word bearers wahapedia

Incensed at his brother's disobedience, the Warmaster saw no choice but to support his ill-tempered and impulsive ally since the atmospheric after effects of the global firestorm unleashed by the virus bombs made it impossible to carry out an immediate, accurate orbital bombardment. Its society was fairly technically advanced, but unfortunately, its population was overcome with genetic diseases. Red and Brass (Current) / Blue and White (Pre-Heresy). Withdrawal turned to rout, and many brothers died during the return to their ships. The arrival of the Primarch Angron brought a primitive, almost tribal unity to the newly renamed World Eaters, and Angron quickly became the example of warriorhood to be aspired to by his Legion. On a mountain named Fedan Mhor, on a bleak spit of land known as Desh'elika Ridge, Angron and his forces were finally surrounded by no less than seven large Nucerian armies. The phalanx slowly moved to positions that offered interlocking fields of fire over the unsuspecting Ultramarines vehicles, remaining powered-up at battle alert under the guise of battle-readiness drills. Trapped inside his meat prison, begging for release, Kor Phaeron howled. While others might acknowledge and even respect their foes, the XVIIth saw no virtue in defiance. It was not a dedicated interdiction war-fleet, but clearly a ragtag strike force, a lance thrust intended to strike at the enemy's heart. New levels are built upon existing crumbling edifices which results in towering spires that reach kilometres into the foreboding sky. This functional structure remained largely unchanged from when the Legion was the Imperial Heralds until their own treachery on Istvaan V. The rediscovery of their Primarch and the influx of recruits from Colchis did little to change the Legion's basic structure, rather it added layers of organisation. It is said that he has been seen walking the mortal realms in terrible splendor, preaching the word of Chaos at the head of a massive Word Bearers army. Up until that point the other legions had stayed neutral in the power struggle. The Serrated Sun Chapter, for example, seems to have consisted of only 3 companies which each originally comprised 100 Astartes. With the Legionaries of the Word Bearers already on the surface, the ship's human population fled in the vessels final minutes. Use this Stratagem in your Command phase. Kill! This was the moment of Angron's apotheosis into daemonhood. As the two Primarchs fought, Guilliman landed a glancing blow, his fist pounding across Angron's breastplate. Lorgar was both commander and spiritual father to his Legion. Forced to break out of the warp far short of Macragge in an area of space known only as 'the Abyss' the Word Bearers tore into the shadowing Ultramar fleet with a ferocity borne of the righteous denied. Nassir Amit, a Captain of the Blood Angels Legion, known as the "Flesh Tearer," was another Astartes who earned great glory in the World Eaters' pits in the days before the Horus Heresy, for he fought with the same savagery and brutality as his hosts, a trait that would later be passed on to the Flesh Tearers Chapter he led after the Heresy. War Hounds No robotic silence or hysterical shouts rang out from their ranks, but rather the calm, even tones of bonded brothers, spoken as though they were strolling to the training pits and not into the teeth of their foes. Following the city's destruction by the Ultramarines, the entire Word Bearers Legion, 100,000 Space Marines strong, were ordered to assemble on the planet's surface, within sight of the smoldering ruins of Monarchia, where its Astartes were humiliated and rebuked by the Emperor Himself, who psychically forced everyone, including Lorgar, to kneel before Him in the ashes of a city which stood for all they had believed and done, and explained to them that they had failed both Him and humanity. To save his life, Lorgar convinced the lord of the World Eaters to go back to his homeworld of Nuceria. They accepted what was taught to them because it was the only truth offered. With this legend came dark tales of atrocity and wanton destruction that froze the blood of even hardened Imperial Commanders and caused concern even at the level of the Imperial War Council and the other Primarchs. It was said that religion was in the air, in the touch of the sun and the taste of the dust. As the sun rose and the encircling armies closed on Angron's band of warriors, the Emperor saw that not even a mighty Primarch could prevail against such odds. World Eater names are generally one or two-syllable words with hard consonants derived from those used by the Astartes recruited into the ancient Legion from across the galaxy. The Bearer of the Word started chanting in a language never before spoken by any living being, his words in faultless harmony with Angron's cry of torment. As the Desh'ean crowd drowned out the sounds of battle, Angron's gladiators turned on their armed guards, butchering them and fighting their way to freedom. It was a pattern they repeated across Ancient Terra in the last