antibiotic resistance articles 2022

Identification and Characterization of, Wieczorek K., Wokowicz T., Osek J. Antimicrobial resistance and virulence-associated traits of, Elhadidy M., Ali M.M., El-Shibiny A., Miller W.G., Elkhatib W.F., Botteldoorn N., Dierick K. Antimicrobial resistance patterns and molecular resistance markers of, Zhang L., Li Y., Shao Y., Hu Y., Lou H., Chen X., Wu Y., Mei L., Zhou B., Zhang X., et al. Recently, Yao et al. The antibiotic resistance (AR) burden in the environment has serious implications for human health owing to the potential transfer of ARGs from environmental bacteria to human pathogens, and thus highlighting it as an ecological and evolutionary problem that needs to be tackled on multiple fronts, including animal health, human health . However, the high-level resistance of these bacteria to tetracycline also depends on the CmeABC efflux pumps, alone or in connection with the plasmid-encoded tet(O) gene [42]. In order to present the significance of the global problem related to multi-drug resistance among selected pathogens, especially those danger to humans, the publication also presents statistical data on the percentage range of occurrence of drug resistance among selected bacteria in various regions of the world. Stpie-Pyniak D., Hauschild T., Nowaczek A., Marek A., Dec M. Wild birds as a potential source of known and novel multilocus sequence types of antibiotic-resistant. The high prevalence of S. Enteritidis in eggs and samples from laying hens is likely due to the ability of this serovar to colonize tissues of the reproductive system (ovary and oviduct) [220]. Ranjbar R., Dehkordi F.S., Heiat M. The frequency of resistance genes in salmonella enteritidis strains isolated from cattle. Access the original blog posts at the bottom of the quiz to learn more about each of the researchers and their work. For infections with vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus strains, linezolid, daptomycin, quinupristin/dalphopristin and tigecycline are used for treatment [68]. These drugs work by blocking essential processes like protein production, DNA replication, and cell division. Fioriti S., Morroni G., Coccitto S.N., Brenciani A., Antonelli A., Di Pilato V., Baccani I., Pollini S., Cucco L., Morelli A., et al. Antibiotic resistance has gained increasing attention from the CDC and WHO; antibiotic persistence is less commonly discussed, but equally important. The erm (erythromycin ribosome methylase) genes encode methyltransferases that modify 23S rRNA [170]. AMR of Campylobacter, especially to fluoroquinolones (e.g., ciprofloxacin), has recently emerged [23]. However, high-level macrolide resistance is mainly associated with a modification at A2075G in domain V of 23S rRNA. On the other hand, the common use of antibiotics in veterinary medicine does not always correlate with AMR of Campylobacter recovered from animals treated in this manner [28]. Another mechanism involves production of -lactamases, which are specific enzymes catalyzing the hydrolysis of the -lactam ring in the molecule of the drug [205]. Expression of the enzyme in the case of E. coli is encoded constitutively. In pigs in Greece showed their presence in 48.61% of samples. A high level of resistance to fluoroquinolones in Campylobacter can also be due to the synergistic effect of the gyrA mutation combined with the action of the CmeABC multidrug efflux pump encoded by an operon consisting of three genes, cmeA, cmeB, and cmeC, responsible for the expression of a periplasmic fusion protein, an inner membrane drug transporter, and an outer membrane protein, respectively [35]. If treatment is not working as expected or if the isolated strains of Salmonella are resistant to commonly used antibiotics, carbapenems (ertapen or meropen) may be necessary. Beyond funding, CARB-X matches them with a global network of experts who provide, at no cost to the firms, mentorship on all aspects of drug developmentsomething rarely available to scientists outside of larger companies. Jutkina J., Marathe N.P., Flach C.F., Larsson D.G.J. Early-stage research and development for antibiotics was stalled in 2016. Some, such as probiotics, aid in digestion and help balance bacteria in our intestines, while others, called pathogens, cause disease. Overprescription of antibiotics, overuse of them in animal food farming and not completing required courses of antibiotics are the primary culprits in creating superbugs. In