how to do color roles on discord carl bot

The state of quantum computing today is like the state of classical computing in the 1950s before the advent of the transistor. In the end, accessibility *is* user experience - you gotta do it! Tobii also makes a .NET SDK so that you can easily add eye tracking to a XAML application. However, she could still show emotions to a degree, such as blushing when watching Two Piece with Luigi, or shock after she and the Anti-Cast witnessed Frankie's deletion. Carl and Richard talk to Jason Williamson about Oracle's programs to support startups using Oracle's Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). The trick is to not look at averages - individual experiences matter, and figuring out where and what to tune takes time and good tooling. If you're looking to save money, spend a little time understanding MSDeploy better! Simple.Data is a dynamic data utility to make your data persistence layer as light weight as possible. And hey, while we're at it, have a great new year! The conversation turns to practices for making your applications secure with open-source including security testing as part of your CI/CD pipeline, periodic penetration testing, and more! Carl and Richard caught up with Dino Esposito at DevReach in Sofia, Bulgaria to talk about AJAX architecture. It's not a simple lift and shift - Elton talks about breaking down your application into the relevant pieces that make sense for individual containers. The conversation starts out digging into the challenge of data - do you really want a database for each customer? Carl and Richard talk to Juan Campa about developing software using XNA. Carl and Richard talk to Jeremiah Peschka about implementing Hadoop in the .NET world. Bill talks with us again picking up where our last conversation with him left off, talking about ADO.NET concurrency, SQL database design, dealing with Data Adapters, and a few other interesting tangents. Always fun to catch up with a very productive member of the community! There are more SQL choices than every before! Carl and Richard talk to Craig McKeachie about his work with different payment solutions, including Stripe. Tim is back to talk about things like Office development, the Microsoft/Yahoo story, and more. Can you build a line of business web application and not write any JavaScript? Carl Bot has a lot of features such as reaction roles, logging, moderation, suggestions, and more. Richard and Carl talk to Kent Brown and Ed Pinto about the new features of WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) 4.0, which will be released April 12, 2010. The conversation dives into the domain driven design thinking of Eric Evans and the challenges of deeply understanding the domain of a system well enough to build great software to model it. How do you really embrace change? Visual Studio Team Services continues to evolve! Anthony and Nik discuss the extensiblity model allowing additional components to be instrumented with Glimpse - and how they've only built five of the thirty packages available today! Node.js has been around since 2009, and the community surrounding it is massive - it's only new to the .NET world. Is .NET ready for the Internet of Things? And on top of that, the latest SQL Server is great at taking relational data and making it available in super-fast and efficient ways. We even got to talk about music (Jorge is a bass player) and booze (of course!) Despite her best attempts, she desperately tries to break him free, only to fail. Human instrumentation is a big part of the wearable market as well, like FitBit. He easily explains the benefits, pitfalls, and techniques you can use to implement a MVC pattern in ASP.NET. And yes, sites built with WebMatrix can be worked on with Visual Studio as well! Can React make your web pages more reusable? Chatham County had 2,072 arrests for the last 3 years, in 2017 the arrest rate was 833.30 per 100.000 population which is by 12.76% higher than the National average of 739.02 per 100.000 inhabitants. The conversation also dives into the comprehensive move of the World Wide Web over to HTTPS - and with HTTP/2, HTTPS can actually be faster than HTTP! Kathryn talks about knowing just enough about design to understand that, like software development, it is an iterative process, that takes user feedback and incorporates it into future designs. How does that fare for the pro speaker? Richard dives into his notes on a bunch of the past Geek Out episodes to bring you up to date on current developments. All kinds of great tools in the show links, including OWASP ZAP, which does fast penetration testing on your site - you can incorporate it into your build process so that your code is security tested as you're building it! Denise talks about her own battles with feeling good enough to actually do work well and share it with others. Kate Gregory is back! Ward Bell offers his opinion of Object Relational Mappers, the Entity Framework, LINQ to SQL, and Silverlight. Merry Christmas! regular guest (and guest host) Chris Sells joins Carl and the gang for a really fun discussion (after he comments on the mail and news) about Longhorn and WinFX, Longhorn features on XP, working on the MSDN Smart Client DevCenter, VS.NET 2005, learning about new technologies, learning by teaching, and Avalon. Carl and Richard talk about all kinds of whiskey, starting with Scotch whiskey as the foundation for how whiskey is made, and then digging into the differences in Irish whiskey and bourbon. Gerald talks about how the skill sets are similar, so the move isn't too hard - and its still worthwhile to learn and build in Xamarin Forms today! What's your DevOps plan? This section is incomplete. Good stuff! In