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when was the cepher bible written

Its obvious that many have no idea of the history of the Bible. Word of Faith The Jewish rabbis also removed Hebrew books from their teachings and what they thought should only be taught in the synagogues. No? Concerning the Trinity, this is what I received from Dr. Pidgeons organization: Concerning the Trinity, thats what we were all taught in Sunday School, but weve had to clarify much of our doctrine to line up with what Scripture says rather than adhering to the traditions of men This individual than gives me two illustrations, resembling MODALISM. For example, in (1Corinthians 4:15), Paul uses the word paidagogos there. We all grow spiritually. And Samuel said to Saul, Thou hast done foolishly: thou hast not kept the commandment of the LORD thy God, which he commanded thee, Daniel 9 ; 10.. Okay but G-d does distinguish between clean and unclean. We are a small group with small resources but big hearts! We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. Its just goes against so much scripture to say that Abraham followed a Law given 430 years later that scripture calls the Law of sin and death (Rom 8:2) ministry of death and condemnation (2 Cor 3:7-9) the power of sin (1Cor 15:56) a bondwoman (Gal 4:24)hand writing of ordinances against you (Col 2:14-15) a wall of partition (Eph 2:15). Paul warned about this plainly, writing, (Gal 5:13)You, brothers, have been called to liberty. Maybe I am getting off the subject on this site; sorry if I am doing that. And the other books are also quoted in KJV. ~~ RED-TAG Deals for Our Loyal Customers~~~ Fast Hourly Shipping and Quick Delivery ~~~. This collection may be purchased with or without the Cepher. Joseph Farah practices a double-standard He will lam-blast all those who take issue with the author of The Harbinger, but has no problem with Joe Kovacs, Michael Rood and other unorthodox authors. But suffice to say, I have come across at least two areas of concern regarding this Bible that have given me cause for pause and question: the one area has to do with the Cepher Bibles Gospels accounting of the lineage of Yshua which one gentleman I found on YouTube took issue with. Remember there was much politics in the ancient times when the west put together the modern day bible and they left out certain books to protect their interests and further their agenda. It is these discoveries and questions about the Cepher Bible that I am thinking and reflecting upon as the primary focus of this episode. Our understanding of how awesome our G-d really is increases as we learn more. (11" x 14" full color poster) Hebrew Aleph-Bet Chart. According to scripture, how did Jesus walk? I highly recommend the Cepher. As it relates to Eth (i.e., the alephtav), the writers and developers of the Cepher offer an interpretation of divine and Cepher is Hebrew for Book. Thus when put together, Eth-Cepher meansthe Divine Book. The scribes and the Papacy have perverted Gods word for 2000 years and we finally are waking up with the help of the internet. The hebrewic movement is something I am a part of and it is about moving away from false teachers and people who are lawless and hate Gods commands. They say the new covenant has no law. Use this coupon code "watchman" Here's the link: Purchase other study books here: So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. Plus; Bible Study Tools. Answer: The Cepher, sometime referred to as the "Cepher Bible," is a non-scholarly work that claims to restore many "missing" books, phrases, and chapters to the Bible. He is NOT passing himself off as being the final word. But in defense of Hebrew Roots movements the premise is good and many such Hebrew Roots and Torah Followers do believe and teach Jesus Christ, Salvation, and the Holy Spirit. Does God really look like us? We are a small boutique publisher engaged in bringing forth ancient manuscripts from around the turn of the millennium (that is, from B.C. These Khazars, Jewish imposters never set foot in Israel until 1948. P.S. Did you know that at one time Catholics were not allowed to immigrate into the country. Thats why is it written in James 1 23-24. However, I feel you have raised an important and profound reason for deciding against its purchase at this time. 2 Peter 2:1. https://www.christianpost.com/news/jonathan-cahn-im-not-part-of-the-blood-moon-industry.html. There is not one Yiddish word in the Torah or O.T. Did Jesus test his Father by doing something avoidable that he knew could harm him? To condemn them all is wrong. All of you sheep being led by your disobedient church leaders will regret not having studied the Scriptures for your selves. Scripture reference in cepher Bible that says go out in the world and preach the world. I agree with you. Exactly! The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. For those of you who have been avid bible students for any length of time, you will be familiar with the Deuterocanonical (aka the second books) and the Apocryphal books (aka the secret or hidden books) that were originally contained in the 1611 King James Bible, the Oxford Bible and other earlier versions of the Bible. This verse is very important because we are made in Gods image, and its compared to the rules we have when we are children by our parents. More Buying Choices $238.53 (13 used & new offers) Eth Cepher - Besora'oth: The Four Gospels With Hebraic Concepts To those who bash reading or having the Cepher I ask do you not read other study books? It has always been part of our work to do onsite research to assist with our understanding of scripture. Before that there is no mention anywhere in the bible about a trinity. PO Box 2331 Then consider that the Cepher is a translation directly from the scrolls found in the Qumran caves. The Holy Spirit will guide those seeking truth and no truth contradicts the law and thats the foundation of our entire faith because its the Spirit of Truth. $21.99 Buy About this app arrow_forward The Hebrew word eth () means divine, and the Hebrew word cepher () means book, scroll, letter or writing. Your reply is well thought out and very well put. The simple act of learning the names, as they were pronounced before the invention of the letter J, brings me more in touch with the original story. I actually have the 2nd Edition of this Bible. Had the Scriptures remained, these books contained prophecies of exactly what the false church would do, viz., corrupt the scriptures. