introduction about phishing

In this day and age, cybersecurity is at the forefront of operational priorities. Phishing is a common tactic that cyber criminals use to steal personal and financial information from you. This means that everything about the email may look normal, but if it was registered in a country you dont recognize, you might not catch it unless you know what to look for. Spear Phishing differs from other types of Phishing attacks as it is aimed at a specific person or organisation. Introduction to Phishing In 2019, one third of security breaches involved some sort of phishing attack. The number one reported breach cause (absent other details . The most effective method attackers use to get people to trust them is to try to create situations called pretexts, which seem believable to the recipient. This Paper. Main aim of the . NGY1ZWEwMTBjMGQ4ZTEzZDAzODQ3YmJmZGM2YTNiMDIwNjJjOTVjOTkzZjNk 1. Some sophisticated attacks may exploit hacked accounts that attackers have gained access to, and they can be used to launch attacks on other people. Y2U0ZTQ5MWQ4OTUyODk5ODE2OWU3OWVjMzNkMjUzNTI3MWJiODA2NjNhNjk4 The best way to determine is a text is fraudulent is just to ask yourself would this organization be texting me and asking me to take action? Mjg4NDRkYjNlM2JhMTMxM2RiMzkxY2NjYzA1NTQyOTVkMzhkMzIyYTAzNzJl These are typically against employees in businesses, hoping that staff have not had sufficient cyber security awareness training to spot these attacks and avoid them. NGIwYTQ2ZWJlNzc5NjAwZjkzMWQ2ZmM0MzY0MzM2ZTlmZTM5Yjc3YjVhZGEy Much like email addresses, the domains used in target links can tell you something about the website where a sender wants to take you. Unfortunately, there are fewer clues when it comes to smishing. A phishing website's URL is an attempt to generate an authentic-looking URL, since phishing websites generally look similar to reputable websites. Whether its by launching malware from a website or by getting you to open a program via an email attachment, there is a chance they will be successful, even if you have security software in place. Phishing: an introduction. ZGYyNzZiNzA5YWFjZGIzOWM0YWJjYTM2YjYxYjVjZDdhMzNhZDI5ZDAwN2E5 OGFlOTM1NjVhZjM5ZTVlMGZjNzE1ZDg2ZmFmNjQ3NWJkNTQwODY5MDhiMDg5 Google Workspace vs. Microsoft 365: Which has better management tools? The key to protecting against phishing lies in the ability to recognize the cyberattack as illegitimate. As these attacks are becoming more and more sophisticated and involve multiple ways to gather information, it is important to understand all the different kinds of phishing attacks that are committed, how they work and to prevent yourself . Sender name and email2. Just because the name of the sender is somebody you know doesnt mean that the message is actually from them. ZGJmYWRlNTQ2MTUyMDhiYzVmMjVlZGUxNGNkNmM3MmEyZTllNTBmZjJiNTU2 Unfortunately, the Internet is also home to certain risks, such as malware, spam, and phishing. ZmY1ZjJmYWRiZGMyMmNkMzkyNTBhYjhjNmE3MGRiNzg2Yjk3MmI3ZTEyNzMx An Introduction to Cyber Security Basics for Beginner . Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online. Create account / Sign in More free courses. This all depends on you not realizing that you are being tricked. Adopting a safer mindset For example Sending an e-mail to a user. This means that the potential damage from one phishing email can become very widespread within an organization and can be very costly. You need to check and make sure that the link is going to reputable URL that you would expect, rather than someplace in Russia or China. Zjk2NmZjZGU1MmViYjM4YjVhZTY5N2QyZWMyZWVjOGQwY2UxZjk5YTU1YTc4 Security awareness training programs should advise employees that they must always be vigilant about being targeted. ZTNlNzY3YTkzOGU4ZWY3NTJjMDNiZjg5ZTE3MWMyZjQyOGY5YzM1ZDkxY2Ji This popular attack vector is undoubtedly the most common form of social engineeringthe art of manipulating people to give up confidential information because phishing is simple and effective. Phishing and the cybersecurity world change on a daily basis, and attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Even if the message contains information that you think only the apparent sender would know, it could be the result of a well-crafted spear-phishing attack. Fight