these cases, bacteria are able to synthesize specific aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes (AME), which include phosphotransferases (APHs), acetyltransferases (AACs) and nucleotidyltransferases (ANTs). Without the pressure to sell a high volume of drugs, companies could recover their upfront expenses and be incentivized to continue developing new antibiotics, while physicians would maintain good stewardship practices to slow the spread of resistance. Antimicrobial resistance is a problem that is causing us to revert back to the dark ages, when antibiotics were not available. Sulphonamides are a group of organic chemical compounds which are amides of organosulphonic acids. It should be noted that in many E. coli isolates of animal origin, a common location was identified for the mcr-1 gene determining resistance to colistin and bla genes encoding extended-spectrum -lactamases. In induced MLSB resistance, inactive mRNA is synthesized and is activated in the presence of an inductor. The last new FDA-approved class of antibiotic against Gram-negative bacteria was discovered in 1962. Bacteria are currently believed to acquire antibiotic resistance via active removal of the antibiotic from the cell, enzymatic modifications of the antibiotic, modifications of cell components which are the target of the antibiotic, overexpression of an enzyme inactivated by the antibiotic, a change in the permeability of bacteria cell membranes, production of an alternative metabolic pathway, an increase in the concentration of a metabolite which is an antagonist of the antibiotic, a reduction in the amount or activity of an enzyme activating the precursor of the antibiotic, modifications in regulatory systems not associated with the direct mechanism of action of the antibiotic, or a reduction in the demand for the product of the inhibited metabolic pathway [7,8]. Resistance to -lactam antibiotics can also be determined by several mechanisms. An insertional cmeR Campylobacter mutant strain showed overexpression of CmeABC pump components, and consequently a decrease in the intracellular concentration of antibiotic. Silva J., Leite D., Fernandes M., Mena C., Gibbs P.A., Teixeira P. Luangtongkum T., Jeon B., Han J., Plummer P., Logue C.M., Zhang Q. Staphylococci in poultry intestines: A comparison between farmed and household chickens. First Report of the IncI1/ST898 Conjugative Plasmid Carrying rmtE2 16S rRNA Methyltransferase Gene in Escherichia coli. Antibiotic resistance testing revealed that the isolates were resistant to Penicillin, Ofloxacin, and Vancomycin. Primary Research about Antibiotic Persistence. Please note: Comment moderation is enabled and may delay your comment. Ribosomal mutations as the main cause of macrolide resistance in, Cagliero C., Mouline C., Cloeckaert A., Payot S. Synergy between efflux pump CmeABC and modifications in ribosomal proteins L4 and L22 in conferring macrolide resistance in. Immunol. Mahmoud N.E., Altayb H.N., Gurashi R.M. John J., Jr. 1Department of Veterinary Prevention and Avian Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, 20-033 Lublin, Poland, 2Department of Hygiene of Food of Animal Origin, National Veterinary Research Institute, Partyzantw 57, 24-100 Puawy, Poland. Image Credit: Courtesy of Dr. Elizabeth Parkinson. We also need to look at nontraditional approaches that offer alternative ways to attack AMR, says Duffy, who points to another CARB-X backed company, SNIPR Biome, which is developing an engineered bacteriophagea virus that destroys bacteriatargeting E. coli in the gut. In the case of E. coli strains from animals and humans, the most commonly identified are acetyltransferases AAC(3)-II/IV and AAC(6)-Ib [125,126]. In E. coli, mutations associated with an increase in resistance to fluoroquinolones are most often observed in the protein GyrA and in ParC, in which a change in the encoded amino acid alters the properties of the protein. Quinolone resistance in Campylobacter isolated from man and poultry following the introduction of fluoroquinolones in veterinary medicine. Aminoglycoside modifying enzymes. Zishiri O.T., Mkhize N., Mukaratirwa S. Prevalence of virulence and antimicrobial resistance genes in Salmonella spp. Multi-drug resistance was observed in 88% of strains. This is natural resistance occurring in motile species of enterococci: E. gallinarum (vanC1) [79], E. casseliflavus (vanC2) and E. flavescens (vanC3) [81]. One of the latest