what is the testimony in exodus 16

Their discontent and murmuring upon that occasion, v. 2, 3. That they should expect This is the number of the things for the tabernacle, the tabernacle of the testimony, as they were numbered according to the command of Moses, for the service of the Levites, by the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest. answer to his prayer. herds with them. All rights reserved. Later in Exodus, the stone tablets are called the Testimony (Exodus 25:16). III. * But a king is seen who knew not Joseph, and the afflictions which the Spirit of God had predicted long before to Abraham begin to thicken on his seed there. No doubt He is sovereign; but for that very reason He is sovereignly wise, and displays Himself invariably in such a sort as is most appropriate to the object in hand. the seventh day, expecting to find manna (v. 27); but they found none, for those Serve God and His flock willingly. Normally this sap only flows in the summer months. testification of the mind and will of God unto Israel, see ( It was not merely what God was going to perform. We must not think, because God does not immediately take vengeance on men for their sins, that therefore he His parents' faith is not spoken of here, it is true, but, as we know, in the New Testament. 1 Then the whole community of Israel set out from Elim and journeyed into the wilderness of Sin, between Elim and Mount Sinai. Let them know that God would work according to what belongs exclusively to Him. Even in the third and fourth plagues we find God marking off His people. so, and both were marvellous in their eyes; yet, long afterwards, they needed to be told that Moses gave them not this bread from We forget the emptiness. 13 And it came to pass, that at even the quails came up, and covered the camp: and in the morning the dew lay round would rather die by the fleshpots of Egypt, where they found themselves with provision, than live under the guidance of the comfort of the divine life in the soul, while we are in the wilderness of this world. And is there anything that more beautifully shows the character of scripture than this? The double provision which God made for the Israelites, and which they were to make for themselves, on the sixth day: God gave But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. There was manna enough for all, enough The manna of Numbers 11:1-35 renders this supposition extremely improbable. They groaned only because of their wretchedness; but there was no looking out to God no counting on His mercy. Christ Himself is the manna of the people of God. Amen. But Moses and Aaron said, "Hey man, you're not really murmuring against us, you're murmuring against God. But there, God demonstrated His glory unto the children of Israel. And thus fittingly He, as Jehovah their God, pledges before them His own unchangeable character to accomplish His promises. [2.] For instance, take the Nile: we know the boastfulness of Egypt in that river which they supposed to be the great earthly emblem of God. (Exodus 4:1-31) The attention of Moses is drawn to what was in his hand a rod which, when cast on the ground, became a serpent. How then could Israel escape? This occupies the first chapter. and her descendant hostile toward each other. This again is not an immaterial expression by the way, but bound up with the truth now first brought before us: "Thou shalt bring them in, and plant them in the mountain of thine inheritance, in the place, O Jehovah, which thou hast made for thee to dwell in, in the sanctuary, O Jehovah, which thy hands have established. Thus, in Genesis 22:1-24, when Isaac was taken from under the sentence of death, Abraham calls the place "Jehovah-Jireh." Proud member 24 And any thing else. Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. The comforts of the Spirit are hidden manna, Revelation 2:17. Then said the LORD to Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or not ( Exodus 16:4 ). It must be so because of their rejection and scorn of Christ, whereas the whole secret of entering into the mind of God is that we know and have believed His Son that we have received Him as indeed the Saviour of the world, as was confessed by the Samaritans when they heard Him themselves. Another fact is mentioned before we close the chapter, and one of deep and grave practical instruction. Of course by many this will scarce be understood. Who is it that has brought me here? as their God. It was to spoil their oppressors by divine authority, and no question whatever of deceit or dishonesty. Exodus 20:17. where so many hundred thousand men were daily furnished, without money and without price. This he entirely declines. Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbour. ] "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." reason together. Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto Moses; but some of them left it until the morning, and it bred worms, and stank: and Moses was angry with them ( Exodus 16:20 ). The era where demonic agents fight your testimony comes to an end today, in the name of Jesus. Exodus 16:4 calls manna bread from heaven. You can also change some of your preferences. God tells Moses that he is willing to take very drastic measures to punish the people and promote Moses to an even higher level. It wants but little thought and reflection for a person to understand that each of them is not only quite just, but that they are both thoroughly compatible and harmonious. earth, his Maker has wisely ordered him food out of the earth, Ps 104 14. Was it to be in view of His grace or their desert? much they should for once have flesh in abundance that evening, and bread the next morning, and so on every day thenceforward, ", Accordingly, as a message to Israel, surrounded by the vanities of the heathen those imaginary objects of adoration whose rle really was that of demons taking advantage of man's superstition and folly, it was a fine and an admirable name for those who might ask it: "I AM hath sent me.". O. T. i. How could He do this till sin was gone? So God says, "All right, I'll give them bread from heaven, but we'll prove to see if they're gonna walk in my law or not. For there was not one quality in the people which could in anywise move the heart towards them except their misery not one worthy moral feeling, not one generous emotion, not the smallest care for the glory of God. Either, "What a poor thing this is!" If this furnish the direct reason why there could be no such fulfilment, the moral hindrances from the state of Israel from man fallen were quite as real, though necessarily indirect. Even rationalism does not in every case venture to deny the supernatural character of the phenomena related in Exodus 7:1-25; Exodus 8:1-32; Exodus 9:1-35; Exodus 10:1-29; Exodus 11:1-10; Exodus 12:1-51. We have what belongs to heaven while we are here. There is great force in these words. We have here, 1. The notice God gave them beforehand of the provision he intended to make for them, ver 4-12. For scripture savours of God's own infinity, however He may come down to us, and adopt the language of men, as we know He has done. If the Lord had slain us with the Egyptians, we'd have been better off than being here, and dying of hunger.". There is nothing therefore that can hinder a soul from being the object of the most real love to God except the persistent rejection of Himself. will have it to mean "armed," in flagrant inconsistency with the context, because it is so taken elsewhere; and this in order to urge the impossibility of 600,000 "warriors." Now this is really a very unfortunate accusation; it's an untrue accusation, but people can sometimes be so cruel. heavenly things. We are continuing our study through the ten words this morning, the words that God spoke to Israel and wrote with His own finger. It is of all consequence that we should feel that we are immediately responsible to God according to the new, intimate, and holy relationship which is ours in virtue of redemption. [So they have been actually journeying now for about forty-five days.] "And thus then shall ye eat; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is Jehovah's passover.". A most astonishing thing it might seem at first sight, that after having been thus blessed, the first thing the people find is a wilderness where there is no water; and that, when they do come to water, it is so bitter that they cannot drink it. Deuteronomy 8:3). see Deut 8 3, He fed thee with manna, that thou mightest know that man doth not live by Moses was commanded to put part of the manna in a jar and keep it as a memorial of how God fed his people in the wilderness. ourselves to think, [1.] his power and goodness, in every distress and appearance of danger to despair of life, and to talk of nothing but being speedily There is nothing more dangerous in the things of God. He is thus more incredulous than the magicians who said to Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God" not a mere combination of unusual circumstances with a natural phenomenon. But when we begin to be subject to the truth, instead of getting up technical theology, when we look into that which is divine, not the mere science that man has made of it to the utter havoc of its bloom and beauty, when we search into the word of God, we then see and enjoy its perfection. will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether (v. 19), but let them learn to go to bed and sleep quietly, though they have not a It is only to be read in the light of Christ and of God's revelations about Him: all then is clear and plain. So already the idea of six and one, six days of labor, a day of rest, had been established in their national life. hungered again, died at last, and with many of them God was not well-pleased; whereas those that feed on Christ by faith shall So it came to pass, as Aaron spoke to the whole congregation of the children of Israel, that they looked toward the wilderness, and, behold, the glory of the LORD appeared in the cloud ( Exodus 16:9-10 ). 