back with Click Armor. N2YzM2VkOWM3YTA2OGM0MmY1MTYyOTRhYjhkOWJiZTk2YWI2ZTZkYjNjNGQw The attacker will then ask the victim for sensitive information such as credit card information. The best way to verify a message that doesnt have clear clues, but leaves you uncertain, is to try to verify with the person or business that sent you the message that it is really from them. This lets you examine the URL where the sender wants to take you. Phishing is a technique in which an attacker creates and develop a fake page or a OGIzOTQwNjRiMzY3OGYyNWM1OGJjZTZkNjlmY2E0ODExYTJiMDNkNjBkNTBm Remember, most legitimate organizations will never ask you to reveal information through an email or text message. YzQ3Y2NjNmI2NWVjODliM2U4OTdiMWU4M2I4YmFhNjliZGFjYmZhNTgxNTRl Email phishing is the most commonly used type of cyberattack. The three most common types of an email-based phishing attack are: Regular phishing attack; Regular, or "deceptive" phishing is the most common type of phishing attack. Enrol and complete the course for a free statement of participation or digital badge if available. The program used a credit-card-stealing and password-cracking mechanism which was used to cause trouble for AOL. Dont supply personal information via email or text. ODkwOGJhYzFiYWRmYTk3NDkxIiwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiNzc3OWZlNTQ4MDll On the other end of the spectrum, some messages will make it seem like youre being rewarded receiving inheritance from a long-lost relative, winning a contest youve never entered, or getting a refund for something you didnt purchase. Ransomware tends to be the most profitable type of attack used by criminals. The important things to know are: 1. A total of 193 cognitively intact . The term phishing was coined by crackers to refer to the act of tricking people into revealing sensitive or private information. About Agari Phishing Response. The best way to protect yourself from a phishing campaign is to be extremely cautious any time you receive a message that asks you to reveal personal information no matter how legitimate that message may appear on first glance. Introduction: Email Phishing Protection Guide - Enhance Your Organization's Security Posture. Phishing uses impersonation and other kinds of deceptions to make you believe it is from somebody you trust, and that the action you are taking will somehow benefit you. Copyright CompTIA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Your organizations security awareness training should be providing updates that teach you about the latest types of attacks, so you can be prepared to spot them and avoid them. So phishing is really a form of social engineering, like traditional scams and fraud schemes. Every email has information about who sent it to you. Phishing messages appear to be from a legitimate source but, in reality, they are from cyber criminals who are attempting to trick you into sharing sensitive information. Nowadays Phishing becomes a main area of concern for security researchers because it is not difficult to create the fake website which looks so close to legitimate website. Introduction To Phishing Awareness Training. On a mobile device, you can usually see the link target URL by pressing and holding the highlighted anchor text for a couple of seconds. Phishing scams are on the rise but follow these tips and youll be sure not to take the bait. The term phishing was first used in reference to a program developed by a Pennsylvania teen known as AOHell. Phishing is a type of social engineering where an attacker sends a fraudulent (e.g., spoofed, fake, or otherwise deceptive) message designed to trick a person into revealing sensitive information to the attacker [1] or to deploy malicious software on the victim's infrastructure like ransomware. Phishing Response leverages Agari 's Identity Graph technology, which is a key component of the Agari Secure Email Cloud and Agari 's suite of email . In the F5 Labs 2019 Application Protection Report, F5 Labs found that phishing was responsible for 21% of breaches, the second largest cause of breach reported by U.S. companies. To gain access to confidential information, an attacker might simply send an email to a person by disguising their email address and asking for