the cultural determinants of democracy and dictatorshipfirst horizon corporation

the cultural determinants of democracy and dictatorship

The establishment of a "civic culture" is a significant cultural shift. In fact, Mill was highly critical of those who believe that culture prevents political actors from choosing the institutions they desire. The key, though, is that the interviewer knows the probability with which truthful answers are given (if the respondents follow the instructions) and can therefore calculate the overall numbers of respondents who said yes and no to the sensitive question. Boix, C., & Stokes, S. C. (2003). /Length 197 World Politics, 49(2), 155183. Try to state one of them in a way that can be tested. As a result, it is not possible to include this variable. (1997). 214 Principles of Comparative Politics empirical evidence suggests that there is little reason to believe that majority Muslim Providing expensive gifts is a signal of prestige and importance in these societies. In other words, it is true that sovereignty lies in different places in democracy (with the people) and Islam (with God). Moreover, we note that both the robust education measures, as well as less robust measures of communications technology (extension of radios, telephones, or televisions) display a stronger positive correlation with democratization in all other sample specifications than the post-Cold War sample. Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development. In other Do notwords, what copy, does Fish find about thepost, relationship between or Islam and distribute a countrys level of democracy? This book attempts to answer these questions through a combination of a statistical analysis of social, economic, and international determinants of regime change in 165 countries around the . For virtually every person, in every society, at almost all times, some attachments seem to flow more from a sense of naturalsome would say spiritualaffinity than from social interac- tion. According to primordialists, culture exists prior to, and remains unchanged by, political interaction. Like Almond and Verba, Inglehart and Welzel (2005) use survey responses to determine the extent to which different societies exhibit traditional versus secular-rational values and the extent to which they exhibit survival versus self-expression values. Our Coordination and Democracy Game has three actorsa state, S, and two groups of citizens, A and B. From what they wrote, however, it is hard to discern what they thought the exact causal relationship was between these factors. Still, even though Catholic countries are more likely to become democratic, they seem to have a hard time staying democratic. We might suspect that countries with a large number of religious groups or a large number of cultural groups might also be problematic for democracy on similar grounds. It is unclear why having a Catholic majority might increase the likelihood of transitioning to democracy. Decision to choose democracy or dictatorship depends on the types of outcomes This process is now taking place in the United States, with step number 3 being implemented. What makes this approach different is . However, when it comes to disentangling which features of development have a clear relationship with democratic stability, we run into issues of complex causality. o Consequence of these changes is that the economy increasingly comprises Putnams study of Italy has also been a catalyst for research on political culture in the United States. Similarly, individuals might prefer monarchy if they were allowed to be the ruler, but they reluctantly accept democracy when they realize that they, or their chosen one, may not be permitted to rule. A political culture, for Almond and Verba, was something that captured how individuals think and feel about the political system. Why is it hard to identify a Muslim effect when it comes to facing discrimination in France? Determinants of Democracy. Second, we re-ran the analysis using GDP data from the Maddison project (Bolt etal. Unlike many of their predecessors, these cultural arguments have strongly influenced public discourse and shaped the direction of public policy. For a poor person, switching to a dictatorship is a gamble they are Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, Peace Research Institute Oslo, Oslo, Norway, You can also search for this author in 2. a possibility that they may not be in the dictators circle and may become As socioeconomic development continues and societies become wealthier, though, existential security concerns recede and people can begin to focus on expanding their opportunities for self-expression and personal autonomy. 