days of the Unification Wars, earning themselves a second name. Angron watched helplessly from orbit as his brothers and sisters were quickly annihilated. Nor did they deploy like the Space Wolves or the Great Khan's get, joining the fray in a blistering charge, laughing as they leveled bolter and blade. And still the great vessel fought -- rolling, turning, raging. Though Angron loathed this particular epithet, it later proved among his most fitting titles. The killing came to a head when the World Eaters hero Scyrak the Slaughterer slew the Legion's Chief Librarian, thus removing the last obstacle to the Legion's bloody fall to the Eightfold-Path and their service to the Skull Throne. Only a dog does. The wars waged by the Imperial Heralds were direct and functional. One of the greatest perils the Word Bearers present to the Imperium is the taint they so actively seek to spread. Wahapedia: Space Marines Primaris Crusader Squad (stats, options, wargear, abilities and keywords). The Word Bearers follow the words of their Dark Apostles with total faith in battle. Guilliman stepped back, his boot crushing a skull's remnants to powder. In response, Thor was branded a heretic and sentenced, in his absence, to death. Never will the outrage in beloved Monarchia be forgiven; the idols toppled there by Guillimans sons will be reforged from their bones. Once united, the Emperor intended to begin the next stage of His great plan to ensure Human domination of the Milky Way Galaxy, which He judged to be necessary if Humanity was to survive the never-ceasing threats to its existence embodied by Chaos, myriad xenos races and its own fragile Human nature. Maim! In response, a combined force of four Space Marine Chapters, 2 Titan Legions and more than 30 Astra Militarum regiments participated in a massive Imperial Crusade to retake what the Imperium had lost to the Red Angel's assault. The painful memories of that day, long ago, were too much for the Primarch to bear. The Primarch Leman Russ had been charged by the Emperor to take his Space Wolves Legion to Ghenna to bring the World Eaters to heel. Nothing from Terra would get in and nothing would get out. Lorgar disappeared behind the great armoured doors of the throne room. Mago subsequently made an appeal to Centurion Kharn, and pleaded with him to reverse the dark direction their Legion was taking. For some wounded brothers it was all too much; brethren in the ship's Apothecarion who should have returned rapidly to their squads died in their droves. The two Primarchs would learn all that was known about the Nucerians' insidious cortical implant technology, and then they would burn that loathsome world until its surface was nothing but glass. Squads of twenty were common across all companies and Chapters, and typically took a tactical configuration. Those who had preserved the poison of false belief would be dragged to pyres made of heaped books and carved statues. The Chaplains repainted their armour black following the Legion's reprimanding by the Emperor in Monarchia, "in remembrance of the ashes coating every warrior's armour.". Worlds burned, civilisations were made to kneel, and a trail of swift conquest and Imperial Compliance actions stretched behind them like a bloody cloak. The Ultramarines Battle Barge Armsman intercepted the Conqueror and came abeam, launching Assault Carriers and Boarding Torpedoes. The Red Angel's twin Chainaxes were ruined, as they had lost their teeth during the brutal fighting. He had little concern for a small group of former slaves battling a group of petty tyrants on a backwater world. But even in this earliest period the Legion's procurement and outfitting showed a considerable bias towards direct assault and operations within the close and deadly confines of the kinds of battlefields designated as "Zone Mortalis" in Imperial strategic doctrine. Conflict became the only measure and the only judge, and training beyond its most basic elements was as real as any war or battle a World Eaters Astartes would find themselves in. All-too soon, though, reinforcements started to flow into the area, and not just from neighbouring sub-sectors, but Ultramarine forces fresh from their shocking victory at Istvaan. The precise nature of their preparations is only open to supposition, but much can be deduced from Lorgar's character and the atrocities that would come later. A mortuus was more than simply a casualty list, it was a remembrance -- a roll of honour, a relic for the Legion to treasure. Layak had learned the name during a ritual Lorgar had conducted but due to the total amnesia it would eventually curse the name's bearer with, he had given the information to the Dark Apostle instead. Several Ultramarines warships attempted to make a run on Nuceria, haemorrhaging Drop Pods, landers and gunships, forcing planetfall by any means necessary. Imperial scholars cannot know now if this is true, too much has been forgotten, and too much more must never be remembered. Faith is the soul of any army; be it vested in primitive religion or enlightened truth. (pp. In the decades after, the World Eaters claimed it came from the Space Wolves' lines, and the Space Wolves claimed the same of the XII Legion. Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour (Legendary), Sorcerer in Terminator Armour (Legendary), Captain with Master-crafted Heavy Bolt Rifle, Interrogator-Chaplain in Terminator Armour, Death Guard Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour, Death Guard Sorcerer in Terminator Armour, Ephrael Stern and Kyganil of the Bloody Tears. The gravely wounded Guilliman escaped from Nuceria, unable to face or even fully comprehend what both of his brothers had become through their corruption by the Ruinous Powers. The two Word Bearers were then brought by the Custodes to the Emperor's throne room to face judgement. The Emperor had been truthful when He had stated that He was no god, but Lorgar saw that the Master of Mankind had told the very worst of lies when He claimed that no such beings existed. Aggressive use of these units had led the chapter to many victories in the Great Crusade, for which it also acquired a reputation for ruthless efficiency on the attack and bloody-minded stubbornness in defence. It is said his birth scream as a Daemon Prince of Chaos Undivided echoed across the Immaterium with triumphant vindication, his faith and devotion to Chaos rewarded with immortality and unbridled power. Their vox would come alive with an endless disjointed chorus of laughing and spitting and screaming, all set to the throaty roar of active chainblades. The Emperor ordered a task force composed of the entire Ultramarines Legion and accompanied by a force of his elite personal bodyguards, the Legio Custodes and the Imperial Regent, Malcador the Sigillite, to raze the capital city of the planet Khur, a world dear to the Word Bearers, whom considered its capital, Monarchia, the "perfect city" because of the intense religious devotion of its citizens and the sheer number of cathedrals and monuments dedicated to the worship of the Emperor as the God of humanity. A brazen helm would denote Veteran status. Instead, the legion became the Chamber Militant of the Ministorum, acting not only as its strong right arm, but as the body charged with ensuring it never again overstepped its bounds. The Word Bearers have a tendency to dedicate companies to a particular combat specialty, designating companies as assault companies, line breaker companies, reconnaissance companies, and so on. These crude neural implants were hammered into the Primarch's skull and surgically grafted to his cerebral cortex. In the depths of the gloom Lorgar addressed them. The Daemon Engines of the Chaos Space Marines are driven by a fathomless hatred born of the warp. When a city burned or a people were put to death, the deed was done with the solemnity of a rite. The World Eaters, battered and bleeding from Ghenna's Imperial Compliance campaign, formed ragged lines before the assembled Space Wolves Legion. Angron soon earned the nickname the "Red Angel" for the bloody atrocities committed across the width and breadth of the galaxy. The XIIIth Legion's cruisers and battleships ran abeam of the enemy fleet for repeated exchange of broadsides, offering targets too big and powerful to ignore, while the rest of the Ultramarines fleet used calculated Lance strikes from safer range. Both claimed victory. XVII These squads formed the core of the XVIIth Legion and the keystone of its philosophy of war: the aggressive advance of warriors in force. He declared that Angron had been born a slave and would now remain one, enslaved to darkness for all eternity. Never known for employing massed heavy armour formations, the XVIIth Legion preferred to focus its strength on infantry companies of various specialisations, and those armoured formations which it did employ were intended to act in close support of infantry. How Angron came to be separated from the Emperor so soon after his creation and the name of the planet he eventually came to call home was later removed from the Imperial record. Units that Advance cannot shoot or charge this turn. Return 1 destroyed Torment model to this unit with its full wounds remaining. Despite the tally of victories garnered by this brutal Space Marine Legion, it came at a dire cost. The War Hounds developed a reputation for victory, although at a cost, and it was said every assault they conducted ended in only one of two ways: victorious slaughter or simple slaughter, either of which left the foe in no condition to resist further. While the legion grieved, Vandire smoothly assumed command of the Word Bearers, and in so doing became the Imperium's new Ecclesiarch. What followed was the gradual deterioration of any sense of brotherhood. Guilliman raised bureaucrats, while Lorgar made priests and the Khan vagrants. Once they had conquered, the Imperial Heralds would seek out works which spoke of the power of sorcery, false gods and the irrational. His last act before leaving was to call a conclave at Nikaea to rule upon the allegations of sorcery surrounding the Thousand Sons, and indeed that of all psykers