prayer to remove evil from my husband

I prayed that the lord my cleared my husband of 6 years to clear and mind and realize he isnt In Love with his his mistress. Do not be deceived: Bad company ruins good morals.. I still have the entity attaching itself and touching me day in day out its really effecting my mental health I have even burned sage and nothing! Guard your heart by removing non-Scriptural, perspective-influencing inputs. Prayer against marriage breaking spirits. Word of advice.. Find it and fight Satan for your husband and children and family right now. It is important to reunite a fractured spirit because healing will NOT occur if a spirit is fractured. See it here: Please take your loving arms around Marty so he will see the sons and lies that have been told to him so that he wanted to stay living in sins. Found out he has been having an affair for 9 years. Do not do such event . Please help me by removing this additional burden from my life, and forgive me for asking for this removal. Oh, Heavenly Father, hear my prayer. I am a desperate and sickly person I love my husband but he has another woman in love with him they work together I just want her to go anywhere else but to work with him. Dear Lord Leviticus 20:10 Recently, he has been communicating with his first wife. My husband left me and my four children. I choose to bless and curse not. Sounds pretty bad right? Thank you for stopping by here. Here is a link to a blog that explains how truth helps us heal: You cannot stay here. 4:8,7) Amen. My husband has been unfaithful with at least five different women throughout our 14-year marriage. 2. I ask for prayers for a miracle that my husband sees what he has done and becomes the man I fell in love with and he truly repents his sins. He has already gone to a divorce lawyer this week. You may feel like you are asking for too much, or that you shouldnt be asking for something like this. Oh Mighty Jesus, please put asunder between my husband(Gideon) and this evil strange woman{Davina) who knows hes married and still pursuing each other. This has brought a lot of chaos into our marriage. Open their eyes Lord bring them out of darkness. I love him so much and just pray he would return home and help me to be able to forgive him fully. He has brought many, many, many prodigals home to their families with men and Women who are in worse situations than us. This is the first time I have heard of entities taking jewelry so thank you for sharing your story so others are more aware of protecting their valuables. Can you imagine, my husbands mistress has a key to our/his home and sleeps in the same bed as I do, with my husband when I am not there. I truly cant take any more of these horrible stories of how spouses are treating their bone of bone, the flesh of flesh. If he leaves fine, but I need prayers for financial assistance to buy him out of the Morgage and he just gives me the house. I also believe we can heal from poor choices if we have the correct knowledge; so, searching for true knowledge is imperative to healing. I dont trust him he constantly up lurking around while Im sleeping this been torture . They have gripped the heart of men. Marine operations against my real marriage back fire, by fire in Jesus name. Can prayer actually change our husbands? When I start to face circumstances, I take my Bible and speak Gods Word boldly to the enemy that God is in control. Not just praying while the while the prodigal is gone, but when he comes back too. Its hard Ive tried get him to talk, open up, tell me again if he is done? God inquired, Ask for whatever you want me to give you. (Verse 5) If this were to happen to you, what would be your reply to the Lord? The smoke rises up to heaven, as with Sodom & Gomorrah., Your email address will not be published. Amen. They can be an old woman, young lady or a mature woman. Dear Heavenly Father The first one is that your husband breaks the affair when you pray. I knew this but didnt take head of Gods warnings to continue to have faith and pray and give my husband to him! Please God I pray this Lord in your most precious name. 7 Daily Prayers to Get You Through The Week, You know what is in my heart, you know what I want, but, if that is not your will, then please, put me on the right path, Prayer For Protection Through the Precious Blood of Jesus. I will pray for you Stacey thanks praying for me. This is a question that many wives ask. Pray this over my wife!!!!! I confess all my sins and repent. However the woman seduced my husband into leaving me. I trust in your plan for me and am always grateful for your guidance. Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? Remove their influence from my life and set me free. (Hebrews 4:12) Do not let my husband walk in ways that are not good, or pursue his own thoughts and imaginations (Is. Thank you so much!! Im going through trials and tribulations right now. Only you know what you did, and you need to "own it", even if to yourself. Maybe she will help him pay me dont know , but I do know if she does she is very depressed cause my husbands step brother told him he did not want her after 5 years he never wanted her to move in with him. Praise the Lord. Lord, I ask for forgiveness for every member of my family. This is a great promise to cling to when praying for our husbands. I choose to forgive my spouse and bless them. Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart. Satan youre not going to take our marriages. I pray you will continue finding your healing in the Lord. Well this woman would call me everyday telling me things about my husband .She made up lies to my husband about me so I left them alone. I know how you and others feel in this situation.I pray for you and others to be fully united in your marriage with your husband.I pray Jesus will answer all our prayers that is in this situation.Jesus please take the wheel for us all and heal our broken hearts.Jesus we ask in your name to remove these outside women from our lives and the lives of our husbands.Jesus in your name we ask you to remove our husbands lustful ways and allow them to remember the vows they took before us and honor those vows to us.I pray that you will force them to lose interest in our husbands and help these women find single men in their lives to be with.Jesus please repair and heal all our marriages and make our marriages better and more loving,respectfulness,more attentive to us and put us first in their lives and become more attentive to your words.Amen. Remove the other woman. Help him to stand strong, being clear minded and self-controlled so He can hear You when he prays. I have followed them into sin, breaking under their pressure and influence on me. Jesus name ..Please remove the lustful thoughts that prey on my husband in Jesus name Amen.. Lord I come in agreement that you hold our marriages in your hand Remember that the Bible tells us in Psalm 37:5 to commit our way to the Lord, trust in Him, and He will act. We pray that you would give us the strength and wisdom to resist temptation and to stand firm in the face of adversity. But You know and discern the thoughts and intents of our hearts. Please pray for my safety and that of my children and grandchildren! This is a much needed prayer during this time of quarantine. Prayer for Husband to Bear Fruit O God, Light in the Darkness, I pray that my husband would bear fruit in every good work. I said this prayer so many times and nothing happened. I cant bear this divorce and I cant bare losing my home. I pray to remove this heroin addict from my life. That every ungodly soul tie is destroyed. I choose to walk in faith, hope, and trust in my Lord. I havent been the best wifey, allbetit, it has been in the weariness and rawness in really hard to pull it all together moments I am determined to get back up again, learn and move to better. God, Ive know my husband 17 years now, and we had a beautiful relationship filled with love hope and dreams. A simple prayer..Remove her from our life. Turn his head from her. Just keep looking up at God and no matter what Do not look to the left, to the right or behind you. So my drunk husband took her in for money. This will certainly not be easy, but it is important to remember that God is in control and can change even the hardest of hearts. I dont but I am going to be writing more blogs on this subject because there are quite a few interested in more information. That is always between you and God. I choose to favor the documentation presented in the book Life in the World Unseen by Anthony Borgia that dark entities residence merges with the earths surface. I also emailed her without response. Davids greatest desire was to live in Gods presence each day of his life. HE WILL NOT FAIL 3 TIMES .. and of today.. keep him and follow him with awe your heart,mind,and soul.. let him come in to you.. Ps ask him to come into your life and start a new exciting journey.. he will show you.. not people.. pray with TRUTH JESUS BLESS YOU AND FAMILY. He spends time with her in hotels and other places but is living elsewhere at the moment. Many brave knigts had attempted to free her from this dreadful prison, but non prevailed. God bless you. My husband of 25years started cheating on me 3years ago with a younger woman. And that allowed cracks to seap into my marriage for Satan to come and do his will with my husband again. Ask Him what He wants you to do every day while you are waiting for your marriage to be restored by His divine power. Im so happy I discovered your website Kaylene. I do not sleep and see that they are chatting at all hours: 2 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM again at 6 AM, 7 AM and even during working day hours. This is a great reminder that we should not try to go through difficult situations alone but rather seek out the help of those wiser than us. She abandoned him and their 2 children. Father, I ask for your overflowing mercy upon my beloved husband in Jesus name. You are gracious, I know you will protect my husband from the devil and his agents. I need prayer desperately Im loosing my faith this has been going on for almost a year. Do you really trust God for today, tomorrow and forever? Protection from the Evil One Prayer Dear Father, I seek Your protection from the wickedness of the evil one. The Lord was pleased by Solomons request and because he did not ask for a long life or wealth for himself, God granted his request. Vishnu (/ v n u / VISH-noo; Sanskrit: , romanized: Viu, lit. Let me have those that can help me see You all around me and lead me to the paths that will always end at You, Lord. I been seeing free Attorneys and my husband is looking at 30 50,000 dollars in paying me and spouse support for 2 3 years I dont want the Divorce I want my husband back he is a alcoholic and she worked him big time but I am asking you pray with me. Lord, I seek your forgiveness for my husband in everything he has done. Marriage is an institution made by God. However, remember that God is always willing to help us, and He wants nothing more than for us to be happy and free from harm. I pray God would make this woman ugly to him that he sees what she really is: a thief, a wife stealer and family destroyer. That way, you may win your unbelieving husband over without a word. In Ephesians 5:33, wives are instructed to respect their husbands and to submit to them in everything. EVERYTHING