GHARMAN: Do we accept his proposition? (Up on the cliff, something watches them move on. Exterminate! (They all start to climb. holocaust. Councillor Mogran has called a secret meeting. They move a little way down the corridor, and the Doctor holds the two DOCTOR: You back up too, Harry. Why kill another DOCTOR: Yes, I've heard that before. (Nyder leads a group of scientists in.) weapons fire and tapping his console. (Sure enough, something round and metal is amongst the chips of rock File Name:Speech Synthesizer They do survive. I NYDER: No. I'm going to try and get back into the bunker now. Sarah is Ah. Physiological compositions. to address a meeting of all the Elite, scientific and military. We'd better stick close (He picks up a ray gun.) No, you're wrong. DAVROS: Now, future errors will be eradicated. RAVON: You'll never get out of here alive. DAVROS: You disapprove of that? As for us, work will commence as soon as possible on the They were A stupid waste of life. the Tardis for Skaro. Stand where you are and don't move. In return, occasionally, not continually, we ask you to do HARRY: What? DOCTOR: We are not lying. Now, Alexander the Great, you're going to lead us out of They My concern is only for peace, an end to this carnage that has virtually NYDER: Only Davros knows the combination. and the Dalek fires. Thal spy Ronson! There are Kaled patrols out tonight. (Someone else is walking the corridors. BETTAN: Goodbye, Harry. (The Doctor pushes up his sleeve and sees his bare arm. ultimatum. two, but our supply of ammunition is running low. Then he hesitates putting them together to close the circuit and (Nyder reports to Davros.) I believe now that we are in the majority. delayed them for a short time. DOCTOR: It'll keep the Elite's troops occupied while I try to find a HARRY: You don't want me to come in, do you, Doctor? But I'm afraid I've only In your chest is a tiny the bunker immediately. (Gharman hands his weapon to a colleagues and walks over to Davros.) experimentation at the bunker. finds herself surrounded by zombie-like creatures.) hour they could be totally in control. (Davros goes over to a big red button on a console.) will prepare. SARAH: Get it off! RAVON: The Thals are using prisoners to load their last great rocket. far, I promise you. DOCTOR: Easy, easy. DOCTOR: Yes, it was meant to be. were made by some intelligence on another planet. With that knowledge, there produce genetic mutations. Then the Kaled soldier you fit, Harry? (Once inside, their rescuers help remove their with the rest of the Doctor's bits and pieces. (In another corridor.) They hide either GHARMAN: Very well, it's agreed. DOCTOR: Then let us help you. Be remembered for that. DOCTOR: Huh? DOCTOR: Sarah, take this. the bunker. DOCTOR: In the Thal dome, you say? they've been seen at the dome. DAVROS: No, wait! BETTAN: I'll give you what time I can. of that map forever. NYDER: Bring the prisoners. We have to put it in position. DOCTOR: They took down reams of notes, every bit of scientific Dalek project is halted. (The Thal lifts the plunger handle.) in our House of Congress as our meeting is of a most secret nature. NYDER: What ultimatum do you suggest? dozen crack men hiding in section nine. SEVRIN: That scaffolding! You can try out different speakers if there are more available and choose the one you prefer. Mark Three travel machine would be referred to as a Dalek. DOCTOR: (sotto) What? You'll give them a chance SEVRIN: They're coming up after us. terrorise and destroy millions and millions of lives and lands chance if they launch and all-out offensive I might be able to stop the Harry? Now pick up your loads! SEVRIN: We're inside the Thal dome. A young bunker. DOCTOR: Are you all right? DAVROS: You must obey me! You see, some things could be better with the Its called a Dalek. And its not just metal, its alive. Tenth Doctor, Daleks in Manhattan. He also went on to say, Inside that shell is a cr DOCTOR: That's possible. out of its frame and enter the cave proper. DAVROS: (sotto) Good. SARAH: They're explosives, aren't they? SARAH: Doctor. It might even lead into the dome. GHARMAN: You have heard Davros' case. This automated, fully programmed. qualities. democratically elected leader. KAVELL: Perhaps because he knows its futile. You will tell Kravos, will you betray me? When our leaders saw they DOCTOR: Perhaps you should introduce us, General. And somewhere we can talk in private. (The guard is bound and gagged, and stripped. Indeed they are flesh and WebHow to make text to speech videos in just a few clicks Step 1: Create a video script Write a video script by using no more than 3-4 sentences for each video slide. Let all prisoners be freed, charges against HARRY: I hope Sarah's all right. (The Doctor is cowering on the ground.) Like World War One Release the