7: The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship 255, reasons. pM I'`wP"\eA$w8v1HL8tm=!Cg`2}` o 88 percent of countries with a GDP per capita of less than $1,500 are For example, Lipset ([1960] 1994, 72) has argued that Catholicisms emphasis on there being only one church and one truth is incompatible with democracys need to accept different and competing ideologies as legitimate. Rd, E.G., Knutsen, C.H. Over the years, there has been considerable debate about the exact causal relationship between culture, economic development, and democracy. He goes on to claim that it can be only by chance that the political institutions of one country can successfully be exported to another. Since many theoretical arguments in the democracy literature consider differences between countries rather than changes within countries, we prefer that approach over country-fixed effects (which wipe out differences between countries)in this analysis. Coefficient colors (black, dark grey, and grey) indicate level of significance (.05, .10, and insignificant). With these survey responses, it is possible to create a cultural map of the world. When entered into the specifications, facilitating controls increase coefficient size and turn otherwise non-significant predictors statistically significant. What about having a Muslim or Catholic majority? Income level is the most intensely studied determinant of democracy. process (not high income per se) promote the emergence and survival of democracy, Argues that all societies pass through the same historical stage of economic This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. Open access funding provided by Uppsala University. First, the proposer might make a positive offer out of a sense of fairness. Economic development and democracy reconsidered. Not only can we find evidence for the compatibility of Islam and democracy by looking at the world today, but we can also find evidence of at least quasi-democratic institutions and practices in Islams past. Personality and Individual Differences, 37(4), 721734. 2 (see Table A-1 in the online appendix for details on all indicators). Technology gives people more control over their environment, 2.0 Protestant Japan Europe Sweden 1.5 Baltic Estonia Confucian Lithuania Finland Norway China Taiwan Hong Kong Belarus S. Korea Netherlands 1.0 Czech Rep. Germany Denmark Bulgaria Latvia Slovenia Catholic Andorra Austria France Switzerland Iceland Ukraine Russia Hungary Europe 0.5 Spain Luxembourg Serbia Montenegro Slovakia Australia Moldova Belgium New Zealand Albania Croatia Greece South Bosnia Bahrain Great Britain 0.0 Orthodox Lebanon Portugal Asia Macedonia India United States KazakhstanVietnam Uruguay Romania Indonesia Thailand Chile Canada Cyprus South English Speaking 0.5 GeorgiaKyrgyzstan Azerbaijan Africa Argentina N. Ireland Ethiopia Poland Ireland Tunisia Armenia Zambia Iraq Algeria Brazil 1.0 Malaysia Kosovo Peru Palestine Rwanda Morocco Turkey Malta Burkina Faso Pakistan Latin Yemen Mali Philipines Traditional vs. Secular-Rational Values 1.5 Zimbabwe Nigeria America Jordan Guatemala Mexico African-Islamic Ecuador Colombia 2.0 Ghana Trinidad Qatar Muslim-majority countries are in italics 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Survival vs. Self-Expression Values, Note: The cultural map of the world shown in Figure 7.2 is based on data from the sixth wave (20102014) of the World Values Survey. Furthermore, we go beyond existing sensitivity analyses and unpack the aggregate results by analyzing how theoretically motivated control variables affect sensitivity for two prominent determinants in the democracy literature: income and Islam. For example, Weingast (1997) argues that democracy can be sustained only if citizens can coor- dinate their beliefs about when the government has transgressed and when they should do something about this transgression. Several interesting patterns emerge, with numerous controls facilitating noticeable changes in \({\bar{\beta }}\) and their significance levels. In the full time series, income does not relate to democratization systematically when using the Polity, DD/ACLP and BMR democracy measures. Ample literature has been established in the favour of determinants of unemployment. If the state decides to Do transgress,not then copy, the two groups of citizens, post, A and B, must simultaneouslyor distribute decide whether to acquiesce to the states transgression or challenge it. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. Empowering activists or autocrats? For democratic stability, only income level (+), democratic neighborhood (+), former military leader (), and number of past transitions () are robust. Many arguments about the cultural determinants of democracy implicitly assume that democracy is increasingly likely to arise and be sustained as more citizens come to appreciate the benefits of democracy. Well, There was a timewhen many said that thecultures of Japanand Copyright rding to cultural modernization theory, economic development pro- vestigate recent claims religions that particular such as Islam are mine evidence from ofmine evidence experiments aseries conducted around the in any 2018 Notebook, entryforFebruaryMarch 1898 form in aspeechtotheAmericanEnterpriseInstitute,Washington by or by SAGE any Publications, means without Inc. express written permission of the publisher. The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship. Although arguments that particular religions are incompatible with democracy have strong supporters around the world (notably among the authoritarian leaders of certain countries), there is good reason to doubt their veracity. 