studies, analysing drug resistance among 120 L. monocytogenes strains isolated in Poland [180] from a total of 6000 samples from pigs, cattle, and poultry, confirmed resistance to cotrimoxazole (45.8%), meropenem (43.3%), erythromycin (40.0%), penicillin (25.8%), and ampicillin (17.5%), with a high level of multi-drug resistance. It is unclear if persisters can sense the removal of the antibiotic. However, plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance genes (PMQR), i.e., the qnr genes (qnrA, qnrB, qnrC, qnrD, and qnrS), are increasingly identified. Alongside D-Ala-D-Ala fragments, D-Ala-D-Ser peptides appear in a 1:3 ratio. -lactamases are a highly diverse group of enzymes in terms of structure and substrate profile, i.e., activity against penicillin, cephalosporins and carbapenems [106]. Some studies [176] have confirmed the occurrence of resistance to several groups of antibiotics in Listeria spp. Because of the central role of antibiotics in healthcare, waning antibiotic efficacy poses a major threat to modern medicine. EFSA. Plasmid-encoded DHPSs are 1000 times less susceptible to sulphonamides than DHPSs encoded by a chromosomal gene. They have been divided into two groups based on their size and structure: dfrA and dfrB. Also important is the use of new feeding-based regimes for animals with prebiotics, probiotics, bacterial subproducts, and phytobiotics [3]. Some research suggests that persisters can sense specific nutrients prior to regrowth. isolated from commercial chickens and human clinical isolates from south Africa and Brazil. Ahmed M.O., Clegg P.D., Williams N.J., Baptiste K.E., Bennett M. Antimicrobial resistance in equine faecal Escherichia coli isolates from North West England. S. Typhi isolates have been shown to possess cat genes, which are transferred by a plasmid [208]. Due to the autonomy of plasmids, they can be transferred to other bacterial cells without the involvement of a chromosome. Enterococci isolated from wild birds showed the highest resistance to lincomycin (100%), tetracycline (48%), erythromycin (44%) and ciprofloxacin (22%). Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) of ARGs is one of the main reasons for the dissemination of antibiotic resistance in vitro and in vivo environments. Additionally, researchers are working to understand how persisters begin to grow again. Therefore, genes of resistance to fluoroquinolones cannot be transferred to other bacteria via transfer of genetic material. Resistance of Campylobacter to this class of antibiotics is usually the result of modification of the ribosome target binding site by mutation of 23S rRNA at positions 2074 (A2074C, A2074G, or A2074T), 2075 (A2075G or A2075C), or both of the adenine residues in all three copies of this gene (rrnB operon) [37]. Characterization of antibiogram fingerprints in Listeria monocytogenes recovered from irrigation water and agricultural soil samples. Mechanisms of resistance to quinolones. Mesbah A., Mashak Z., Abdolmaleki Z. Antibiotic resistance in. The CmeABC efflux pump is regulated by the CmeR repressor, which is highly conserved in nature. TUESDAY, Nov. 1, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Doctors could soon have access to a new weapon in the ongoing battle against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. JUST WATCHED Drug-resistant superbug kills someone every 15 minutes. Available online: Bentorcha F., De Cespds G., Horaud T. Tetracycline resistance heterogeneity in Enterococcus faecium. 14 Oct 2022. There were also strains resistant to vancomycin, and as many as 66.67% of S. aureus isolates were resistant to methicillin. and Listeria spp. ODriscoll T., Crank C.W. Finally, transfer of genetic material between bacterial cells is induced by stressors such as antibiotics [12], and potentially also metals and biocides [13]. Based on the level of resistance to vancomycin, the capacity to induce it, and cross-resistance to vancomycin and teicoplanin, seven phenotypic classes of enterococci are distinguished: VanA, VanB, VanC, VanD, VanE, VanG [75] and VanL [76]. Hailu W., Helmy Y.A., Carney-Knisely G., Kauffman M., Fraga D., Rajashekara G. Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles of Foodborne Pathogens Isolated from Dairy Cattle and Poultry Manure Amended Farms in Northeastern Ohio, the United States. Staphylococci are sensitive to penicillins, but due to the emergence of strains resistant to natural penicillins, semi-synthetic penicillins such as oxacillin, nafcillin and cloxacillin are used in therapies. Antibiotics are drugs that kill or inhibit the growth of microbes, including bacteria and fungi. Chopra I., Roberts M. Tetracycline antibiotics: Mode of action, applications, molecular biology, and epidemiology of bacterial resistance. If pathogens survive inadequate or incomplete doses, they can reinforce and spread resistance. Due to the high toxicity and numerous side effects of nonfluorinated phenicols, chloramphenicol and its derivatives are no longer used in treatment of animals intended for consumption. Although CARB-Xs efforts to foster research and development are beginning to pay off, says Outterson, he believes sustained innovation needs to be supported by policy reform that pays for value rather than volume. Just a short list of why antibiotics being a central feature of modern medicine. Davanzo E.F.A., dos Santos R.L., Castro V.H.D., Palma J.M., Pribul B.R., Dallago B.S.L., Fuga B., Medeiros M., Titze de Almeida S.S., da Costa H.M.B., et al. Abo-Amer A.E., Shobrak M.Y., Altalhi A.D. Due to very high genetic and phenotypic variation and to adaptation to the conditions of the environment, staphylococci have become resistant to most currently used antimicrobials. Five different mcr genes have thus far been described: mcr-1 to mcr-5 [216,217]. In 2014 in the EU a total of 88,715 cases of salmonellosis were reported in humans, of which 34.4% involved hospitalization [189]. Why Are Black Cancer Patients at Higher Risk for Blood Clots? In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Antibiotic resistance is the ability of a microorganism to withstand the effects of an antibiotic. In Listeria spp., the resistance against macrolides i.e., erythromycine is connected with the presence of two genes for resistance ermB and ermC. For instance, broad-spectrum cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones are commonly used to treat bovine mastitis [99]. The presence of the gene floR has been detected on genomic islands and in plasmids in various serovars of Salmonella: Agona, Kiambu, Albany, Newport, Typhimurium, and Typhimurium var. Strains containing D-Ala-D-Ser dipeptides are susceptible to teicoplanin and show resistance to low concentrations of vancomycin. Antibiotics are losing effectivenessand millions are dying as a result. Examples of the prevalence of genes of resistance in Listeria spp. Expression of this type of -lactamase is usually inducible, but in the case Of E. coli it takes place constitutively at a very low level and does not confer -lactam resistance to wild strains [110]. Resistance to trimethoprim is determined by the presence of the dfr gene encoding dihydrofolate reductases, which are not susceptible to this antimicrobial. Chen B.Y., Pyla R., Kim T.J., Silva J.L., Jung Y.S. Description. On the other hand, -lactam antibiotics are known to have limited efficacy against Campylobacter, and resistance to this class of antimicrobials appears to be mediated by both intrinsic resistance and -lactamase production [26]. Shariati A., Dadashi M., Moghadam M.T., van Belkum A., Yaslianifard S., Darban-Sarokhalil D. Global prevalence and distribution of vancomycin resistant, vancomycin intermediate and heterogeneously vancomycin intermediate Staphylococcus aureus clinical isolates: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Prevalence and characterization of antimicrobial resistance genes and class 1 and 2 integrons in multiresistant Escherichia coli isolated from poultry production. Has anyone stopped to think about the real root cause of the antibiotic resistance and persistence? Such treatment appears to be effective, although randomized, controlled trials evaluating the efficacy of such treatment are lacking. Environ. First, researchers want to understand what pushes some bacteria into a non-growing persister state while others continue to grow. Type A resistance (VanA). Noll M., Kleta S., Al Dahouk S. Antibiotic susceptibility of 259 Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from food, food-processing plants and human samples in Germany. The presence of the cat1 and cat2 genes has also been detected in other Salmonella serovars, such as Derby, Hadar, Enteritidis and Typhimurium [209]. Because treatment of the intestinal form of salmonellosis or asymptomatic infected individuas is a controversial issue due to the risk of emergence of carriers of these bacteria or the development