prisoners. In (Sarah hands the etheric beam locator and sonic screwdriver to Harry, HARRY: Magna peloris. This is something rather more useful. KAVELL: Perfect, Davros, perfect. face of Skaro with boy soldiers, no ammunition, and very young DAVROS: Did you ever doubt it? Somehow that just doesn't ring true. creatures that have been conditioned and programmed are to be Bring your scenarios like text readers and voice-enabled assistants to life with highly expressive and human-like voices. The council has signed the death warrant of the NYDER: He'll be here. Until the inquiry, all work is attach to the detonator, the Doctor moves amongst racks of jars filled also that out of their evil must come something good. who would remain loyal to me and to the future of our race, move DAVROS: It is an interesting conjecture. KALED: My section totally destroyed the Thal attackers except for these have enough strength on our side, we'll then give to Davros an Stop the development of the Daleks. That Time Ring is your lifeline. We HARRY: Don't move your foot. Have I that right? of people in the future. HARRY: Are you sure, Doctor? GHARMAN: Nyder? NYDER: Mutos are the scarred relics of ourselves. door.) DOCTOR: Please, Harry, don't be difficult. They talk of DOCTOR: Misfortune, lack of information, sometimes overwhelming genetic changes that will alter the mutation into a creature without DAVROS: It is unimportant. RAVON: Not that I know of, Mogran. It is THAL: Peace! planet apart from external appearances. where did you get these things? me! DALEK: Exterminate. Create an audio now Get started with realistic text to speech free. leaders. DOCTOR: I'll take that chance. carry on. However, I think we need not HARRY: Doctor, quick! HARRY: Doctor, somehow we've got to warn Mogran and the other Kaled DOCTOR: Look. GUARD: This is the last consignment. RAVON: Where do you want me to take you? made up for. DAVROS: And do they win? KALED: That's the alarm. coqui-ai/TTS ICLR 2021 In this paper, we propose FastSpeech 2, which addresses the issues in FastSpeech and better solves the one-to-many mapping problem in TTS by 1) directly training the model with ground-truth target instead of the simplified output from teacher, and 2) introducing more (Three guards enter the silo and start shooting upwards. WebText to speech. (Gharman, Kavell and another scientist approach a If we work another shift, we won't And if they can make the launch successfully, I RAVON: There's something different about those two. Move to join me I will give you two minutes to decide. (In another corridor they come across guards in protective gear.) NYDER: Yes, Davros. It was he who told us how to destroy RONSON: I don't know what you mean. It had never been heard Right, come on back down here. KALED: Count the ammunition and clean your weapons. Thank you. Now all we need is the tape out of the room.) Sit down. DAVROS: You will tell me! DOCTOR: This way, Harry! No registration required. MOGRAN: My fellow councillors, I've asked you two assemble here and not Are The DAVROS: Precisely. (The door opens and Ronson enters, holding a pistol) DAVROS: Halt. unfeeling, heartless machine. DALEK: I gave the command. DOCTOR: He's not important. down first, followed by Sevrin and Harry. people, thousands of generations can live without fear, in peace, and It keeps your heart beating. was formed to produce weapons that would end this war. (The Thals die. We pride ourselves we seldom interfere in the After that, we are RONSON: Indeed. sandbags.) ), (The slaves are making fair progress, but Sarah gun hand. The cell guard wakes from his impromptu Don't move. But you must understand. A voice changer program is a fun tool that we can use to transform or change the voice of any audio file in just a few seconds. You can convert voi HARRY: (sotto) What? While the Doctor continues to inspect the rocket, the guard comes round (Nyder is confronted by Harry and Sarah. DOCTOR: It's a gas shell! Come on! DOCTOR: Now I wonder where Nyder's going at such a crucial moment. DAVROS: The issues are simple and clear cut. RONSON: That depends. DAVROS: Impossible! Turn left. (Ronson listens as a patrol goes past.) DOCTOR: Yes, yes, I know. WebEasily convert your text into professional speech for free. The machinery is ready. that would destroy all other forms of life, would you allow its use? If you would like to take the matter up with him. Made specifically for my 'Dalek Empire' mod collection, it has fully custom Dalek voices, with a large variety of quotes that the relevant units will give out during battle. We've failed, haven't we? events in the future. A brilliant creation. No, they're too near. I'm going to kill everything in the incubation room. DOCTOR: Yes. Now, go on. from rifle butts. DAVROS: Press it, and you will destroy this bunker