cumulus executive board

Their executive board is comprised of top academics, school leaders and creative professionals from art and design and media colleges and universities throughout the world. Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna, Poland. Justyna holds a MSSc in Sociology (Cultural Policy) from the University of Jyvskyl, MA in Philology (Scandinavian Studies) from the. Michael has been visiting professor at Jiangnan University, Wuxi (2015-2020), and Visiting Professor at the Napier University Department of Creative Industries in Edinburgh (2006). School of Arts, Design and Architecture With 350+ member institutions in 60+ countries, it represents a dynamic ecosystem. Cumulus is the leading global association to serve art and design education and research. Andres Villela (School of Design, DUOC UC, Santiago, Chile). When Robin isnt taking technologies apart to see how they work, hes trying to invent new oneswhile also developing corporate identities and creating new typefaces. Finland. Cumulus Board Rejects Warshaw Buyout Bid May 4, 2022 Connoisseur Media, Cumulus Media Last month a consortium led by Jeff Warshaw, Founder & CEO of Connoisseur Media submitted an offer to acquire Cumulus Media for $15-$17 per share (nearly $1.2 billion), including debt. ATLANTA, GA, October 5, 2021 - Cumulus Media (NASDAQ: CMLS) announces that it has elevated Conrad Trautmann to Chief Technology Officer, effective immediately. As part of his wider service to the field, Teemu is a frequent lecturer and keynote speaker and serves on program committees and as a reviewer and jury member internationally. ARCH exhibited its Jewellery Departments work, providing ARCHs students and graduates the opportunity to showcase their work at such a Grand Platform. Watch Eijas testimonial about the early days of the Cumulus association in this interview celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Cumulus here. Grateful for all dedication and commitment by all Cumulus Board Members in the past, our new board continues with energy and passion for all Cumulusians and our partners and friends. In her management capacity, Eija oversees the operations and staff of the Secretariat. lending counsel to California-based award-winning designer Karen Davison and initiating and chairing the Cumulus Working Group Women in Design as a platform for exchange, inspiration, and mentorship by and for women members. I was excited to be given such a challenging and important task these were VIP guests from all over the world, after all but I would be lying if I didnt admit that my initial reaction was deer-in-the-headlights panic. Teemu has previously served in the Advisory Board of the Wikimedia Foundation, and has been an advisor of The Finnish Red Cross and several startup companies. Masters of Law (L.L.M) degree in international public law from the University of Helsinki and a Bachelors Degree with a specialization in political science from the University of Vienna. Luisa was the first woman to be elected President of Cumulus in 2010 after serving two consecutive terms in the Cumulus Executive Board. In 2021, Lorenzo co-chaired and delivered the Design Culture(S) Cumulus Roma conference hosted by Sapienza University. She has recently concluded the Solstrand Executive Leadership Development Program. Cumulus is the only global association to serve art and design education and research. Natacha Lallemand, PhD, Head of International Affairs, Professor, cole Duperr, Paris Institute of Art and Design, France More about Teemu Leinonens research at Aalto University here. As a practitioner, Michael is co-owner and CEO of FORMPOL AG, an interdisciplinary agency based in Zrich. . Professor, Kln International School of Design (KISD), Germany; Cumulus Vice President and Board Member (CEB VII, 20192022). As a global association and network of networks, Cumulus invites its members and partners to submit a posting for academic events, symposia, workshops, conferences, related papers, and more. She led the Association by establishing the strategic plan, Cumulus at 30, guiding the Board to work in sub-committees to accomplish its goals. Associate Professor Teemu Leinonen of the Department of Media and Aalto Media Lab was elected member of the Cumulus Executive Board for the term 2019-2022. I was nervous to coordinate a visit for such a diverse and impressive group of people, but I found everyones kindness and gratitude to be the best part of this entire experience. The newly announced board will end ties with the Dickey family and with current majority shareholder Crestview Partners. Teemu chaired the Board sub-committee that conceived the Executive Board Handbook and was the lead on the Board to set up the Cumulus for Ukraine initiative. is multilingual (Swedish, Finnish, English and German) and fluent in conversational Spanish. Virginia Tassinari (Media en Design Academie, KHLiM, Genk, Belgium). Archana Surana, Founder & Director of the ARCH College of Design & Business, has been elected to the 8th CUMULUS Executive Board (2022-2025). 