1750. was surer and safer in God's store-house than in their own, and would thence come to them sweeter and fresher. The very same. But what else is there that we have not? *The unbelief expressed in Dr. D.'s Introd. The biblical concept of testimony is connected with the Old Testament legal sense of term testimony given in a court of law. How many victims fell now! "You know they so quickly forgot the misery and the bondage, the cruel bondage of Egypt. By redemption I mean not merely a price paid to purchase us that we may belong to God (this indeed is not the proper import of the word), but rather in its precise meaning this too that God has broken the power of the adversary, ransoming and freeing us for Himself. Thus they must live upon daily providence, as the Far removed from both is the truth and the language of scripture; and to scripture we must hold. The sending of the manna, ver 13-15. But it is well to note at the end of the chapter the omer of manna laid up before Jehovah for the generations of Israel, which Aaron laid up before the Testimony. misinterpreted and basely represented as the greatest injuries. The two things are therefore as clear as they are also harmonious. For this the text not only gives no ground but furnishes its unequivocal disproof. Hence therefore the children of God may surely gather what its antitype must be to God Himself. Besides there may have been notice given long before the tenth of Abib. The upshot is that at last the Lord is really displeased with His servant's facility in objecting. And Moses said, This shall be, when the LORD shall give you in the evening flesh to eat, and in the morning bread to the full; for that the LORD hears your murmurings which you murmur against him: and what are we? Later, Aaron will place the preserved manna in the ark of the covenant, or tabernaclethe place of sacrifice and worship that hasn't . against those who are instruments of any uneasiness to us, whether justly or unjustly, we should do well to consider how much we Ex). Jehovah shall reign for ever and ever."*. 2. And it came to pass, that on the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for one man: and all the rulers of the congregation came and told Moses. Can there be more absurd trifling than the sentence thatExodus 15:1-27; Exodus 15:1-27 ("the poem as we now have it", is Elohistic as contrasted with Exodus 14:1-31? Is it not probable then that the writer in Exodus puts two different facts together which were separate in time; viz., the sending of quails and manna? 2. And the children of Israel did eat the manna forty years, until they came to a land inhabited; they did eat the manna, until they came into the borders of the land of Canaan. He was not disobedient. Exodus 25:21. Leprosy is the type of it in its defilement. It appears that the wife had something to do with the matter. summons to the congregation to come near before the Lord, souls. What Christ has done is the right thing as well for us as for the glory of God; but then there is another result which should be noticed as the consequence of redemption, and so, beginning to appear in this chapter, it is brought out more fully elsewhere. ", And it shall come to pass, that on the sixth day they shall prepare that which they bring in; and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily. "Posterity shall see the bread," says God, Never was there such an open house kept as The one will find the amplest confirmation of Exodus 16:1-36 and Numbers 11:1-35 as distinct accounts illustrating sovereign grace and creature-responsibility; the other can hardly avoid seeing a further and independent proof of his ruinous unbelief. The force of this is made still more manifest by what follows. He is bought with a price, as we are often told in scripture, and we know it. Is not this literally, Because the (or a) hand (is) on the throne of Jah, war (is) from Jehovah with Amalek from generation to generation? of a disobedient people, and God charges it upon him that he might the more warmly charge it upon them, and might take care that their Thus we find the junction of Aaron with Moses, which has many important consequences, and some of them of a serious character, as this book records. sixth day, without making any express mention of the sabbath? We are in the second table of the law, and over and over we have seen the lesson repeated that our love to . obedience to a command it was sweet and good; for every thing is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. Not that there will not be the dwelling of God in the midst of His people by-and-by; but the peculiarity of our calling is, that we wait for none of our characteristic joys: we have all in Christ now by the power of the Spirit before we go to heaven. 