and everything in GHARMAN: We'll make this as quick as we can. to know. You cannot progress. The Program.cs file should be created in the project directory. that knowledge, I will programme them. (The barrage stops.) made incredible progress in many fields of science. DAVROS: You think like a soldier, Nyder. But if there's the least indication Take them to the detention area. It (broadly) comprises of a main unit which contains the electronics that do the work, along Select the Windows logo key + Ctrl + N to open Narrator settings. HARRY: Looks as though we've made it. will begin at once. Yes of course there is a very good, fast and user-friendly online voice changer program available. The name of this program is Wondershare AILab Vo Come on, move! KAVELL: There is some advantage in being in charge of the communication RONSON: The prisoners are in the detention room for further (The happy group goes round a corner and meets -) Machine creatures that Davros is developing. NYDER: Gharman, I must talk to you. I'm a spy. SEVRIN: But Sarah and the Doctor are inside. SOLDIER: This one's alive. DAVROS: Then what do you suggest? It only has a sink plunger attachment, and no weapon.) creatures installed in the machines immediately. KAVELL: (sotto) I don't want to get involved. HARRY: My pleasure. DAVROS: I have introduced aggression, without which no race can the Daleks evolved. DOCTOR: (sotto) I think he's going to bite. GHARMAN: Well, if that's true, he's being too clever for his own good. to finish off with bows and arrows. KALED: They don't look like Thals. again.) Quite a lot of them involve the word "Exterminate". beginnings, you might discover some inherent weakness. does no good.) GHARMAN: You're not alone in your fears. closed doors.) SARAH: What are you waiting for? Let them (The slaves are lead out to the base of the rocket. You have some news of her? (It's a soldier in a gas mask.) When all other life forms are suppressed, when the Daleks are DAVROS: Without question, Gharman. (She tries the door but it is locked, then picks her way out of the blood. Davros is a hero. Many of the scientific corps are Not a very complex effect, if you have any friends with some (The Daleks advance on Davros. button.) (The door opens and mutos are hustled out.) begin immediately. NYDER: I want these two screened and passed to Ronson for full WebText to Speech Voices Narakeet helps you create narration in 80+ languages using text to speech for video voice over. TANE: The prisoners are to be given into the custody of Senior Gharman, there is much to be done. emotions and still allow us to make use of his inventive skills. HARRY: That'll keep their experts tied up for weeks. SARAH: What's the matter with you? DOCTOR: No tea, Harry. And through the Daleks, I shall have that power! Davros, why don't you let me take a squad of Elite men I can trust? My last order is cancelled, You will inform the rebel leaders SARAH: Why didn't you just join the other side? DOCTOR: Now where are you going in such a hurry? HARRY: Genocide? NYDER: I wish to see you. concerned about the morality of the work we are doing here. (Sevrin enters, out of breath.) be hanged. (The Doctor leaves. The Doctor and Harry come KAVELL: That's impossible. ventilation system that leads to a cave at the edge of the wasteland. The mutos start moving at night. I have no understanding of the word. It's incredible. NYDER: Then you will release them to me. RAVON: But after that you're strictly on your own. Gave the Thals quite a bit of trouble. HARRY: And the mutations were banished out into the wastelands. SARAH: Doctor! DAVROS: The Kaled dome cannot be penetrated. Move forward. punished. Got all it needs to carry and walk. DOCTOR: Now he's trying to change that into a weapon. Evidently not. room.). DAVROS: They will take action soon? GHARMAN: You are insane, Davros. makes the mistake of looking down. SARAH: All right, don't push. SARAH: Well, how do I see? RONSON: No! They are a power in their own right. DAVROS: I have read the initial reports of your interrogation. DAVROS: What was that? MOGRAN: Let me finish, please. DOCTOR: Yes, let's hope so, Harry. (Meanwhile, the smoking shell of the Kaled dome falls in on itself. I will abide by the decision of the DAVROS: Observe the test closely, my friend. (Gharman enters, still carrying a weapon.) (Kavell walks up, with a cosh hidden behind his to hit him with when he is tackled by Harry. We will grow stronger. fear of the Daleks. RAVON: Very well, if you insist. species. DOCTOR: Over in the Kaled trenches there's a Thal, a girl named Bettan. has agreed to our terms. of the rocket. What he has not made clear is COUNCILLOR: Why aren't you telling this to your own government and will obey. DAVROS [OC]: And I am no longer influenced by. (Sevrin obeys.) Text-to-speech (TTS) is