it. NmRhYTcyNWViMzgzZWVjNTRkZDkwNTdjN2FhMzZlNmY2NWI3NDM2ODEyOWIw Often, people who send legitimate messages that look suspicious to others appreciate knowing about the confusion, and those who really are being impersonated need to know as soon as possible. OTkwZjgwN2Q5NmIyMDRkZmMyNWY2YTA4M2E1ZjJmYTcxNzEzMzkzNjE1NjVm Phishing is a cyber-attack which uses the email as a weapon. Social media systems use spoofed e-mails from legitimate companies and agencies to enable users to use fake websites to divulge financial details like usernames and passwords [ 1 ]. YzFjZDcyNzBlYjQzMzQ4ODUxOTYzMjY3MjYzOGZjMTFmNTg2ZmU3NDNkYTNk To do this, you can almost always click on the senders name (or double-click, if necessary). MDk0OTU1NjExYTgwY2Y1YjBjOWI2NDliYjdiYjhlZmMwNGYyZjYwMWEzMmFl MTEyYTNkOWY4Mjg2MmU4NzQwMTdlOTJkYmExOGY5ZTIzMTY5NWMyYmJmZDZk NjhjYzJkYWFmYzkxMGU4ZDNhMmMxZDZlZWRhZjMwNjA2MzMzYTVjY2IxYzgz If you dont pay in time, the price to unlock the system goes up! But as we noted above, they can send millions of messages per day. Of course, if you hadnt made a payment, you might want to know more about this transaction. Or it could be impersonating some other less used, but trusted organization, such as a government department or a supplier. In fact, stopping and asking yourself that question is a great way to protect yourself from all forms of phishing. MTIxODY5ZmFjNjc4MTBkODAzMWFiYjQwNDIzNDNhZjIxNTlkNzE2YzY4MDc5 Very often, the name of the sender is just a text string that has a persons name. YjUzMGQ2ZmM1OGJkZTE2MzcyODZjYmFjY2QxYTRjMDk0ZjcyNzNhMjdkNjNh YjI4MTcwMDNlMWU0NDc5ZjZhZmNjYjVlNzE0MmQ3YzM4MDk4NDNjM2I4ODlm Who is behind phishing attacks, and what do they want? Much of this activity is automated and the target is typically a large number of Internet users. ZDE0ODJjOTJkMmU2YzIzZDNiNzAyNzM5ZDA1YzMzZGExN2NkNmM1ODNmYWJk OGFjNzc0YjVkMmRkZTIyMTQwNWQwYTFjOTY4MTk0MjU2YmEzYTNlZGMxOTQ0 Here is a flow example of a email phishing attack: ZjE4ZDRmZWJjZjNlMTAyZTZkOTE1YzUzYzAwMzVlNDkxYzcwNDZmOTRkMGJm Instructions are given to go to to renew their password within . OWYxZTM0M2QxMzA4OWMzZTVkNTMyNjJhMGVlNWRmZTdkNTJiMzMzZWQzNTBl Phishing scams account for nearly 80% of security incidents. However, only about 20% of victims who report paying ransom get all of their files back successfully. This blog post is an introduction to the reverse proxy "Modlishka" tool, that I have just released. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. The Click Armor Knowledge Center has more information on the difference between regular phishing and spear-phishing. ZWE2MTZiNjAyYjNlNDc3ODM2MDllZjEzZGRhOWZhNjkyNTVkYzFkNWFiNzkx It uses email messages to trick you into doing something dangerous that benefits the attacker. The term phishing was coined by crackers to refer to the act of tricking people into revealing sensitive or private information. ZTIxZmNmZGQ2YTU2ZDAzMjUxNTI2MGE5MGY0ODVkYjRjMjc4MTE1M2NiY2Y5 Or they may also include a link or attachment in the message. MTYxMWIxZTllY2Y5ZGRlYTEwM2E3OWUyODM2M2U3N2YwMzYyNDY5NTdmMDRh NTA2YTdhODJlNDM4MDkwY2U4MGFjYjNkOGZjZmFmMzY4Y2EzMTZhM2Q5ZDE0 Its also important to realize that a ransomware infection usually means that the attacker has had the opportunity to make a copy of all data on your system. credit card information) on a fake web page or. Phishing attacks are the practice of sending fraudulent communications that appear to come from a reputable source. The primary things a phishing email message is designed to get you to do are: 1. Phishing attack examples. So, if you dont pay, they will later threaten to post the data publicly. Phishing describes a type of social engineering where attackers influence users to do 'the wrong thing', such as disclosing information or clicking a bad link. But there are always some that can get through. YTI1ZTYzMTgzMGZlZTJjZDI5M2RmYTkwNzc3ZjNmMTk5MTU0Yjg5MTUxNzJl What is Phishing? Introduction to Phishing. This is usually a dead giveaway of less-sophisticated phishing scams. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Or if they know you like to gamble, they can entice you with a sure thing from a friend of a friend. N2YyYzY3NzlhYWI2OGUwMzMwY2Q0NzQ4MjY1OWE3ZWE2N2E3NTljOWVjMmU4 Steven Myers, Steven Myers. Cybercriminals use phishing, the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as credit card details and login credentials, by disguising as a trustworthy organization or reputable person in an email communication. ODJkY2QyMjg4MTc4NWE1NjRkYzY1ZTFlZGZhOTI5MzIxMGU2NmVmNGFkMzJm Download. The more convincing a phishing message is, the more likely it is to fool the recipient. NmNkYTM0YjQ5OWE2M2FlNGNmNDBlMDczYzIyYjg1NTAzNjQxNTVlMGFjN2Fi Download Download PDF. If you just learned that your employer has put in place a new vacation policy that affects you, theres a chance you will open the attachment or click the link, just to see what it is, without thinking that it might be a phishing email. The information you give helps fight scammers. scam. If you want to stay safe online, you'll need to understand these risks and learn how to avoid them. A significant number of data breaches originate from phishing attacks. Phishing is a technique widely used by cyber threat actors to lure potential victims into unknowingly taking harmful actions. If these are large enough in scale and magnitude, it could even be considered as an act of Cyber terrorism, in which a significant impact can be felt in both regarding cost and human emotion. It also has a fairly simple approach. Phishing is one of the most dangerous threats to businesses today, and every business is a target. This may be able to locate files or systems with information it can steal and send back to the attacker. YTc0MTZjZTg1OGFiMmYwOGFjOGI2ODhhNTllOGUxNjk4Y2QyM2I0NGNkOGM0 OWJjZDA2ZWE0M2UyMTYxODEyYjMwMDA3MmU3MGZiMjY0ODQ2NDUzOGY3NmM4 But this can be hard for employees to do effectively, if they dont understand how they might be targeted. NWM0ZDM1ZWE3NWU4NjhlNDA4YzQ0NTdhNTg1OGE0YjNhMjc0YjhkOTk5MzBi Russia (.ru) and China (.cn) are commonly used country domains for phishing emails, such as rather than . In these messages, cyber criminals frequently use scare tactics, such as threatening to close your accounts or arrest you unless you give them information that you would ordinarily keep secure. Attachments (like pictures or documents). These will launch the program and try to load the file as an input document. ZDBiMWFlODg1YzkwZDZlYzgyZTNmYmZiZWFiNTNhNjcwODgxN2UwMWFmOWIx Home-based workers are vulnerable to cyber attacks. This overview of phishing provides a brief primer on the subject and helps to understand how you can thwart such attacks. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. In a research carried out by Basnet et al. Phishing traditionally functions by sending forged e-mail, mimicking an online bank, auction or payment sites, . They may use special email services that have odd or complicated information in the sender address. After this phishing scam, attackers quickly moved on to email as a method for trying to gather useful intel. The vast majority of cyberattacks begin with, or at some point involve, phishing email messages. ZDdlMGY5YmE4MWJlYjgwN2FlYzk5N2JmMDAyMjU4ZWNiMTNiZTg4Y2ExMjk4 According to Akamai research that tracked 299 different phishing toolkits being used in the wild to launch new attack campaigns, in Q3 2022, 2.01% of the tracked kits were reused on at least 63 distinct days (Figure 5). Whenever possible, you should try to verify requests for information through another means. ZmFkYzRiOThiOGFlZmFkYWQwYmE1NjY1MWRmNTViZGY1OGJmOTg5ZThmNmY2 Some phishing messages dont work very well at all. Windows Defender. Email addresses can be complicated, and may not look as expected, especially when they come as notifications from websites or business organizations you trust. While our guide acts as an introduction into the threats posed by phishing, this is by no means an exhaustive list. OTgyYWFiMTMzODhiY2FmN2Y4MmU2NGNjZTgyMTAwMzU1MWE2YWNjMzc1M2Uz This site might be a forged or spoofed site that looks like one the victim would trust. Phishing scams account for nearly 80% of security incidents. ZWRhZDg4ODQ3ODdhOWE3YzQ2MDVmOTI2Yzk0MjRkOWEzYjdmY2I2NmQwM2Uz These phishing scams targeted AOL users in 1996. ZGIzZThhYzM5ZTlhZmQwYjBkMThkMjFlYTMxNGZiMWFhOTBkZjg5OTFiYTMz Does the senders real email address match what you would expect from that person? Another reason an attacker may take you to a website they control is to try to launch malware on your computer. If you got a phishing text message, forward it to SPAM (7726). The attacker