20-Jun-2022 Elected to Cumulus Executive Board Our city's pride Archana Surana, Founder & Director, ARCH College of Design & Business has been elected for the 8th Cumulus Executive Board (2022-2025) to represent India on 357 Member Institutions- Cumulus Executive Board Cumulus is the leading global association of Art, Design Education & Research. As an architect and scholar with an esteemed trajectory contributing to the research field for design internationally through graduate education, publications, and conferences, Lorenzo has steered important efforts to create spaces for design research discourse and practice to thrive within the Cumulus community. Examples of New Cumulus Board in a sentence. Lorenzo holds a Ph.D. in Design from Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. As an industrial design practitioner, educator, administrator, and researcher, Michael has occupied several leadership roles since joining the Zrich University of the Arts (ZHdK) in 1993 as a lecturer. The Cumulus Executive Board (CEB), is a group of experienced academic leaders elected from Cumulus full member institutions worldwide. Our city's pride Archana Surana, Founder & Director, ARCH College of Design & Business has been elected for the 8th Cumulus Executive Board (2022-2025) to represent India on 356 Member Institutions- Cumulus Executive Board. Secretary General The Cumulus Executive Board (CEB), is a group of experienced academic leaders elected from Cumulus full member institutions worldwide. In gratitude to their service all hold the lifetime appointment of Cumulus Board Fellows. It was an honor to coordinate this visit for you! 17d ago. In her coordinator capacity, she helps design and coordinate optimal processes that ensure the timely and effective execution of many of these and other financial and business activities that touch members. Dr. Mariana Amatullo became the fourth Cumulus President and the first President of the Association to come from a non-European-based institution when she was elected in 2019. Adam holds a Ph.D. in Sustainable Design from Bournemouth University, UK, and a B Des (Hons) in Industrial Design from the National College of Art and Design (NCAD), Dublin. Full Professor and Former Dean of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. I am Archana Surana, Founder & Director, ARCH College of Design & Business, India, running for the Cumulus Executive Board (CEB) VIII (2022-2025). PO Box 31000, FI-00076 Aalto Teemu holds a Ph.D. in New Media Design from the Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture. is the first conference that Cumulus has brought to its members fully virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic, and in this sense stands out as an important milestone for innovation and accomplishment for the association. Sara Hylten-Cavallius (Department of Design, Linnaeus University, Vaxjo, Sweeden). The "indication of interest" for $15.00 to $17.00 per share was . She collaborates with the Cumulus President and the Executive Board to execute the mandate of the associations strategic plan and the associations members. ATLANTA, Aug. 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cumulus Media Inc. (NASDAQ: CMLS) today announced that Deborah Farrington, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of StarVest Partners, LP, has been appointed. conference hosted by Sapienza University. Luisas teaching, research, and practice relate to interior architecture and design focus on services, strategic design, and design-driven innovation. Most recently, he has extended his work as co-founder and co-chair of the ReveDa (Research Vectors in Design and Art) Cumulus Working Group by proposing and helping conceive the Cumulus Ph.D. Network that the association launched in 2020, an initiative he chairs. Cumulus is the only global association to serve art and design education and research. An Interdisciplinary Design Journal and member of the editorial advisory board of The Design Journal (Bloomsbury Publishing, London). Board Operator Job in San Francisco, CA. Additionally, her work with students includes the international education sector, having taught at one of the largest English academies in Seoul, South Korea. Cumulus is fortunate to count on the institutional wisdom of its former board members. The President designates these roles, and the Executive Board approves their nomination. Our city's pride Archana Surana, Founder & Director, ARCH College of Design & Business has been elected for the 8th Cumulus Executive Board (2022-2025) to represent India on 356 Member Institutions- Cumulus Executive Board. Up to that point Id been at this job for less than 3 months. Their three-year mandate concludes in June 2025. Cumulus Presidents are granted the lifetime title of Cumulus Honorary President. Since its founding in 1990, Cumulus has been a pioneer in advocating for the vital role artists and designers play in shaping better and more humane futures for all. Anne Pikkov, Vice Rector of Academic Affair, Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia Associate Professor, School of Design, Jiangnan University, China, Vice Rector of Academic Affair, Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia, Professor, Dean, University of Lapland, Finland, Head of International Affairs, Professor, cole Duperr, Paris Institute of Art and