the beginning Melony was still very tired and sleepy, hardly doing anything and rarely saying anything correctly. Ted Neward and Joel Pobar talk about Rotor, the open source .net framework reference implementation. So what's the problem? You probably don't need to replace the C# compiler for your applications, but you might want to use parsing technology to provide algorithmic support in your applications. The conversation turns to how C++ has evolved and some amazing tools available today to help you understand what C++ is doing, right down to the CPU level! While food is rarely the number one issue in the western world, food quality and security always bring out a certain level of anxiety in people. The conversation digs into the commitment Microsoft has to contributing to open source projects including Git itself - including moving Windows into the world's largest Git repository, a whole 300GB of source code! But as the product matured, a server-side model from the Razor world emerged as a hugely powerful way to build forms-over-data web applications - and the component vendors have jumped on-board! The question is what the UX is attempting to do - help the user or help the business? Carl and Richard talk to Uncle Bob about fighting against "The Churn" - that is, change for change's sake. Are you taking care of your personal brand? The conversation explores the huge diversity of photovoltaics, including concentrators and quantum dot technologies, the advantages and disadvantages involved. Tom talks about how more and more, performance in games is not an issue, and the price of coding in C++ is just too high, without significant advantage. The conversation pokes a little fun at BizTalks's on-going battle for relevance - for the customers that really need it, it is awesome. Carl and Richard interview Joe Fiorini, Jonathan Penn, Josh Walsh, and Andrew Kavanaugh about winning the 2008 Rails Rumble contest; then Chris Marinos and Mike Woelmer about their Paint Wars XNA game; and finally Corey Haines about his Pair Programming Tour. The conversation starts out focused on being professionals and holding yourself to a higher standard for your industry than just your customer. You bet! It's everywhere already! Patroklos talks about each of the 'deadly sins' and how Sonar can help you make better quality code. Carl and Richard talk to Josh Holmes about the amazing workshops he's been running to get people looking at the potential of small computing devices in the world of Internet of Things. Before Wolfychu became her voice actor, fans jokingly stated that she should be voiced by Vannamelon, a popular YouTuber who's name and persona appearance (including color schemes) are reminiscent and references to the watermelon fruit. Ian talks about the effect of microservices in making systems more complex - it's easy to end up with hundreds of services. After his defeat and banishment, the SMG4 gang along with former Anti-Cast begins celebrating their newfound friendship. He also gives us his take on F#. How do you get to coding quickly with the new web development frameworks? Is it time to get building a molten salt reactor? Laurent's story crosses much of the story of XAML itself, from WPF to Silverlight to Windows Phone and Xamarin Forms! Don talks about the advantages of the thorium fuel cycle, how it cannot be used to make weapons-grade radioactives and doesn't require expensive pre-processing to be usable for power. How safe is the world today from nukes? A great refresher on agile practices! Get ready for some brain-twisting - this sort of programming is quite different from what you're use to! Microservices are still emerging as a cloud-centric way to build applications! The efficiency of Erlang is remarkable as well, reducing the number of servers needed to provide a service, to the point where folks have been running a web site off of a Raspberry Pi 2! Wolfychu (speaking voice)octolinghacker (singing voice)WillFromAfar text to speech by AcapelaGroup/AcapelaBox (SMG4: WHAT IF?) Carl and Richard discuss how agriculture started, how it has evolved and what the future could look like going forward - this is a foundational show for even more conversations about how we feed the world and ourselves - be part of that conversation! Anders in his inevitable style talks through why languages work the way they do, the evolution of both C# and JavaScript, and the role that TypeScript has to play in making web development a better place. Just have one more Black and Tan! Carl and Richard talk to Amy Palamountain from GitHub about how GitHub Desktop is bringing together the separate GitHub for Mac and GitHub for Windows products. You bet! Nemerle is a multi-paradigm programming language for .NET. While at Techorama in Mechelen, Belgium, Carl and Richard talk to Vittorio Bertocci about Microsoft's offerings around Azure Active Directory. Jason Olson joins us for a mini-show about audio and MIDI in Windows - and an epic giveaway. Latest appearance We cover a lot of entertaining ground on this landmark episode. You don't need to be a latte-sippin tattoo-wearin macbook-carrying designer to create user interfaces that work. Randall talks about how he left NASA to focus on drawing web comics (?!) Writing testable code isn't as simple as it seems, and refactoring existing code to become testable can cause it to break - which is why you wanted tests in the first place. While at Build in Seattle, Carl and Richard chatted with Mike Harsh and Joe Stegman about the importance of the new standards and how they will affect .NET development going forward. This is the non-subdued version of Glenn Block we all know and love! Jamie comes at R from a traditional .NET developer perspective, talking