may send simple phishing messages to a large number of email addresses that they have collected, bought or stolen. Phishing a social engineering activity: Phishing tricks users to provide sensitive information to cyber criminals Va emal (the bait) The emails appear to be from legitmate companies or your best friend or boss The primary goa is to acqWre credentals, financia information, or other sensitive data OAdvocateAuroraHeaLth MDE0YzU2ZDM1OTY1YWI4MmU2ODk5OTc1NWVlMWVhMWI0MzQ5YzcxMzdlYWY0 Phishing - KnowledgeLab Phishing View Course details Course Materials Cybercriminals are intelligent individuals. Well you dont need a pole, but it does involve reeling in unsuspecting victims. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. -----BEGIN REPORT----- Phishing is a fraudulent action of sending spam emails by imitating to be from any legitimate source. Fight phishing and spear phishing attacks with gamified learning. But it is important to know what to look for, as a minimum, to reduce the risk of being tricked by a phishing or spear-phishing email. There are many types of phishing messages, from simple scams to spear-phishing emails that are very elaborate. Cyber attackers can use various types of phishing messages to achieve their objectives. Yzg3ODAyNDY1YzM2Zjg4NjIwZmRkZGUzMTAxZjc4ZTA0OTJlZmFlZDY2ZGQw The current study sought to determine whether age is associated with increased susceptibility to phishing and whether tests of executive functioning can predict phishing susceptibility. The ability to put hyperlinks in emails makes it possible for attackers to somewhat hide the website where they want to take you when you click on it. Inspect emails for typos and inaccurate grammar. The following illustrates a common phishing scam attempt: A spoofed email ostensibly from is mass-distributed to as many faculty members as possible. Cyber criminals have become increasingly sophisticated in their phishing campaigns. Copyright 2022 IDG Communications, Inc. Word for Microsoft 365 cheat sheet: Ribbon quick reference, The Polish IT market shows resilience despite challenges in H1. Today, phishing can use multiple communication methods and has evolved from low-level schemes to the sophisticated targeting of individuals and organizations. They can often learn clues about the versions of software you are using, such as Microsoft Windows or Office, and other programs like Adobe Reader or even your security software. OGI3MmI5OWI3Yjk5ZGRlZTJkZWRkMTM3NmZkZTg5ZTcwMmUxZmI1NDg0NTQy Introduction. If you got a phishing email or text message, report it. Do you know the person who the sender claims to be? It is less common, since many security software programs can detect whether or not an attachment is dangerous. This might allow them to collect your login information and will then tell you that the login failed. In this section of the Click Armor Knowledge Center, you will be able to learn how phishing attacks work, and get tips on how to deal with them. The goal is to steal sensitive data like credit card, login information or to install malware on the victim's machine. As per the 2020 Phishing Attack Landscape Report from Great horn (2020 Phishing Attack Landscape 2020), about 53 percent of cyber security professionals have stated that they have witnessed a spike in these attacks during COVID 19 Pandemic, and enterprises are facing about 1185 phishing attacks every month. This 5.5-minute phishing training course provides a short introduction to the threat of phishing. Its best to compare these addresses with ones you know are safe before considering trusting them. NmY5YmY0NjllOGQ4YmM2OTNlMWYwMjUzMjJhNjdlNTAyNGQ4NTJhZTQ1NWZk N2FhNWU3NWI5NTRiNjNjNDg3MzM0NzNmYzgxOWMyN2ZmOGJkOWJmNTFlZGZh -----END REPORT-----. Download: UEM vendor comparison chart 2022, Jamf and more: Apple MDM tools for smaller businesses, With unlisted apps, Apple makes another enterprise move, How to manually update Microsoft Defender, 7 inconvenient truths about the hybrid work trend. ; and 2. If you got a phishing email, forward it to the Anti-Phishing Working Group at This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. It can also occur in much more complex situations that include a sequence of messages. Phishing is when a cybercriminal poses as a legitimate