7: The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship 245. overall gender empowerment. Moreover, democracy and GDP are just two of a large number of factors - including education health and cultural values - involved in the process of development. agricultural products rising class of wool producers, financial World Politics, 53(April), 32561. The problem is that some of these ques- tions take into account, at least implicitly, the treatment and status of women. Cultural Modernization Theory 4. In many ways, this coordination of beliefs might be considered a democratic culturesomething that is necessary for democracy to emerge and survive. One argument is that conformity, obedience to authority, and other authoritarian values that predispose individuals to more easily accept autocratic regimes (Inglehart and Welzel 2005), are linked to religiosity (Saroglou etal. It is worth noting, however, that these contemporary debates concerning the relationship between religion and democracy actually have a long and storied historya history that should perhaps make us wary of unthinkingly accepting claims that certain religions are incompatible with democracy. f. What conclusions did the researchers draw based on the experimental evidence? Source: Data are from Przeworski and colleagues (2000). What time period we draw data from also affects results: \({\bar{\beta }}\) is consistently positive and statistically significant across democracy measures in the Cold War period. Many studies focus on how parties and elections in autocracies (Geddes 1999) or the forms of democratic governments (presidential or parliamentary systems, see Linz 1990; Cheibub 2007) affect democratization and democratic survival. This random sampling is highly unlikely to affect our conclusions qualitatively. Journal of Peace Research, 52(3), 338351. Numerous studiesoperating with diverse model specifications, samples and empirical measuressuggest different economic, social, cultural, demographic, institutional and international determinants of democracy. Government is objectionable because it constrains liberty, which is a . In fact, fully 68 percent of the variance in offers could be explained by these two variables alone. One ethnographer goes so far as to call this reluctance to share tolerated theft. What about the Lamelaras tendency to divide the pie equally or to offer the respondent slightly more than a fair share? Instead, he looked at cultural explanations and focused on Social capital refers to the collective value of social the presence or absence of a civic culture. This means that we can no longer be confident in ruling out the possibility that there is no rela- Dotionship not between copy,Islam and the survival post,of democracy. The odds of finding that the Muslim share has a significant negative relationship with democratization drops by 82% when controlling for resource curse variables, and \({\bar{\beta }}\) drops from a median of 0.33 to 0.21. Where would you place yourself on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means left and 10 means right? Suppose that this question was asked in a cross-national survey like the World Values Survey. The results from these experiments suggest that culture might be considered a shared way of playing everyday games that has evolved over many years (Bednar and DoPage not 2007). However, particular controls could be fatal to the incomedemocratic survival result. Whereas offers below 20 Dopercent not in industrial copy, democracies are rejected post, with a probability or of 0.4 distribute to 0.6, the experi- menters found that rejections of very low offers such as this are quite rare in some groups. Imagine that the proposer is given $100 and offers $40 to the responder. o For a wealthy person, switching to a dictatorship is a gamble because there is d. What were the researchers hypotheses? The literature addressing the relationship between Iculture and democracy is equally large and is the subject of this chapter. The size of the bubble at each location along each row represents the proportion of the sample that made a particular offer. Democracy versus dictatorship? Only if both citizen groups coordinate, Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. For Putnam, the networks and shared norms that promote reciprocity, key to a civic culture was social capital. Indeed, many Islamic scholars have come to the conclusion that general elections and a parliament properly serve that concept of consulta- tion (Yazdi 1995, 18). There should be more racial diversity on university campuses. Finally, we make available supplementary materials to facilitate investigation of parameter instability for scholars interested in particular determinants of democratization or democratic survival. The results of our statistical analysis are shown in Table 7.2. Black = significant at .05 level. Chapter 7: The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship Learning. We hope that our contribution serves to move contentious debates on various proposed determinants of democracy one step forward. 2004; King and Wand 2007). In addition to highlighting the importance of having the peoples consent and coopera- tion for governance, the Constitution of Medina is also a symbol of pluralism and religious tolerance in Islam (Shah 2012). 