about how there are some skills (like source control and testing) that developers have more experience with than most data science folks. Starting from SMG4: Mario Gets Into NFTs, the episode introduces a new, updated melon form, this time swapping out the original headphones, goggles and beanie with the top of her hair in it's place. Ben says it does, and he's done the work to prove it. What's the best way for you to learn new technology? We try to have representatives from Microsoft on the show every once in a while to talk about what's happening in Redmond. Thank you for your continued support! Carl and Richard talk to Roland Guijt about the security features of ASP.NET Core - many of which are the same as the original .NET, but there are some significant changes! At the Ignite event in 2017, Microsoft announced SharePoint 2019, so there's definitely a new on-premises version of SharePoint coming. What happened at Build? Steve explains how User Story Mapping helps with visualizing beyond a serial list of features into categories of features in the product. Brad Frazer talks to Carl and Richard about copyright law as it applies to protecting digital media, content, and software. Jack Greenfield talks about software factories, or software that builds software. We had a few comments that the shows were not loud enough. Carl and Richard talk to Astrid de Laval and Andreas Persson about CodePub, a gathering hosted by NetLight to get women coding. Alert listener and iPhone developer Glenn Howes gives us the real story on iPhone development from a different perspective. The Internet of Things keeps evolving! The conversation starts out on Cordova, which takes a bit of effort to assemble a coherent code-build-debug cycle from. How do you use messaging? Lots of choices for cross-platform development, it's worth taking a few out for a spin! Michele starts the conversation with the state of the union on identity. For better or worse, there have been a number of major changes between the two RCs and the RTM. How do you get a job in software development that you love? While at the Atlanta stop of the ModernApps2013 Road Trip, Carl and Richard talked to Joel Semeniuk about the latest on TFS 2013. Carl and Richard talk to Irwin Kwan, PM on TouchSmart team at Hewlett-Packard; Oluf Nissen, Dev on the TouchSmart team; Muffi Ghadiali, marketing for HP Touchsmart Software; and Matt Whitlock from Capable Networks, developer of, a site dedicated to the TouchSmart community. Carl and Richard talk to Michele Bustamante about her work with microservices and the challenges that her customers have. Lots of complexity to support cross platform like this, but it opens the door to .NET being everywhere! Juval Lwy joins Carl, Rory, and the gang this week for a romp through .NET 2.0 in all its glory. They talked about the differences and similarities between the Java and .NET ecosystems, the origins of their podcast (and ours), and more. The conversation digs into how you can get free Azure services using MSDN, BizSpark and BizSpark Plus, as well as the process of doing a lean start up - don't build more than you have to and get as much feedback as you can! Tatham talks about some of the applications he's built using both technologies, and how your thinking has to change to really take advantage of all your choices. Yes, browsers always use messages, that's what HTTP is about - but there are messages, and there are messages. Take a look at Orleans! Geek out! Yes it's true, Rocky has gotten CSLA running on Windows 8 in the Windows Store (formerly known as Metro) mode. Packer is a powerful open source solution that can be part of your CI/CD pipeline! Carl and Richard talk to Eric Brechner, the author of the book 'I. How can the command line be cool? Don't let the number scare you, this is a great show! Everything needs to be redundant and reliable - which is actually hard to build. There are places to maintain your personal brand, its worth spending a little time to get it right. The conversation explores the nature of illegal fishing, but also how ships are used to smuggle drugs, human smuggling and slavery. Dan discusses the thinking behind the project and some of the more challenging parts to it - but you can check all that out for yourself on GitHub, the code is all published. The conversation digs into using Kinect beyond XBox games. The conversation starts out with a primer on Git itself and its origins as a distributed source control for Linux. While agnostic to any particular technology, there are lots of common practices here that make sense when building any kind of application, just doubly so for SaaS-style applications. The tricky bit is managing the data! The conversation turns to building your own language, or your own interpretation of a language, such as LISP! Sumedh talks through the issues around securing Azure applications properly and needing to store certificates and other secrets (including username/password logins) in a very secure place. Maybe it's something you should consider also? It does take time, but the products you make stand out as just a better way to work with computers. Carl and Richard interview seven contestants in the My .NET Story contest. Could this be the programming platform of the future? Carl and Richard talk to Lynn Langit and Llewellyn Falco about how developers can teach their kids to program. You'll hear about life at Microsoft before their current brand of evangelism took root. The sleeves of her hoodie are turquoise, the torso is steeled like the armor, she wears black tights and brown shoes. .NET Core is fast, but does how you write code in .NET Core help with performance? 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