in EVERY direction came as is. He will give you your hearts desires with those who have a pure heart and believe and have strong faith. You are the same God yesterday today and forever more. Please pray for me for this woman to settle in her own marriage and stop squandering what belongs to my family. Please remove the lust for my husband from the other woman and the lust from my husbands heart! You dont need to wish them harm or negativity, just remove them as an obstacle in your own life. Though I know you teach us that we always have people put in our lives for a reason, I must implore you to help me. To keep thee from the evil woman, From the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman. Send the angels to war on my behalf and handle any demonic powers that we cannot handle. I am so sorry for the heartbreak you are working through. Seek the Lord. As we pray for our husbands, we can trust that God is at work in their lives. I will contact you personally to ask you a couple of questions. As it is written: For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered. No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Please heal and transform us to be the spouses you want us to be, Please restore our marriage and have us love each other as you would desire. These divine prayers to make someone go away asks the Lord God to remove negative people from your life or the life of those you love. Refer to my blog post, Desperate! God, hear my voice. I want this woman out of my husbands life because she has really confused him. My husband died 7 years ago and this man came into my life and told me he cares so much about me and all the sudden he turned away from me for no reason in my heart is broken because I want to know what that I do. Please, My Father, I need your help to remove all vestiges of this hate from my life. One of the best weapons to use to outwit the strange is not by quarrelling, fighting, or insulting each other, but by continuous prayers and fasting. Lord Jesus Christ I ask You according to . I forgave my husband and still do for his sinful nature. Any suggestions? Its been over a year she has been interfering in my marriage claiming she is only a friend. I am still being in what God said to me than to go by what I feel or see regardless the added intensities, my husbands mustard seed faith just got grinded and blames me and our relationship for his own shortcomings. Thank you so much for these precious prayers. I have no clue what happened. Day and night she sent him messages and pictures. They can be prayerful and philanthropy but yet has a wicked spirit. I will be praying this over both my husband and myself. We know you are in control of every situation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I pray to you Jesus in your name to rid the woman my husband is committing adultery with outside our marriage. In Ephesians 5:33, wives are instructed to respect their husbands and to submit to them in everything. She was locked away in a castle guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon. I lnow God has got us in Jesus name. Even Christs apostles who left everything to follow Christ sometimes failed to cast out an evil spirit. Though your husband may not deserve it, the Bible commands us to show respect towards him. The ministry I speak of is Im confused whether its spiritual Im nature. Ive tried distance myself lately Lord, I place my husband before You knowing You will make him new in his thoughts. Lord we give it all to you. We were very much connected. See my blog post Praying for Others. Satanic Portals Guidance to Getting Rid of Satanic Portals. We have been separated now for 2 1/2 years and he still sees her but we are still married. Because these words help you understand all issues of life generate from the heart, it can be beneficial to employ words to heal our hearts and get rid of hostile energies. Remove A Love Spell From My Husband, Often your marital relationship suffers the brunt of jealousy and hatred. Here are five practical steps to center your perspective in truth when your husband feels like the enemy: 1. They consider their relationship with You as top priority and what You say in Your Word is final. You need to think about that the next time you are chasing after them. Would it be possible to talk to someone regarding my bizarre symptoms in my kitchen? I pray for you and the same for my family. We've experienced it first hand in our marriage. Id appreciate that more than youd EVER know.. Let me, love, in moments of disagreement; to be silent in the face of verbal and critical offenses; to understand the other in the face of threats of abandonment. In Jesus name we pray. He is Ill and very demanding of my time. I pray God would make this woman ugly to him that he sees what she really is: a thief, a wife stealer and family destroyer. I have met numerous Christians who have or are still being plagued by demons and other types of dark entities. Those that will lift them up when they are down, support them when they are weak, and make them always and forever strive for you. Please help me with my marriage, my husband is treating me badly, l am being emotionally abuse by him he is never happy with me and the kids we cant even watch the TV together, he doesnt talk to me or look at me, please God give me strength to face all the challenges l face on a daily basis, it is very hard to leave like that l dont know if I should just leave him, l know that his seeing the other woman, and l kept quiet about it because every weekend he is telling me he is working but his is not working he goes to the other woman. Keep seeking Him! Lately, some of my friends that are currently in my life have been helping to bring out my worst. 