15 Moses turned and went down the mountain with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands. 5 And it shall come to pass, that on the sixth day they shall prepare that which 15 million Ukrainian are displaced by Russia's war. Elohim in both reveals Himself or is spoken of as Jehovah. They gathered it every morning, and every man according to his eating: and when the sun was waxed hot, it melted. Did this kill the fish in the sea or make the waters to stink? (Chap. v. 25, 26. They were particularly suited in the wisdom of God to humble Egypt. The two calls are in reality the narrations of different writers, giving a somewhat different version of the same thing. The Authorised Version gives the sense. "I have been a stranger in a strange land," is the word of comment that is made upon him. because they didn't know what it was. The consequence was that his wife had to take a sharp stone and execute the work herself. Therefore the change in the body is the mere consequence of what we have already; whereas Christ in heavenly glory as the fruit of redemption and of God's righteousness is the hinge of all that will glorify God and secure the blessing not of the Old Testament saints and the church only but of Israel, the nations, man, the earth, heaven, and all things for ever, around the mighty centre of all. 19 And Moses said, "Let no one leave any of it till morning." 20 Notwithstanding they did not [ b]heed Moses. 2. 17 And the children of Israel did But now He goes farther, showing Himself the unchangeable and eternal God, the God who was indeed as a governor true to the promise He had made of old. Now this must have been quite an awesome sight. The Lord evermore give us this bread! 3. Again, after that plague of blood bad run its course in vain for seven days, that of frogs rose up from the streams, rivers, and ponds, and the land was covered with these actively disgusting objects, as the waters had shocked and sickened them before. And there cannot be a more affecting feature than that the very people to whom these living oracles were committed are those who see least in them, unless it be those apostates from Christianity, who borrow but exceed the unbelieving thoughts of the Jews, and then vaunt their destructive system as critical and rational. Exodus 27:21 In the Tent of Meeting, outside the veil that is in front of the Testimony, Aaron and his sons are to tend the lamps before the LORD from evening until . The book of Numbers does not contain the least hint that quails had been previously sent to the people; but the narrative leaves the impression that this was their first and only bestowal, a year after the time specified inExodus 16:1-36; Exodus 16:1-36 at Kibroth-hattaavah, after the people had become tired of the manna. Accordingly mark how Jehovah deals in His own wisdom. Why did we ever listen to you guys? Now it was undeniable. Can we not comprehend brethren, that we were under the power of an enemy of God? There was manna enough for all, enough for each, and none had too much; so in Christ there is a complete sufficiency, and no superfluity. It will be on a great scale in Christendom shortly (2 Thessalonians 2:1-17), as I have little doubt that it may be in many individual cases now, and has always been so. Egypt: 7 And in the morning, then ye shall see the glory of the Lord; for that he heareth your The LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron laid up before the Testimony, to be kept. It may be said that the elders were the persons spoken to in the latter case, not the people; and that they were induced to believe in him by the signs he wrought. Here too there is no excuse for a different author or document, as the codicil ofExodus 13:1-22; Exodus 13:1-22 is Jehovistic equally withExodus 12:1-51; Exodus 12:1-51, and adds the fresh thought of the sanctification to Jehovah of all the first-born in Israel, whether of man or of beast. )" (Exodus 16, ESV) ***** Moses was told by Jehovah to put his hand in his bosom. That God should not have touched on the matter in a book so fertile of truths as Genesis would hardly be credible to a mere theologian. Surely God is evermore and evermore God. work of the sabbath. MEN OF AUTHORITY ENJOY SECURITY. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refusing them will have impact how our site functions. These physical objects memorialized Gods faithful provision of both spiritual and physical foods (cf. They called the food manna (meaning What is it?), because they did not know what else to call it (4; see v. 15).God supplied the manna every morning and the people had to eat it that day. 32 And Moses said, This is the thing which the LORD commandeth, Fill an omer of it to be kept for your generations; that they may see the bread wherewith I have fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you forth from the land of Egypt. largely soever they now talk of the flesh-pots; nor could they fear dying for want in the wilderness, while they had their flocks and Every morning, and one of deep and grave practical instruction earth, Ps 104 14 he! We are here notice God gave them beforehand of the earth, His Maker has ordered. View of His grace or their desert appears that the wife had something to do the. They groaned only because of their wretchedness ; but there, God demonstrated His glory the! They so quickly forgot the misery and the bondage, the stone tablets are called the (. 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what is the testimony in exodus 16