0 This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. Although we have not addressed cultural diversity in this chapter, there is reason to think that high levels of cultural diversity may make countries less compatible with democracy. . In other words, we need to examine the effect of these religions on democracy across time. . Yet, the income-democratization link has been re-established in otherstudies adjusting the statistical model and using alternative democracy measures (Epstein etal. Solon of Athens: the Man, the Myth, the Tyrant? Unfortunately, addressing reverse causality by employing alternative designs such as instrumental variable (IV) regressions or (natural) experiments is beyond the scope of this study. The resulting measure overlaps strongly (about 90% agreeement) with the three other democracy measures, but typically leads to fewer countries being classified as democracies (Lhrmann etal. 2005; Teorell 2010). Read the article and then answer the following questions. b. Find the complete list of questions that are used to create a countrys Freedom House score by going to Overall, the results from these experiments indicate that a substantial portion of the students playing these games do not approximate the theoretical Homo economicus. Figure1 summarizes results for the relationships between GDP per capita and democratization (left panel) and democratic survival (right panel). For democratic survival, the only truly robust factoraside from income levelis a state bureaucracy that is law-abiding. That approach results in approximately 2.7 million regressions. Cultural arguments regarding democracy typically fall Primordialist arguments treat culture as into two categories: primordialist and constructivist something that is objective and inheritedsomething (Laitin 1983, 1986; Przeworski, Cheibub, and Limongi that has been fixed since primordial times. The latter result indicates that the relationship between income and democratization is likely to be related to broader development processes, and that any direct effect observed when accounting for other aspects of development is zero or negative. help countries become democratic Indeed, Taiwans president from 1988 to 2000, Lee Teng-hui, even claims that traditional Confucianism calls for limited government. stream Other scholars have argued that ethnic diversity is particularly bad for democracy because it makes reaching compromises difficult and because it raises the risk of intercommunal violence (Dahl 1971; Horowitz 1993; Lijphart 1977; Rabushka and Shepsle 1972). Similarly, we display the results for facilitating and fatal variables as coefficient plots, wherein colors indicate how findings change when controlling for a specific variable. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. levels of income are related to the emergence of and transition to democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Support for democracy in the population is considered critical for the emergence and stability of democracy. He argues that we are currently observing a clash of civilizations and that Western concepts differ fundamentally from those prevalent in other civilizations. In his discussion To What Extent Forms of Government Are a Matter of Choice, John Stuart Mill also argued that different cultures were suited to different political institutions. Once weor take these distribute economic factors 3. As A. M. Khan (2010, 6) notes, the Constitution of Medina was the first document in history to establish religious freedom as a fundamental constitu- tional right. In effect, the constitution envisioned a religiously pluralistic Islamic state. One interpretation of these results is that some sort of shared values or beliefs is required for democracy, but not for authoritarianism, to persist (Weingast 1997). As Mazower (2000, 5) notes, It is hard to see the inter-war experiment with democracy for the novelty that it was: yet we should certainly not assume that democracy is suited to Europe. (2018), which we dichotomize (electoral democracies and liberal democracies are counted as democracies). Explain these in your own words. 3. Similar stories to these could be told to explain the behavior of individuals from the other societies in the study. 7: The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship 263. e. Which of the four potential causal mechanisms does Fish find the most evidence for? Polity measures a more expansive concept of democracy than DD/ACLP/BMR do by incorporating executive-branch constraints, which, according to liberal understandings of democracy, is critical for avoiding abuses of power. Despite the widely held belief by many that Islam is incompatible with democracy, the empirical analyses that we conducted in this chapter suggest that there is little reason to believe that majority Muslim countries cannot become and remain democratic once we take account of their wealth. Marshall, M.G., Gurr, T.R., & Jaggers, K. (2018). - 5 plots fatal variables for the Muslim population share effect on democratization. As you can see, whereas Catholicism seemed to pose some difficulties for democracy from the perspective of 1976, this was no longer the case from the perspective of 2004. Many scholars point to particular doctrines to explain why such and such a religion is inimical to democracy. Although there are strong proponents of the idea that democracy requires a civic culture, others ques- tion the direction of causality. Aj=X6/PL16-oc9E{'W5,Z3EH_sv0yaZ+CQ on challenging the state will their challenge be successful. expressing their sincere beliefs, cross-national surveys will overstate the positive associa- tion between attitudes toward democracy and democratic persistence. Moving upward on this map represents a shift from traditional to secular-rational values, while a move to the right represents a shift from survival to self-expression values. Do you think that groups will find it easier or harder to coordinate their beliefs in this new setting? Grey = insignificant, Facilitating variables for GDP pc on democratization. The World Values Survey website ( allows you to conduct online analyses. Continued, Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. More generally, our results reveal far more robust determinants of democratization than of democratic survival. 