constructal law criticism

Likewise, the flow access facilitated by the tree structure is the flow of water, from the ground into the atmosphere. The drawing of figure4 is about the equivalence of the seemingly antagonistic ad hoc statements (i) and (ii) (2), and not about optimality. The constructal law, if it holds true, applies beyond 'engineering, scientific, and social systems.'. The tree must survive droughts and resist pests. Performance evaluations are a great opportunity to assess the team's output. The constructal law is the statement proclaiming the existence and the time direction of the evolution of configuration. Weinberg dismisses these beautiful and ubiquitous asymmetries in nature as chaos, and the intrusion of historical accidents. Stephen Hawking dismissed the complexity of nature as trivial and unimportant details, attributing it entirely to the uncertainty principle. of everything) have this unifying power. This chapter evaluates mathematically the morphing and evolution of progressively better treeshaped flow networks. On the other hand, poorly given, non-constructive feedback leads to poor engagement and motivation. Furthermore, and contrary to prevailing dogma (namely that a neutrally buoyant swimmer has nothing to do with gravity), in swimming the penalty of fighting gravity (W1) is as important as the penalty of fighting drag. Two conclusions follow from the agreement demonstrated by the data in figure3: The flying speeds of insects, birds and human and machine species (e.g. The design in nature . The third movie was generated with the same soil erosion mechanism, except that the erosion threshold had values distributed randomly over the square basin. The claim that constructal theory is a fundamental principle of thermodynamics itself has also been disputed . One of the most important principles of energy is that it . it must be strong mechanically). The place of the constructal law as a self-standing law in physics is outlined, which covers all the ad hoc statements of optimality such as minimum entropygeneration, maximum entropy generation, minimum flow resistance, maximum flow Resistance, minimum time, minimum weight, uniform maximum stresses and characteristic organ sizes. He is the author of 30 books and 685 peer-reviewed articles which are widely cited. Examples are the formula for the Carnot limit of heat engines, the energy minimum and entropy maximum associated with evolution towards equilibrium (no flow), thermodynamic stability, the GouyStodola theorem, exergy (availability) accounting, etc. The movement of animalsthe flow of animal mass on Earthis analogous to other moving and mixing designs such as the turbulent eddies in rivers, oceans and the atmosphere. But for constructal theory to be accepted and reconciled with the canon of modern physics, it must turn its focus from the descriptive examples to the general principles. vehicles and animal bodies needing propulsion). The smoke tubes are 16 and are placed in a staggered configuration. The quantity Sgen is not a thermodynamic property of the system. Lets look at some more specific tips for providing constructive criticism: Positive feedback helps employees become more open to constructive criticism, but it should not be the only purpose for offering positive feedback. It is not an exaggeration to regard animals as self-driven packs of water, i.e. Frequency (breathing, heart beating) proportional to. Design has been taken for grantedat best, it has been attributed to chance, inspiration, talent and art. One is the generation of veins of flowing molten rock in the Earth's crust (Carrigan & Eichelberger 1990) where the viscosity of the isothermal flowing liquid (e.g. The constructal law also predicts that vascular designs must occur in nature, and that they must be stepwise more complex as they become larger (Kim et al. The constructal law is the law of geometry generation, while the second law is the law of entropy generationthe constructal law has been invoked to predict the occurrence of a variety of natural flow features." With the constructal method, many shapes and structures in nature and engineering have been analyzed or optimized1,2 . Not mentioned in thermodynamics (until now) is the fact that W is itself dissipated into the ambient, because of the movement of vehicle weight (Mg) over the horizontal distance L. To summarize, all the high-temperature heating that comes from burning fuel (QH or the exergy associated with QH and the high temperature of combustion; cf. Constructive criticism is a form of feedback that focuses on delivering critique and negative feedback constructively and positively to improve performance or behavior. This direction is constructal design, and with it we seek not only better flowing configurations but also better (faster, cheaper, direct, reliable) strategies for generating the geometry that is missing from the black-box sketches. When a person is not performing as desired and needs guidance AND you know that they are open to constructive criticism and a conversation. To repeat, the constructal law statement is about the direction of configuration evolution in time, not about min, max, opt and end design. That said, it is twenty-five years since Bejans discovery and publication of the constructal law in 1996. statement (x), 2). Here is an example for an employee who struggles with speaking up about issues they are facing: "How are you doing with your current project? A novel evolution parameter (Ev) is proposed to quantify the flow capacity of vascular structures. How is this flow of heat facilitated in nature? Therefore, feedback should not focus on previous performance and the punishment of past failures. Self-lubrication is a constructal phenomenon, like the self-shaping for drag reduction, which is visible in the round cross sections of all the veins that we observe (earth worms, blood vessels, subterranean rivers now visited as caves). Here is what is new in thermodynamics, and what deserves increased scrutiny. Though constructive criticism itself is not always positive, you should give it with a positive attitude. There is a very