This isnt a power. ), or getting winning lottery numbers Time travel is one of the greatest fantasies of all, opening the entire span of world history as your playground. Plus, the human body is made mostly of water, so having control of water is kind of the same as having control of human beings. Therefore, being able to communicate with said machines through super powers is one of the coolest and most handy abilities to have. The Boss. This one is pretty cool too. Who hasn't just once wished they could see behind closed doors? While looking like any person is beyond cool, being able to transform into an animal -- like an elephant to bulldoze some goons -- or an object -- like a house plant to spy on unsuspecting people -- makes this power endlessly useful. Is shooting gold balls cool? Characters with this superpower would also have the ability to detect diseases in people. One of the goofiest powers, at least on the surface of things, is the ability to become totally malleable and stretch yourself like a rubber band. Her destructive powers result in the destructionof a far off galaxy's solar system. If you ask a group of people what they hate the most, a large percentage will probably respond "bugs." Power: The ability to create multiples of an object of one's choosing. Power: The ability to take on the attributes of someone else's power. You'd never want for another cold beverage, could instantly cool down boiling hot soup, and could impress your significant other with sweet ice sculptures. This change comes with new abilities, including the powerto warp time and reality, and evencontrol life itself. And this isn't her only challenge. While heroes don't typically use guns, sharpshooting gives you the ability to hit your target with anything, not just bullets -- popcorn kernels, playing cards, fingernail clippings whatever projectile you can come up with, really. That's one use, but pheromones can also put people to sleep, make them experience deep fear, or even wish for death. That means you'd have access to some of the most powerful energy on the planet, and all you'd have to do is exercise. Jackie Estacado is a former mob hitman who has gone on to bigger and badder things. Having the ability to mimic substances -- be it metals, fabrics, or the landscape -- would essentially make you invisible. A very convenient ability to have if you're going up against the likes of Wolverine or RoboCop, the manipulation over metals and magnetic fields is quite a force to be reckoned with considering how the Earth works. How do you keep someone from talking, really? Power: The ability to cause earthquakes, regardless of location. Power: The ability to come back from the dead. Or maybe your town is constantly invaded by giant monsters? The Federation. There are worse ways to kickstart your psychic thoughts than by eating food; how great would it be to have an excuse for pounding all those cookies and cakes you'd be scarfing anyway? A handful of individuals bear in fiction n't replicate unless, of course, are... Able to use their ability to come back from the dead the copied person with less skill or ability object... 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dangerous superpowers