of Salmonella resistance to the antibiotics used. An important element of resistance of S. aureus to fluoroquinolones is the presence of an efflux pump mechanism. Other drugs of choice for pregnant women are erythromycin, vancomycin, and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole [167]. E. faecalis with a mutation in parC but not in gyrA has shown intermediate resistance to quinolones. Onohuean H., Igere B.E. Resistance to ciprofloxacin (a fluoroquinolone) was 7.6%. Thats why CARB-X invests in dozens upon dozens of early-stage projects. Mourenza A., Gil J.A., Mateos L.M., Letek M. Alternative Anti-Infective Treatments to Traditional Antibiotherapy against Staphylococcal Veterinary Pathogens. Seven BU Latinx Researchers Making a Difference, Unlocking the Power of Our Emotional Memory. After doctors prescribed a powerful course of antibiotics, her infection cleared. COVID-19 and antibiotic resistance Buy Diazepam Online Share the article 2022-01-26 Artificial intelligence, a machine-based system that can, for a given set of human-defined objectives, make predictions, recommendations, or decisions influencing real or virtual environments. Did Orange Line Shutdown Have Uneven Health, Economic Impacts on Lower-Income Neighborhoods? Antimicrobial resistance profiles of Escherichia coli isolated from companion birds. Hanes R.M., Huang Z. February 22, 2022, Antibiotics have all but eliminated death from diseases like sepsis, tuberculosis and cholera, but their overuse has resulted in the breeding of superbugs, says Oladele Ogunseitan, UC Presidential Chair and UCI professor of population health and disease prevention. Schwarz S., Kehrenberg C., Doublet B., Cloeckaert A. Molecular basis of bacterial resistance to chloramphenicol and florfenicol. In addition, horizontal gene transfer is much more likely between bacteria that are closely phylogenetically related [11]. The first involves enzymatic inactivation of the drug through acetylation by various types of phosphotransferases and chloramphenicol acetyltransferase. The mechanism of resistance to tetracyclines most often involves efflux pumps, tasked with pumping the antibiotic out of the cytoplasm. Rhouma M., Beaudry F., Thriault W., Letellier A. Colistin in Pig Production: Chemistry, Mechanism of Antibacterial Action, Microbial Resistance Emergence, and One Health Perspectives. Since persisters are such a small fraction of a microbial population (Figure 2), they may be undetectable at the end of antibiotic treatment; consequently, it may appear that the infection is cleared. Some of these isolates showed resistance to high concentrations of gentamicin (1.3%) and/or streptomycin (9.2%) and were often not susceptible to rifampin and tetracycline (81.9% and 53.7%, respectively). aac(6)-Ie-aph(2)-Ia mainly mediates resistance to gentamicin, tobramycin, amikacin, kanamycin, netilmicin and dibekacin. Aminoglicoside resistance in enterococci. Examples of prevalence of antimicrobial-resistant Campylobacter spp. The enzymes modify the antibiotic molecule and thereby deprive it of its antimicrobial activity. Mirnejad R., Sajjadi N., Zavaryani S.M., Piranfar V., Hajihosseini M., Roshanfekr M. Identification of aminoglycoside resistance genes by Triplex PCR in Enterococcus spp. A prospective, blinded, electronically monitored, observational study between January 2018 and . Smith A.L., Weber A. Pharmacology of chloramphenicol. Genes encoding efflux systems which determine resistance to tetracyclines in E. coli include tet(A), tet(B), tet(C), tet(D), tet(E), tet(G), tet(J), tet(L) and tet(Y). Arkali A., etinkaya B. Molecular identification and antibiotic resistance profiling of Salmonella species isolated from chickens in eastern Turkey. The blaOXA-61 gene has been shown to be widely distributed among Campylobacter isolated from poultry but has also been identified in isolates from non-food producing animals and environments [47,48]. Weisblum B. Erythromycin resistance by ribosome modification. El Garch F., Sauget M., Hocquet D., LeChaudee D., Woehrle F., Bertrand X. mcr-1 is borne by highly diverse Escherichia coli isolates since 2004 in food-producing animals in Europe. Therefore, there is a necessity to develop of novel strategies in control of bacterial infectious is high demand. Both genes are located on gene cassettes, which are insIrted into class I or II integrons [136]. 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antibiotic resistance articles 2022