2019), namely the Regimes of the World measure in Lhrmann etal. along with guides you could enjoy now is Economic Origins Of Dictatorship And Democracy Daron Acemoglu below. We cannot cover that literature in its entirety, but highlight 18 key concept categories, including six social and economic concepts, seven political and institutional concepts, and five concepts pertaining to demographic, cultural and international-contextual factors.Footnote 2. With the growing automatization and digitization of production processes and market exchanges, however, a relatively small elite may now generate and accumulate considerable wealth; higher incomes thus may no longer correspond as strongly with social structural changes. a. development In contrast, ethnic and cultural diver- Dosity notdo seem to destabilizecopy, democracies. Fatal variables for GDP pc on democratic stability. Increasing income promotes the survival of democracy but does not affect whether a These different views of democracy should not come as a surprise, given that we have already seen in Chapter 5 that political scientists disagree about whether to employ a minimalist or substantive view of democracy in their own work. The democratization literature is vast. Grndler, K., & Krieger, T. (2016). Such . How should we interpret these results? Clark, Golder and Golder : The Economic Determinants of Democracy, Classic modernization theory argues that countries are more likely to become Cultural explanations of democracy often highlight how democratic values, attitudes and norms are linked to religion. . Diffusion and the international context of democratization. (2010). A normative commitment to democracy among important actors reduces the probability of a breakdown to autocracy, while a normative commitment to dictatorship reduces the probability of a transition to democracy. The responses to this question isolate the prefer- ences of the respondents toward the policy. At the high end of this dimension were the Orma, whose members often worked for wages and sold livestock. Rebasing maddison: new income comparisons and the shape of long-run economic development. The state must decide whether to transgress or not. Familiarity is a great help; but much dwelling on an idea will make it familiar, even when strange at first (Mill [1861] 2001, 11). endstream There were no zero offers among the Tsiman; the mean was 32 percent, and the mode was 25 percent. Standard errors are shown in parentheses. The maps will visually show how the responses to your survey questions vary across countries. 1. American Political Science Review, 53(1), 69105. We adapt that model in several ways. He wrote, It is my hypothesis that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The resultsthus suggest that the most robust determinants of democratic survival relate to features of the political and institutional history of a country and, most notably, the extent to which a law-abiding bureaucracy has developed. Indeed, severalpost, countries with or majority distributeMuslim populations are considered democraciesAlbania, Indonesia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Turkey. In this setting, we . Several other studies have proposed that Muslim-dominated countries are less likely to democratize, suggesting mechanisms ranging from treatment of women (Fish 2002)discrimination against women is more pronounced in Muslim-majority countries where Islam is the source of legislation (Gouda and Potrafke 2016)how religious services have been financed historically (Rothstein and Broms 2013),how autocratic incumbents exploit fears of political Islam among secular opponents to fend off liberalization (Lust 2011), to how Islamic legal institutions may impede political development by slowing down economic development (Kuran 2012). We follow a similar approach for other results reported below; see online Appendix C for results. Democracy and Diversity, chapter 3 of the class 10 social science syllabus covers the intricacies related to democracy in India. 2018), also could influence democratization and democratic survival. Whereas the Muslim population accepted that Muhammad had the right to rule over them by divine decree, this was not the case for the majority non-Muslim population. Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. For example, the game of democracy often requires cooperation, competition, and compromise. It is difficult to determine, though, whether this is the result of religion or wealth, as Protestant democracies tend to be wealthy. Our Coordination and democracy experiments and culture conclusion key concepts Problems9 cultural change S. ( 2011 ) cause. Social interactions with outsiders are limited, reputation rests on ties of kinship tradition! One wants to compare survey responses, it is culture that affects political behavior by providing ideological guidelines collective., robustness to varying the sample that made a particular offer transplanted to countries dominated by different religions either. 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the cultural determinants of democracy and dictatorship