within the Legionnes Astartes. Furthermore, each Chapter has its own iconography, symbology, and specific tactical role within the Legion, giving each their own distinct appearance. They emptied libraries, dividing the contents into truth and falsity. For some time there had been disquiet voiced over Roboute Guilliman's ever-expanding realm in the galactic east. Alpha Legion agents and saboteurs infiltrate enemy targets long before the foe join the battle. Models cannot be set up within Engagement Range of enemy models. The Emperor departed, leaving a Primarch chastised and a Legion humbled. Blood painted them as surely as it marked Angron. Nominally independent of the Imperial Army and Armada Imperialis, they would ensure the preachers' voices were heard. Others point to the known history of Angron and insist that his Legion could have been saved had the signs been noticed earlier. Vorias, the eldest of the remaining Librarian coven and Lectio Primus of the XIIth Legion's Librarius Division had worked with the World Eaters Apothecarion and their senior attached Mechanicum Magi in trying to determine just why the Butcher's Nails reacted so poorly in the presence of psychic minds, but the line of research was abandoned when they had come to realise the context of their work: no one cared. From its earliest days, the XVIIth stood apart from its brother Legions in its Astartes' duty and outlook. Indeed where this planet was or even if it still exists is often uncertain to the Imperial savants of the present time. After paying a visit to the city-state of Desh'ea to see who ruled the Nucerian city-state that had once claimed to own him, he became enraged when he was told the tale of how he had fled at the Battle of Desh'elika Ridge, and the subsequent massacre of the rebel army in the mountains. If victory was certain, and who could doubt it as stars and systems fell to the Emperor's Great Crusade in their hundreds, then the measure of true victory was not in death and blood, but in what a warrior carried within him. Angron had the longest "Triumph Rope" within the Legion. That this requires the death of billions of people is a price that the Word Bearers are willing to pay to bring the truth first sought by Lorgar Aurelian to the rest of the galaxy. The Grey Knights had defeated the Daemon Prince, hurling his spirit back into the Warp from where he could not return for over one hundred Terran years. Relic devices from the Dark Age of Technology, these cortical implants artificially boosted a warrior's adrenaline, resulting in greater strength and aggression in battle. In an attempt to halt the Urizen's dark plans, the 19 remaining Librarians harnessed their collective psychic powers to manifest a psychic entity known as the Communion, the gestalt consciousness of 19 psychic minds. But all I ever wanted was the truth. Perhaps as a result of the Eye of Terror's proximity this later population of Cadians also soon developed the unusual violet-coloured eyes that had marked the first human inhabitants of the planet. In the aftermath of the Horus Heresy, the World Eaters descended to new depths of bloodlust and destruction, reaving across the already shattered Imperium before plunging into the twisted depths of the Eye of Terror. Sigismund, the First Captain of the Imperial Fists Legion, had taken to the custom with his usual zeal, binding his weapons to his wrists on dense black chains. Allowing his fellow gladiators to die was a deed Angron would never forgive the Emperor for, and a stain upon the Primarch's honour that would never fade but fester into a soul-deep wound. We can only speculate as to why: perhaps He did not want to believe it of His son, perhaps He wanted to be sure, perhaps He was simply gathering information before acting. Failure to do so, the Primarch declared, would result in the draconian punishment known as decimation, in which 1 of every 10 World Eaters was executed. Attached to Chapters but standing as a circle apart, only the most dedicated Astartes of the Legion can enter their ranks. Lorgar selected it over the double eagle, honouring his father's decree that Fulgrim's legion would be the only Astartes to bear the later image. The "Black Knight" they had called him, in honour of his prowess, his nobility and his personal heraldry. Life was easy for some and hard for others, and all the people knew the same truths that their fathers had known and their mothers had taught. At present, the Word Bearers' greatest foes amongst the servants of the Emperor are the Ultramarines and their Successor Chapters, who the Word Bearers have hated and seen as rivals since the time of the Great Crusade. Angron and his World Eaters were known to cut their left hands and smear the blood on the visors of their helmets before going into a fight. Now there would only be blood, an ocean of blood carried on a tide of eternal slaughter. The World Eaters now possess but a single desire in life -- to slay their enemies in savage melee combat and take their skulls for Khorne. Seeing visions of Macragge and the impending terror brought