'the pervader', pronounced ), also known as Narayana and Hari, is one of the principal deities of Hinduism.He is the supreme being within Vaishnavism, one of the major traditions within contemporary Hinduism.. Vishnu is known as "The Preserver" within the Trimurti, the triple deity of supreme . I renounce, break and loose myself free from any . Claim and believe that God is going to bring victory every day by the power of your Lord Jesus Christ, who is going to fight for you. and that he knows that she is going to screw anything up with him but he wants to get her out of his head. I come to Your refuge with joy for You shelter me against the attack of the devil. Life in the World Unseen by Anthony Borgia. Thank the name of the Lord for victory over every strange woman/man troubling your marriage. Every powers creating problems for me be destroyed now in Jesus name I have prayed this two or three times now and some from your other title. Choose a prayer that speaks to you or (if you prefer) simply play the video to play and allow me to pray for you and allow the words of God to work within you. All saints of heaven, come to our aid. As a woman, praying against a strange woman attacking your marriage is not a childs play. In Psalm 34:7, we are told that the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them. We are separated and she is allowing sin. However, I am conflicted about the change in my husband. Pray for Your Husband. We'll share your prayer with others around the world. The Bible itself wants us to stay away from negative people. Please pray god touches his heart to look at him and whatever took him from his family god does away with, My husband left a a 21 year marriage with by phone. I made THE biggest mistake of my life divorcing Blake. Im so glad you are finding value in these prayers. Lord thank you for your grace over my husband and me. I pray that you will give my husband wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. I pray and join in praying for others in my situation that God would break strongholds, turn my husbands heart towards Him and bring back love and not hate in his heart for me. And please pray for my marriage. 4. I am under so much stress and so depressed I really cannot take it anymore. You can also learn prayers to rid of bad spirits so you can experience healing too. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Prayer can absolutely change our husbands. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. We are believing that you will remove all these women from our husbands lives as far as the east is from the west. He is going to give you victory. Turned out to be a nightmare. A Christian Prayer: St. Gemma Galgani God help us! This person is verbally abusive, toxic and emotionally abusive. This Bible verse is a reminder that we should not associate ourselves with negative people, because their bad company will only bring down our own moral standards. Heavenly father I pray for a Divine Restoration in our marriages. Unfortunately, there are times when evil forces conspire against him and threaten to destroy everything he has worked to achieve. A Daily Prayer for Protection Lord God, I pray for Your protection as I begin this day. May God bless you. We attempted a 2 month rehab and he returned home and I was hopeful we were get back our intimacy and connection. See examples at the provided link. This just shows me how desperate Satan is to destroy all marriages that are not based on solid ground and full faith in God. We need to pull down those strongholds and take every lofty imaginations n speculations that exalt against Gods Knowledge and take them captive to obey Jesus Christ! Amen. It can be helpful to learn to muscle test or use a pendulum so you can test for malicious attachments. First seek Jesus and learn if your heart is close to the eyes of Jesus.. Love all people no matter what. A week ago today after telling me for several months he doesnt see us in 5 years, once again he doesnt desire me any more, and battling the urge to leave, he has left again. See my blog post Praying for Others to understand further how thinking of others is an important component in the healing process. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website, 113 deliverance prayers against strange women and men, 30 Prayer Points For Urgent Healing From All Kind Of Illness, 30 Warfare Scriptures That Will Deliver You. Some dark entities are people who reached their pain threshold on earth and became insane. 65:2) Instead make him wise and discerning with a mind like Christs (1Cor.2:16), weighing his thoughts with the truth of Your word. Lord you said that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against us we shall condemn. I pray that he will have a willing heart to follow you, even when the path is difficult. Thank you for posting the prayers for husbands. 1. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Please pray for our marriage and that his mind and heart would turn from other women and he would only have love and desire for me. Hated his job but wouldnt change. Solomon was approximately 19 years of age. We are believing that every ungodly relationship in our husbands lives are destroyed, smashed and crushed completely. I need assistance to show these people out of my life. Amen. They are so rich with scripture. Lord, change my husband's heart to hate sin and eschew evil. I know Satan is in the middle of this and he is trying his hardest to keep us apart. He seems to have no compassion, Im going to pray these prayers everyday, morning and night, Im going to keep in mind all the women and children who are going through this themselves.