organization to try and lure you into providing sensitive data. Here are some variations of the phishing attack. The versatile properties of the attack type often results in confusion about defensive strategies and poor system protection. NTQwNjRiZmE4NjdhMGUxZjcwMGEyMzJmMjE1NmEzNmI5MDYyZWRkZDU0ZTJl Usually, these tricksters will lure you into clicking on a malicious link in an email. YTI0MjhjYjY3ZjliNmVkMDg4ZTM3NTQ1MWYzYjAyNDBhMTA4MTVkNWQyMGY3 [1] This is also called phishing. Here is an example of a simple phishing email, impersonating the Apple App Store. Phishing is a major security problem for businesses of all sizes. ZWJkMzg5ZDBlNDIyYmRhNjhiZjEwYzVmYjkwNWQ0MzI1ZTZlODFiNjZmNGQ0 A . This was later followed by social engineering tactics when members of the group impersonated AOL employees in an attempt to gather more sensitive information. Most want some kind of financial gain, but others may use phishing and cyber attacks as a way to advance their political agendas, or even to just damage the reputation of others. Cyber criminals have become increasingly sophisticated in their phishing campaigns. ZTY3N2Q4ZWY4ZGEyYzdiYzY2YTI5NWE2ODkxZDVlZTBiODRiZGQ3NzZkYTU4 So, you may not notice that you just gave up your password to an attacker. With service-based anti-phishing software, you're getting your protection through access to a server. One of the most common ways attackers use sender email addresses to trick people is by using foreign domain registries. An example is the group Anonymous, which tends to launch attacks that disable websites or services. One of the most common online security threats is a so-called Phishing attack, the purpose of which is to mimic a legitimate website such as online banking, e-commerce or social networking. Phishing involves a scam, transported via electronic communication, that aims to steal sensitive data or lead a user to a bogus site containing malware. Phishing refers to any type of digital or electronic communication designed for malicious purposes. OTk1ZTlkMjdjOGZiNWZmZTkzYmVlY2ViOWFkZWYwMmZkMjZmOTk3Mzk1YmMz How does phishing work? Copyright 2008 IDG Communications, Inc. Phishing campaigns can be difficult spot. ZDU1ODU3OTZjNjc3NGNlYjQ1MWI1Y2IxNjQwYTgwZjg1ZDFmNDhmYTk1MTQ0 YTQ4ZmRkNWJmNTAzMmRiY2E1OWIzNjMxZjM5ODMzNDg3MzE2YjIxMjM3YmZm ZDFmYmIzMjZmNTE1ZjQ5OWMxN2FkNTEyNTI0MTIzMGY3NTI0MmM5YjlhZjA5 Cyber criminals have become experts at using sophisticated techniques to trick victims into sharing personal or financial information. A link or attachment can also take a target victim to a dangerous website set up by the attacker. Theyll also come from a domain unrelated to the company theyre pretending to be from. ZTRmZTNlNGIzZDVkZmMxOGQxYjUxNDZhYzFjOTU3NTMxOGMzMjEzZWE2ZjBj MDRhMTI1YWZjMzFlN2U1Yzg3NjI4OGZjNzQxNjIzYWQxZWFkNmI2NTdhYmE3 Mjk3ZmIwNjMwZWNlNGU5MzNkMDcyMzU3YWUyNGNjYjRkNzE5MTY2ZGQyZjIy Attachments are a more direct way that attackers can trick you into launching malware. MzFmMzNmYzQyMjE5YWRlZTU1Nzk3MzcyOTE2NmYzZDkwNDRiZDU1NmEzYjFk 2. They may even use other social engineering tactics like softening up with a phone call or harmless email that doesnt ask for anything up front. Examples include bank account details, email and social network usernames, passwords, and other sensitive data [ 13 ]. When this is done over SMS text messages its referred to as smishing. MjBjZmVkYWUxYzlmN2RjZGQ3Yzc5OTNjMmZhYjBmYTJjYWQzYTgyOTc4MTBi How does email phishing work and how can you fight it? Cyber criminals can use the information that they gather to steal your financial information, open accounts in your name, or steal your identity. ZmRhMzE4OGQ2NTdjZjI2YjcyODFmZDE0ZTM2ZWRlNGRkZGVkNzk5ODRhNjhl But the best way to protect yourself is to learn how to spot a phishing scam before you take the bait. Further, 53.2% of the kits were reused to launch a new attack campaign on at least five days, and 100% of the tracked kits . Attackers are hoping to be trusted, so they make efforts to masquerade as legitimate representatives of organizations, often constructing emails that appear genuine or making phone calls in a manner that sounds like valid requests for information. MWZkNjczM2MwNWRmMjUwOWE0ZTgwNGIwM2UxOTUzNWIyMTU5ODY3NjJjY2Fk

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introduction about phishing