upright piano hammer mechanism

After the key is released the action parts return to the rest position. 1 and 2. For this reason, some of students of the piano are finally forced to purchase a grand piano to practice on. More specifically, the double escapement mechanism D includes a first escapement D, The first mechanism 6 includes a toggle mechanism 44 which has an actuating piece 44a and a pressing piece 44b and which is pivotally supported by a bracket 43 attached to the support frme S. The following is a description of the operation of the presently preferred embodiment of the invention with specific reference to FIGS. The idea is based on our previous studies of design components in mechanical engineering, which are widely used on many other industries. $6.95 - $445.00. String 2. A piano playing technique called "repetition" is known in which, immediately after a hammer has struck a string following the depression of a piano key, the same piano key is depressed again before it completely returns to its original position, thereby producing the same tone. This makes it the tallest of all the vertical pianos. j, is the jack. Upright Piano Hammer Action Mechanism - YouTube which is the escapement mechanism that allows the piano. The one at the left of the wippen is called the wippen flange. After Cristofori's death in 1731, a number of piano makers (for instance, Gottfried Silbermann) built pianos with actions that were essentially copies of Cristofori's. The precise adjustment of the jack and the adjacent parts upon which it depends for its exact movements, play an important part in regulating the "touch" of the piano. An action mechanism for a upright piano includes a back check mechanism having a back check member provided on the horizontal arm of a hammer arranged to strike a string and a hammer. Piano Hammer Butt - Standard Upright - Howard Piano Industries Accordingly, the pressure acting upon the second lever 33 supported by the repetition lever fork 15 causes the second lever 33 to rotate about the second stopper 35 in the counterclockwise direction only, and thus does not force the hammer roller 36 upwardly. 3d vector Piano keys isometric flat icon. More research on wood-working and piano crafting will be required. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. said first resilient wire extending generally perpendicular to said second surface. We decided to order an upright action model from Ebay so that we can assemble it and then visualize the movement of the action. Escapement mechanism for upright piano - KUMMER; FERNAND A crafstman holding a hand after working with repairs of the inside mechanism of an upright piano. Referring again to FIG. About this item: This is a piece of tape about an eighth of an inch wide with a piece of leather glued to the end and a hole near the end for the point of the "stirrup" or bridle wire. ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNORS:TANAKA, HAJIME;SAITO, SHIRO;REEL/FRAME:004985/0028, Free format text: Made of Hard Maple BORE-OUT GUIDE FUNCTION: It has jaws that can be clamped onto the hammer and a hole that goes all the way through for the drill bit to pass through. Its purpose is to hold the jack inward against the "nose" or "heel" of the hammer butt. When a piano key is pressed, a corresponding hammer rises to strike the string (or strings) causing the highly-tensioned strings to vibrate. However, although a conventional type of upright piano may include the back check mechanism B as shown in FIG. H R, hammer rail, resting on felt cushion, c, glued to rail or bracket. The damper is held against the string by the wire spring which is seen running from the damper flange to the top of the damper lever. An action mechanism as claimed in claim 1. and further comprising a balance weight located on said hammer at a position at which the weight of the balance weight biases said hammer toward said rest position. When the button is too low, it disengages too soon, and much of the force of the key is lost before it reaches the hammer. The first stopper 34 is attached to one end of a regulating screw 34a which extends through the fixed bracket 22 and the fixed frame S. The second lever 33 is commonly called a repetition lever, and includes a through hole 37 extending in a left-hand portion thereof as viewed in FIG. As the hammer rebounds, the catcher (19) on the hammer butt is caught by the backcheck (18). 108,496/1983 discloses an arrangement in which a double escapement mechanism is incorporated in an action mechanism of an upright piano. Schaff Piano Supply. In the 1770s, the Augsburg builder Johann Andreas Stein developed an entirely new action in which the orientation of the hammer was reversed, with the hammer head closer to the player. In the back check mechanism B having the aforesaid arrangement, the circular arc traced by the back check member 24 intersects that traced by the hammer check 25 and, in addition, the hammer check 25 is caught by the back check member 24 within the radius of the circular arc traced by the horizontal arm 21 (this catching has heretofore been performed outside the radius of the circular arc, as shown in FIG. The hammer would then be propelled in the direction of string before both hammers return to their respective position. a hammer check attached to the resilient wire so as to project therefrom and engage the back check member within the radius of a circular arc traced by the back check member. c, wherever found, represents a cushion of felt or soft leather upon which the different parts of the action rest or come in contact with each other. The discarded design was featured in the second blog update, where the redesigned action would have the linear motion of the pressing the key transformed to rotational motion using a wheel mechanism that would then allow the hammer to strike the string. The mortise in the wooden cap on top of the key at this point is lined with bushing cloth which holds the key in position laterally, and prevents looseness and rattling, yet allows the key to move easily. 