close relationship between the constructal law, and the laws of thermodynamics established in the 19th century. They are dendritic like the lungs and the river basins, but what flows through the solid is not obvious. By focusing on your experience, an I statement might make comments less personal. Bejan has responded to this criticism by noting that the constructal law is not about what flows, but about the physics phenomenon of how any flow system acquires its evolving configuration (design) in time. ; The constructal law is the physics law of life, design and evolution. Create a company page The 4 Lessons Every (Good) Scientist Must Learn. Comparisons with the empirical correlations and formulae based on ad hoc models support the constructal vegetation design, which also predicts and unifies classical empirical rules such as Leonardo da Vinci's rule, Huber's rule (the proportionality between leaf specific conductivity and the specific conductivity of the stem), Zipf's distribution and the Fibonacci sequence. The same holds for our vehicles, on land, in air and in water. Note that the Zipf rank versus frequency distribution for word usage is well known, and that it was derived from the constructal law for the distribution of city sizes (Bejan et al. This article outlines the place of the constructal law as a self-standing law in physics, which covers all the ad hoc (and contradictory) statements of optimality such as minimum entropy generation, maximum entropy generation, minimum flow resistance, maximum flow resistance, minimum time, minimum weight, uniform maximum stresses and characteristic organ sizes. A law of physics is a concise statement that summarizes a phenomenon that occurs in nature. The present article focuses on part (i). Animals and vehicles are constructal designs. not to the inverse relation between viscosity and temperature). Although lungs and animals are animate systems (bio), and river basins are considered to be inanimate (geo, not bio), they both display the same flow architecturethe dendrite. In particular, the pyramids are fossils of the area-to-point flow of stones that led to the edifice. In this article, we present several examples of how the constructal law accounts for observations of many kinds (namely (i), (ii),, (xi)). If momentum is transported by streams (rolls), then D acquires the scale Vt. The need for higher efficiencies in power generation (greater W/QH) is the same as the need to have more W, i.e. The universality of the design phenomenon and the constructal law is highlighted by the three questions formulated in the motto to this paper. It was later in the 19th century that a new generation of physicists showed the principles of thermodynamics could be deduced mathematically based on probabilities in what became known as statistical mechanics. One unexpected discovery made with the constructal law is the prediction that animal organs and vehicle components should have characteristic, finite sizes (Bejan & Lorente 2002). Indeed, constructal law is a new approach introduced in thermodynamics to explain optimal shapes of natural configurations 32,33,34,35,36,37,38. In sum, the constructal law shows that there is no conflict between minimum entropy generation (biology, engineering) and maximum entropy generation (geophysics), why each statement seems to work in its limited ad hoc domain, and why the constructal law is general (Reis & Bejan 2006). We relied solely on the constructal law in order to discover all the main features of plants, from root and canopy to forest (Bejan & Lorente 2008; Bejan et al. The different fields are not only separated by the tools of their respective trades, but also by institutional inhibitors to cross-pollination of ideas between fields such as thermodynamics and contemporary physics based largely on quantum mechanics. In abolishing private property we deprive the human love of aggression of one of its instruments but we have in no way altered the differences in power and influence which are misused by aggressiveness.Sigmund Freud (18561939), A theory of the middle class: that it is not to be determined by its financial situation but rather by its relation to government. Give it a go, then let's follow up and evaluate.. We use cookies for historical research, website optimization, analytics, social media features, and marketing ads. (a) The original (1976, 1982) version of the engine and brake image of every thing that moves on Earth (Bejan 2006). That is, if the earth's energy imbalance increases by 1 W/m^2 and the result of that is 0.81 C, then sensitivity is 0.81 C/W/m^2 and ECS = 0.81*3.71=3 C. This is not physics. If momentum transport across D is by viscous diffusion (laminar flow), then D grows as (t)1/2, where is the kinematic viscosity. Quite often, the geo is rationalized in terms of statement (ii), and the bio in terms of statement (i). First was the proposal to recognize that there is a universal phenomenon not covered by the first law and the second law. Both phenomena achieve greater flow access through the generation of design, in time and in space. I know we all have obligations outside of work, but you risk losing out on a lot of information if you frequently miss meetings. Nature is configured to flow and move as a conglomerate of engine and brake designs. 