by the Traitor Marines of the Word Bearers Legion, Captain Cestus, the Fleet Commander of the Ultramarines Legion, quickly gathered a force of starships at the main Vangelis hub of Coralis. Colchis, Melkeji, Ipisia, Golkoron, Khur, garrison oversight and tithing rights on fifty-three other worlds. This protracted campaign is known in Imperial archives as the "Dominion of Fire.". At the request of the Night Haunter, the Iron Warriors' Primarch Perturabo had crafted his grim brother a singular prison, unlike any other, in imitation of Perturabo's own private sanctorum known as the Cavea Ferrum. Most infamously, Angron ordered his warriors to conquer a targeted world within 31 solar hours -- the length of a single Nucerian local day -- and the time in which it took Angron to score his greatest victory upon his former homeworld. Burn! It is believed that during this period the Emperor Himself dubbed the XIIth Legion His "War Hounds" as a tribute to the savage and tenacious way they fought to pacify the narco-sprawls of the Cephic Hives. Guilliman assessed his ground troops' positions and broadcast clear, concise orders to each pocket of defence, coordinating them into a cohesive force. If a unit attacks with multiple weapons, all attacks made with weapons that have the same profile must be resolved before resolving attacks with the next. All were deceived. The Emperor chose this name because the XIIth Legion reminded Him of the white war hounds the Yeshk warriors of the north of Terra once used in battle. They mustered on the harsh, volcanic world of Bodt which had been taken by the War Hounds as a training ground some years before, included regiments of Feral World head-hunters inducted into the Imperial Army and brute Abhumans on the edge of the Imperium's tolerated genetic deviance. To their brother Legions and the people of the newborn Imperium, they were the Iconoclasts. The Ultramarines cruisers that drifted past burned as badly as the warship they were killing. These were sons who had never seen the light of Sol, nor known the Legion as it had been. At the last, it was not talk of belief that brought the Word Bearers' wrongs to light, but the arithmetic of conquest. Give them the mercy of death.""Affirm. This final sacrifice infused the world with the Emperor's Grace, and in doing so every daemon was banished and the Plague of Unbelief driven from every human on the planet. The Astropaths of the Fist of Macragge managed to send out a telepathic warning through the Warp, ultimately received as a very powerful psychic scream at the Vangelis spaceport. Were there those amongst the Legion who still wished to serve the Emperor? Since their inception, the Word Bearers' devotion to the Imperium has been beyond question. As the flames spread to the rest of the city, the World Eaters Legion tore itself apart, berserkers fighting both each other and the Emperor's Children for what little shelter remained. All-out infantry assaults supported by fast moving armour, with the aim of immediately closing into bloody melee with the foe, had always been a hallmark of the Legion, and now became often their goal; carnage for its own sake beyond any strategic objective to the contrary. Units that Advance cannot shoot or charge this turn. The Dornian Heresy had revealed the true, horrifying nature of the Ruinous Powers, and despite, or even because of the Emperor's sacrifice, Imperial citizens turned to worship Him in their trillions. The warriors that had made the Butcher's Nails sing and his brain bleed just for the sin of standing near them. During the Great Crusade his quest for power and control had driven him to claim vast areas of the galaxy, and his XIIIth Legion had swollen correspondingly. Best estimates of their observed strength were around 150,000 Space Marines, placing the World Eaters in the middle to high levels of comparative strength amongst its contemporary fellow Space Marine Legions. The campaign proved successful in drawing the Ultramarines away from Macragge, and in the early stages it seemed that it was only a matter of time before the planet would be weak enough to attack directly. The second cleansing saw the Legion's ranks purified of Terran taint; and stronger did the Legion become, its chaff cast aside." Knowing how successful his own cybernetic neural implants had been at boosting his prowess and the prowess of his fellow Nucerian gladiators in battle, Angron had ordered his Legion's savants to study the neural implants known as the Butcher's Nails that he had been implanted with by his Nucerian slave masters. They considered themselves War Hounds rather than World Eaters on account of their lack of the Butcher's Nails. When he had asked where the harm was with some of his subjects worshipping him as a god, his father's face had darkened, and He had muttered Better they pray to me than to others before pausing. The two Primarchs came together once, Power Fist against War Maul, and backed away from the resulting flare of repelling energy fields.

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word bearers wahapedia