11/16 inch long- Per 100 SH559C $ 13.95. The center-pin in the wippen is driven through a hole in which it fits tightly and immovably in the middle part, and it (the center-pin) is consequently stationary in the wippen. The grand hammers are made in 3 basic weights, with an additional weight in the Hamburg Collection, and 2 boring sizes which will fit 80% of the pianos you are likely to encounter. I claim: 1. The previously described object is also achieved by the provision in the present invention of a back check mechanism in an upright piano in which a depressing force applied to a piano key is transmitted to an L-shaped hammer through the intermediary of an action mechanism to cause the L-shaped hammer to strike a string, the mechanism comprising: a back check member provided on one end of a horizontal arm of the L-shaped hammer; a resilient wire screwed into a wippen of the action mechanism and extending through a through-hole formed in the horizontal arm of the L-shaped hammer; and. 3 universal sizes are also available, which can be custom bored, shaped, and tailed, for the remaining 20% of the grand pianos. How to Install New Piano Hammers - YouTube Each of the 88 keys is connected to a small felt covered hammer. Specifically, at this moment, the second escapement D. Subsequently, when the wippen 12 is further rotated in this state, instead of the second lever 33, the first jack 31a presses the hammer roller 36. The aforementioned escapement mechanism and back check mechanism are used to satisfy this requirement. REDUCE HAMMER SHANK SIZE: This tool is used for reducing the size of hammer shanks to make them fit better with new hammers while keeping the shank's round diameter. The present invention relates to an improved action mechanism for pianos, in particular, upright pianos and. UPRIGHT PIANO ACTION MECHANISM - MyScienceWork Although the back check mechanism B can move freely, the size of the escapement mechanism must significantly relatively small. It is to be noted that the term "back check mechanism (B)" used herein is defined as a mechanism which can be incorporated in any grand piano or upright piano and in which, while a hammer is returning reactively after striking a string, the hammer is received at an intermediate position between the striking position and the rest position, thereby allowing a jack to positively strike the hammer at the succeeding depression of the same piano key. When you press a key on the piano, its respective hammer strikes a string or a set of string which is tuned to the appropriate musical note. Please read it carefully and keep it handy for further reference. All flange joints are of this nature; some, however, are provided with a means for tightening the center-pin in the middle portion of the joint. Schaff Piano Supply. . DR, damper rod. Thus the bridle becomes the main factor in the matter of quick repetition. Digital pianos - CASIO MUSIC Quick view. In order to reset, a grand piano simply relies on the weight of the hammer and damper, and gravity does the rest. 3. Oliver Esmonde-White shows off a piano hammer mechanism that he invented at his shop in Montreal on Friday, Jan. 21, 2022. This rail supports the light wire springs which assist the hammers in returning to rest position. It used levers to magnify the small motion of the piano key into a large motion of the hammer, and was arranged so that the very last part of the hammer's motion before striking the string would be purely the result of inertia and not propelled by the key; this prevents the key from pressing the felt-covered hammer firmly into the string, which would damp and stop the string vibrations and the sound. 4, the depressing force applied to a piano key K is transmitted to a hammer H through the intermediary of a double escapement mechanism D of the type typically used in a grand piano. Learn on the go with our new app. They're even on stages where professional musicians perform. The bottom of the hole in the key fits closely around the balance pin; at the top, it is the shape of a mortise, parallel with the key, which allows the key to move only in the direction intended. The wippen heel 11 is attached at its upper surface to a wippen 12 constituting the double escapement mechanism D which will be described later. [7] The illustration to the right is of a circa 1907 Wessell, Nickel and Gross upright action; the parts are listed below. The soft pedal communicates with this rail by a rod which moves it forward and thereby shortens the stroke of the hammers and produces a softer tone. However, as shown in FIG. The momentum of the hammer allows it to travel the remaining small distance, striking the string and then rebounding. On the other hand, the upright piano relies on springs and the bouncing of the felt hammer after hitting the string to go back to its initial position. Referring first to FIG. In some actions the lead is omitted entirely; but in the best actions it is almost invariably present. Hammer 6. In order to illustrate these topics, we have created a handy gantt chart for the first half of the year that reveals two concerning facts: We only have about a month to finalize our design, and perhaps more alarmingly, we only have 10 days for completing the first milestone (yikes). However, the repetitive mechanism really comes into play when the applied force is removed. Perhaps the best-known English piano action of the nineteenth century is the Brooks action of 1810. 10. 15 pound felt Photo by Paul Chiasson / The Canadian Press Another component, known. Upright pianos cannot be changed outside of what is theoretically ideal for each particular instrument; otherwise, double-striking (bouncing hammers) and issues of hammer return out way any advantage of changing how the instrument feels. U3. The piano action mechanism[1] (also known as the key action mechanism[2] or simply the action) of a piano or other musical keyboard is the mechanical assembly which translates the depression of the keys into rapid motion of a hammer, which creates sound by striking the strings. A resilient wire 24a is disposed upright on the inclined surface of the enlarged portion 21a, and the back check member 24 is attached to the upper end of the resilient wire 24a. PDF Upright Piano Regulation A Service Manual This link connects the left end of the key (point e) to the left end of the wippen (point h). said back-check mechanism including a back-check member and a first resilient wire connected between said back-check member and the horizontal arm of said hammer, a hammer-check member and a second resilient wire connected between said hammer-check member and said wippen. Their purpose is that of rendering the action noiseless and easy of operation. The Takumi modification consists of two additional springs that make the hammer bounce back to its original position at a faster rate. Assigned to TANAKA INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. , , PIANOS, HARPSICHORDS, SPINETS OR SIMILAR STRINGED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WITH ONE OR MORE KEYBOARDS, Actions specially adapted for upright pianos, F. HUHN in Berlin S.O., Skalitzerstr. > quick view one at the left of the hammer bounce back to original. 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upright piano hammer mechanism