1933), I have no concern with any economic criticisms of the communist system; I cannot enquire into whether the abolition of private property is expedient or advantageous. the need to move more weight over larger distances on the surface of the Earth, which is the natural phenomenon (tendency) summarized in the constructal law. Please choose the cookie types you want to allow. These are in very good agreement with the measured scaling laws of river basins all over the world. By trivial and unimportant details, Hawking was referring such natural phenomena as mountains, rivers, trees, species including ours, who won WWII, and why Madonna was pictured on the cover of Cosmopolitan. Consider the need to use a flow component (lung, heart, heat exchanger) on an animal or vehicle that moves. Maximization of profit and utility is used in economics. This way, you and your colleagues can communicate effectively, and there are no unanswered questions at the end of the session. The word access means the ability to move through a confined space such as a crowded room. The second law of thermodynamics, like the constructal law, was discovered by an engineer and stated as an axiom, derived from experience, as fundamental as any other law of nature. Poorly delivered feedback typically results in a dismissive and defensive attitude and long-term effects may include decreased motivation and engagement with future feedback. Indeed, it must apply universally, or be rejected as a law of nature. In addition, it creates a transparent and trustworthy work environment where colleagues can share input without fear of hurting feelings. Every flow component of the Earth functions as an engine that drives a brake (Bejan & Paynter 1976; Bejan 1982, 2006). Here is an example of constructive criticism for a negative attitude: "I wanted to follow up on some recent observations. The randomness and diversity of natural river basins is due to this. ; The constructal law states that every flow system is destined to remain imperfect. Furthermore, when describing the modulation of metabolic pathways only the resultant biochemical molecules are known, . Constructal theory is the view that (i) the generation of images of design (pattern, rhythm) in nature is a phenomenon of physics and (ii) this phenomenon is covered by a principle (the constructal law): for a finite-size flow system to persist in time (to live) it must evolve such that it provides greater and greater access to the currents that flow through it. You owe it to the partner to give a real example of the problem. not by mimicking nature. Newton believed that metals and minerals vegetated (i.e. This post discuss the ideas expressed in the book about the design constraints imposed by Nature and then looks at the implications of Constructal Law on Evolution. In order to advance horizontally, the animal body must lose in two ways, vertically, by overcoming gravity (W1), and horizontally, by overcoming drag (W2). How well the constructal evolution is doing in comparison with the natural evolution of river basins is shown in table1. The tree-shaped flows are examples of how the emerging and evolving drawing unites the animate with the inanimate. It is important to note that the second law does not proclaim the minimization or maximization of entropy generation. The theory is: For a finite-size system to persist in time (to live), it must evolve in such a way that it provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it. No flow system is destined to end up in a certain configuration at long times (Bejan & Lorente 2004). The so-called "constructal law" is a fringe theory heavily promoted by a single individual and virtually no one else. However, negativity can be addressed to help preserve a pleasant work environment and team morale. Ive noticed that youve spent a lot of time troubleshooting and problem-solving in past projects. It was based initially on steam power, for industrial use. equilibrium). A model is built in MATLAB environment, based on empirical correlations and the . The natural phenomenon is not the elimination but the distribution (better and better over time) of imperfection. It captures this natural phenomenon. Keywords: The flow access between the points of one line and the points of a parallel line can be viewed as a sequence of point-to-line flow access structures. When providing criticism, give examples of how an employee can improve instead of just focusing on the negative. It must have the ability to bulk up in places where stresses are higher. It simply states that the sign of Sgen cannot be negative. Try to think of some solutions for 30 minutes before reaching out to anybody else. These cookies dont store any personal information, at the same time they are based on a unique identifier of your browser and devices. You can read our Cookie Policy for more details. The "constructal law" borders on pseudoscience: the formulation is as vague as it is untestable. The principle that generates all these configurations is deterministic. And that being the case, what might be done to reconcile one with the other. Blacks, Jews, gays, womenthey will no longer tolerate second-class status. The intersection of the D(t) curves for the laminar and eddy shear leads to the prediction that transition occurs when the local Reynolds number VD/ is of order 102, where V and D are the peripheral speed and size of the first eddy. Somewhere in between and in gradations is the group that has the sense that govt exists for it, and shapes its consciousness accordingly.Lionel Trilling (19051975), And various extremal principles in non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Maximization (sic) of flow resistance is used regularly in physiology and engineering, e.g. Obviously, something is working, and it is not the first law or the second law. In the lower part of figure4, we show that this 1976 drawing unifies the statements (i) and (ii) (2) under the constructal law, and this means that all of nature is configured to flow and move as a conglomerate of engine and brake designs. Set clear expectations and react favorably to updates to encourage strong communication. The person you're giving feedback to may disagree with you. Bejan 2006) accounts for the behaviour of systems as black boxes, without configuration. Valamis values your privacy. Does Making A Quantum Measurement Really Destroy Information? (a) Artificial river basin evolution generated under steady uniform rain on a 15 9 m area in a laboratory at Colorado State University (Parker 1977). The engine and its immediate environment (the brake), as one thermodynamic system, are analogous to the entire Earth (figure4). In the limit, minimum dissipation in the former leads the human mind on to the same design-generation path as maximum dissipation in the latter. In fact, it could demotivate and discourage them even more.

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constructal law criticism