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD. Very careful. I love knowing the names of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and am so thankful for this Bible bc it has the missing books of Jubilee, Jasher, Enoch with extensive commentary on , the Fallen Angels, and Daniels prophecy. If you (1John 3:4) without repenting then you will receive the curse (punishment) or the wages there of. As far as theology is concerned, does the article writer believe that the Torah, which is commonly translated as Law, has been abolished or done away with? My view is that we should be speaking out against the newer translations that remove the truth and knowledge from G-ds word. Catholics have always held that certain sacraments are necessary for salvation. The 7th day that G-d appointed and also said Remember the 7th day. And you know what? I will conceded that all of these are fair verses to use when defending ones position in favor of the divinity of Yshuathat is if you believe in the divinity or that Yshua is Yahovah. Greetings, Sharon, here are a few observations concerning your reply to my entry. One of His titles is The Word! James: I have the Cepher and I have been on the Cepher site. Sets forth atransliteration, rather than a substitution, of the names of the Father (Yahuah), Son (Yahusha) and. This person lacks much understanding and from the sounds of it is the very devil its trying to speak against. . We are very thankful for this community and their friendship. Nevertheless, I would not have known what sin was had it not been for the law. The deception is Christianity and their Jesus which comes from the Romans/Greeks and the bogus teaching that the law is done away with when if they studied they would see that their fake Jesus didnt even say that nonsense. The people who teach these things have a fine way of using Gods word to their ruin and many things like this they teach and preach about tithing as if tithing is not a Godly law that was also kept by Abraham who knew Gods word but the difference is Abraham did not take advantage of the people as these so called Sunday pastors do. Join. Was there a line between the tormented and those that were not? I am not up to speed on some of these movements. God separates out those that obey him out of love. When Saul met Jesus he was changed and he became known as Paul. $95.00 $90.95 Order yours today! Wilt thou believe him, that he will bring home thy seed, and gather it into thy barn? CEPHER Lexicon. And hey if theyre teaching wrong.dont bother with them. Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; A blessing, if ye obey the commandments of Yahuah Elohaykem, which I command you this day: And a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of Yahuah Elohaykem but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day, to go after other elohiym, which ye have not known. I can be doing all those things AFTER ACCEPTING Jesus and Im still forgiven. (8" x 11" - includes both Paleo & Modern Hebrew letters and their meanings) Cepher Reading Tracker. The Cepher folks have chosen to take that opportunity away from her readers. Get 10% off a Cepher Bible! It is still a man made translation. None of these holidays are holy. or will he harrow the valleys after thee? What I receive from the scripture is that God wants people with foundations that are solid and unmovable as a rock. Said He never waste His words and didnt give me something( the Name) for me to not use it. Highlighting available in seven different colors. I pray for G-d to lead me to what and where and HE answers me. Came on this site specifically to respond to another post that because of tie constraints couldnt before. In Seekins review he stated that the Cepher was the most accurately translated correct book he had seen or read.. Needless to say I had to have this bible and eventually I made connections to secure 2-copies of this bible: one for Hilary and one for myself. Got Questions has more on The Book of Jasher, ISIS is Near, No One is Safe and Why We Should Think About It, https://bereanresearch.org/eschatology-end-times/, http://wnd.com/2012/09/christian-author-god-is-having-offspring/, http://amazingdiscoveries.org/S-deception-Sabbath_change_Constantine, http://www.nairaland.com/1080843/book-enoch-jesus-quoted-it, Report: Former Hillsong pastors say they were threatened by Brian Houston, The Progressive Disease of Spiritual Deception in Our Time. There are many groups today with beliefs/practices very similar to the Judaizers of the New Testament. He has succeeded! Driver, Briggs and Gesenius. (Heb 10:16) This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them And these sites usually had a few people who were Catholic or..whatever. Even the books of the NT were there along with several other books that were also put into the Cepher. I still need to finish listening to his concern about the Cephers treatment of the lineage of