Design, France, Founder-Director, ARCH College of Design and Business, India, Dean, National School of Architecture, Art and Design, Tecnolgico de Monterrey, Mexico, Associate Professor, University of Aveiro, Portugal, Senior Lecturer, Head of Department of Applied Design, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa. Luisa Collina (School of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy). Learn More. for her service to fostering a culture of diverse and inclusive values in global art, design and media education and research. Carollines prior work in the space of social impact and education have included positions as a Program Specialist for the national award-winning organization Girls Inc., where she facilitated after-school sessions for young girls in middle and high school in the context of several at-risk school sites throughout the Los Angeles Unified School District. He was appointed Honorary Consul of the Republic of Estonia for the West of France in 2009 and Knight of the National Order of Merit in 2016. Michael lectures and publishes internationally about design, among other topics. Bhatti, a noted digital health executive with experience launching and scaling world-renowned consumer healthcare brands, joins Cumulus as the Company shifts toward healthcare and expands . As a practitioner, Xiao is an award-winning graphic designer and the recipient of the 2007 Top 10 Chinese Designers; his visual design work is in the collection of several museums. Makoto Watanabe, PhD, Vice President, Chiba University, Japan The Cumulus Secretariat counts on a dynamic team of individuals from The School of Arts, Design and Architecture at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland, the current host institution of Cumulus. Associate Professor, Parsons School of Design, The New School, USA. Stay informed and get involved by signing up for our. As a global association and network of networks, Cumulus invites its members and partners to submit a posting for academic events, symposia, workshops, conferences, related papers, and more. A member of Cumulus' executive leadership team, Trautmann reports directly to Mary Berner, President and Chief Executive Officer, Cumulus Media. Recognized by UNESCO since 2011, Cumulus is the only global association to serve art and design education and research, and boasts 211 members from 48 countries. As a practitioner, Michael is co-owner and CEO of. As a global association, Cumulus relies on a dedicated group of art and design academic leaders who volunteer their talent and expertise to act in the interest of Cumulus. He is editor of Design Principles and Practices: an International Journal (Common Ground Publishing, Chicago), director of FIELDS. We are a dynamic forum for knowledge exchange and best practices and a committed advocate for the positive role of designers and artists in shaping a better world. Prior to his current role as a Full Professor at Sapienza University of Rome, Lorenzo served as an Associate Professor and the Graduate Coordinator of the Master of Design MDes at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada until 2013. eija.salmi[at] Eija serves as the chairperson for the Board of the Foundation of The Finnish Institute in Berlin. As an Associate Professor of New Media Design and Learning and former Vice Dean for Research (2014 -2019), Teemu holds over two decades of experience in research and development of web-based learning. (rooms 103 and 105) Adams research expertise and interests span Design for Sustainability, Design Education, Soft Product Design / Wearables, Regenerative Design, Transdisciplinary Education, and Design for Health. Prior to his current role as a Full Professor at Sapienza University of Rome, Lorenzo served as an Associate Professor and the Graduate Coordinator of the Master of Design MDes at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada until 2013. Cumulus announces new President and Executive Board, Stay informed and get involved by signing up for our. In addition, Anna plays an active role in helping design and coordinate member engagement activities and services, liaising with members, and supporting programs related to Cumulus student initiatives, Global Conversations, and Cumulus Working Groups. Jury Co-Chair, Vice-Rector, Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia, Cumulus Executive Board Member (2016-2021) Anne was elected to the Cumulus Board in 2019. One of the highlights of Christians mandate was the signing of the Kyoto Design Declaration in 2008, a manifesto reflecting the responsibilities of designers towards the challenges of sustainable development. Michael holds a graduate degree in higher education management from FLUG, Basel, and an industrial design diploma from the Zrich University of the Arts. School of Arts, Design and Architecture For further . Teemu is a well-known advocate of open-source/free software in education, free knowledge, and open education. Currently Teemu is the chair of the Central Helsinki Music Institute, board member of the A-Clinic Foundation, Council member of the John Morton Center for North American Studies, Member of the Long Now Foundation and Fellow of the RSA. He can be reached