our Master before I say anything further on it. What I mean by this Ill discuss momentarily. Does God really have a head, torso, feet and arms as Kovacs teaches? The Catholic church and its symbols etc. New Age It corrrects the names of the The father and his son- the messiah Yahusha, who is the Yeshua (salvation) of our world. In making my decision to purchase the Cepher I read reviews. This, in and of itself, is a cause for concern. Hence, the Cepher is a numbered writing from the first to the last, from the beginning to the end. WND has long been setting its sail to the unsteady winds of the Hebrew Roots Movement, including WND owner, The beliefs and practices of Black Hebrew groups differ greatly among its sects. Christ is the way! Sets forth a translation, rather than a substitution, of the names of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I just cant endorse it and I would not recommend my readers and listeners to purchase it unless they feel so led. Both names end with the identifier "el." We have the same . If a Disciple of the history of what has been considered "Bible" from 1450 BCE through the Common Era of the First Century were to compile a collection of what they would call Bible, it would include the Cepher. Clearly God testifies of Sodom and Gomorrahs sin and Abraham knew what sin was so if he wasnt keeping Gods law, how would he have known if Sodom was sinning or not and God testifies with His own mouth that Abraham will surely teach his children to obey His laws and what is is according to the gospel 1 John 3:4, Romans 7:7 What shall we say, then? The Roman Catholic Church teaches a doctrine similar to that of the Judaizers of the New Testament in this way: its doctrine is a mixture of law and grace. Had I NOT been grounded in Christs teachings they would have slid right over my head and would have confused me. Yes there are many things in Jewish Roots that expand on Christianity as we know it today. He who dwells in the secret place of El Elyon shall abide under the shadow of El Shaddai. then will I (Again) hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. This is the only key which can deliver us. It promises to be a great time of fellowship and teaching that hopefully if you are so inclined and led, I would highly encourage you consider attending this event. Most people dont know that in Greek culture the paidagogos was a guardian usually a slave. Ive been on many sites and the numbers of people who are being saved, and who have returned to Christ are amazing because of the Hebrew Roots movement. Other than non canonical books included its the same scripture. Christian theology teaches to follow after other gods by observing pagan festivals and holidays while avoiding the Creators appointed times. 2022 by Berean Research. But its another thing entirely to be polluted by the world in the name of liberty and to exalt the flesh in the name of freedom. And forgive us our transgressions, as we forgive those who transgress against us. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Could you please post a clear , and readable screenshot of John 17:5 , and John 17:11 from your Cepher Bible , and send it my personal/private email ?? I had actually started preparing other content to reflect upon for this episode, but I have been led to table that content for the next sharing opportunity. And if the apostles and disciples were rejected Christ said leave them and shake the dust of their ground off your feet. Thus a coup de tat, so they substituted the word Jew which is really a Yiddish word. Grace is Gods power to those receiving salvation. The two most prominent would be the Hebrew Roots Movement and the Roman Catholic Church. Love is not burdensome and encompasses the commands of God and is much easier than all those additions made by man that complicate Gods law. The Hebrew Roots Cult. They also believe that there is no heaven or hell. Can you establish an agreement without conditions? Restores the 29th chapter of Maasiym (The Acts of the Apostles) chronicling Paals (. Recently Ive been seeing a lot of advertisements for The Cepher Bible, a new translation of sorts brought to you by WND, where editor Joseph Farah sells Cepher alongside. Maybe I should end this with People think for yourselves, Ask for G-ds guidance and before you believe that a person who is discouraging you from something you want to investigate or learn about,.look into or listen to someone with an opposite point of view. Jesus also gives us an example when we should listen to the Pharisees and why. Dr. Seekins has posted on the internet his recommendation and endorsement of the Cepher. Let the truth be told!!! After reading the Cepher so many verse that Islam quoted can be answered and so many things Atheists use do discredit the bible become easy to handle so believe it or not the Cepher is a more accurate biblical account the only thing Id caution is that you read the law first Genesis to Deuteronomy and fully understand it 100% before touching the Cepher otherwise you wont know which books are embellished and which ones are not. It and I have been on the Cepher and I would not have known what sin had... Those who transgress against us beliefs/practices very similar to the Judaizers of the New Testament ) repenting. I have been called to liberty at this time exactly what the church. Know him if we keep his commands that obey him out of love and would have confused me Fast. Thats why is it written in James 1 23-24 my readers and listeners to purchase it unless feel. Of exactly what the false church would do, viz., corrupt the Scriptures remained, these contained. 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when was the cepher bible written