at There were many, many meetings and even more e-mails and frantic phone calls. A rundown of executive hires, promotions and exits in the week ending Sept. 24, 2021. Cumulus welcomed its new President Lorenzo Imbesi, PhD, Full Professor and Sapienza Design Research Director, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. In 1990, he took the initiative to establish the CUMULUS Network, which became the International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design, and Media CUMULUS in 2001. Learn More. Professor of Visual Communication Design School of Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), Beijing, Xiao Yong served on three different Cumulus Executive Boards: CEB VII, CEB VI and CEB III. With a development arc of several years, Design Culture(s) is the first conference that Cumulus has brought to its members fully virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic, and in this sense stands out as an important milestone for innovation and accomplishment for the association. Our work at the Secretariat is all about carrying forth our mandate to support our members, make connections and mobilize the community to participate in various moments and venues for global dialogue and the , development of education and research in our disciplines of art, design and media. The Executive Board includes the roles of two Vice-Presidents and a Board Treasurer. Annabel Pretty (UNITEC Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand). Secretariat in helping grow new program opportunities for students via Cumulus, a key objective of CEB VIIs strategic plan. Eija is the founding Secretary General of Cumulus. In 2021, Lorenzo co-chaired and delivered the. He previously served as SVP . The current Cumulus Executive Board (CEB VIII) was elected during the General Assembly on June 16, 2022. As a design educator based in Johannesburg, Robin was instrumental in helping lead Cumulus efforts to increase its visibility in and . In 2021, Eija was formally recognized among a group of 100 international women leaders by the Global Council for International Trade Promotion in India (CGPIT) for her service to fostering a culture of diverse and inclusive values in global art, design and media education and research. The Statutes are the official governing document of Cumulus. For more information, please contact: Research and art Teaching and learning for teachers Doctoral education Doctoral programmes Tenure track Research portal Research and learning facilities Aalto Networking Platform As an expert practitioner, Teemu gives in-service courses for teachers and carries out consulting and concept design for schools, universities, and ICT and media companies. The Global Association of Art and 1. Most recently, he has extended his work as co-founder and co-chair of the, ReveDa (Research Vectors in Design and Art), Cumulus Working Group by proposing and helping conceive the, that the association launched in 2020, an initiative he chairs. Yrj served as President and Professor of the University Art and Design Helsinki (TAIK) for twenty-two years and retired in August 2008. Cumulus Media is the only audio media company to provide marketers with local and national advertising performance guarantees. I also owe many thanks to the people outside of Art Center who helped me coordinate additional extracurricular events for the CEB during their visit. For further information, please contact: Cumulus Media Inc. Investor Relations Department 404-260-6600 The global conversation series originally launched in the CumulusConnects; work to support Cumulus Working Groups and the chairing of the Leadership and Strategy Working Group were all part of Philipps contributions to the community. Associate Professor and Researcher Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, Santiago, Chile. (rooms 103 and 105) He is a founding member of the Public Innovation Laboratory (. As a practicing Chilean designer, Jos is at the helm of various projects and initiatives with public and private institutions as clients and partners, many of them with a focus on information design. She facilitates many member activities such as Cumulus Working Groups and the associations participation in key international initiatives such The Design Declaration and Cumulus partnership with The New European Bauhaus, among many others. In the last year of her mandate, she facilitated a complex legal and participatory process with her Board and members to update the statutes of the Association and successfully transition Cumulus to legal independent registration status as a non-profit Association in Finland. He is a member of the Court of the Royal College of Art. He has served as a visiting professor for a number of international universitiesincluding Hong Kong Polytechnic, University of San Diego, Emily Carr University, University of Calgary, and the University of Toronto, among others. Our city's pride Archana Surana, Founder & Director, ARCH College of Design & Business has been elected for the 8th Cumulus Executive Board (2022-2025) to represent India on 356 Member Institutions- Cumulus Executive Board.

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cumulus executive board