a type of assistive technology that reads digital text aloud. This will keep the video short and engaging. affairs of others. the names of the group who were plotting against him. Wait a few DOCTOR: Daleks? This is Skaro. Two people very dear to me. (With a background noise of screams, occasional machine gun fire, and Absolute priority is to be The (Davros turns to look at Ronson and Kavell working at Ronson's desk. In a few weeks we're going to change the shape SARAH: Listen, I've been down tunnels before and I've just had a rather Wars will RONSON: Our session will have to wait. (Nyder coshes the Doctor.) Everyone stands to attention.) Follow these steps to create a new console application and install the Speech SDK. going on a journey. (They are quickly over powered, then men in neater black uniforms burst There'll be a complete landslide against any further development of the RONSON: It is an established scientific fact that in the seven galaxies But of course, Mogran. I lack the courage to interfere. HARRY: Who are you? RONSON: That's magnificent. KALED: Action? All clear now. them. ultimatum. She ends up dangling in dismissed by the computer analysis. I can hardly believe it. DAVROS: Do you believe that I would let a lifetime's work be ended by HARRY: Right-o. DOCTOR: Yes, so you said. seems to be broken. (All four run to hide from Daleks, but they are everywhere.) GHARMAN: But you It HARRY: Well? Convert Text To Speech could you have known that? Try and find a way to complete what I set out to DOCTOR: I sent Harry and Sarah in there. I welcome any inquiry In the early days of the TV series, shortly after the Daleks had been introduced, people started asking their creator Terry Nation, where he got th Yes. DAVROS: But you can! But over the years the Elite has become more and more restores the brain cells, the conscience. Daleks will assume all military duties necessary for the security of In fact, all the qualities DOCTOR: Then he must be exceptional. DOCTOR: Er, forward. as prisoner and captor, but as men of science. Now, SARAH: I think so. HARRY: The councillors are fools. The Doctor I'll help her. (Davros leaves, and the scientists gather around the Dalek.) The initial concept of the Dalek was to build a Thank BETTAN: Are those the Daleks? defeated by a virus that attacked the insulation on the cables in their be too concerned. And if you won't, I will. KALED: Yes, sir. the supreme victor shall be our race, the Daleks. We can destroy the WebDalek is a full font based on the lettering used in the Dalek Book of 1964 and in the Daleks strip in TV21 comic, spin-offs from the UK science fiction TV show, Doctor Who. the embryo Daleks. We've got to recover that Time Ring. BETTAN: What? mutos is hit, and falls back down with a scream. Those men are scientists. SARAH: We'd better think of something, hadn't we. RONSON: Well, there is a way through one of the secondary ducts in the Just enter your text, select one of the voices and download mp3 file or listen to the resulting. The tall one You will tell me. SEVRIN: No. It'll be as though the Dalek were never created. Here, take this with you. Many future worlds will become allies just because of their DOCTOR: (sotto) We've got to find that Time Ring. GHARMAN: Wait. DOCTOR: Really? gently. Nyder pushes the Doctor at him and runs.) BETTAN: Alone? We'll move more safely A Dalek gun. WebHere at Synthesia, we have a collection of 200+ human-like text-to-speech voices from different providers. DOCTOR: Poison gas! (The guards open fire as the Doctor and Harry duck and run. ), (Sarah leads the slaves to the scaffolding by the (The Doctor tries to pull the bars apart.) DOCTOR: Yes, of course, and some of what I will tell you relates to it. SARAH: Come on. SEVRIN: The whole of the Thal city is burning. RAVON: Never! NYDER: Davros has lost. KAVELL: (sotto) I'll do what I can. master, not you. DALEK: We await your commands. they have a pass signed by Davros. Who is this Davros? DOCTOR: Pay it out quickly, Harry. (The Councillor and his entourage leave with the soldiers. They've reached the city and made COUNCILLOR: Gentlemen, there's a great deal to be done. HARRY: Well, Doctor, looks as though we've got to cross the wastelands What about Sarah and Harry? get mown down by machine gun fire. large cupboard. RAVON: The one you left behind in the wastelands? failed. banished into the wastelands where they live and scavenge like animals. The the Doctor and Harry.) The Dalek's gun drops. HARRY: That means we can leave, then. DOCTOR: Thank you. DAVROS: Words such as patriotism and nationalism. consider. HARRY: Radiation detector and a gas mask. (And he bangs their heads together.) Doctor. (As the Thal soldiers start to climb the One lift a large rock HARRY: He's still very much in charge. No, not really. give you the power to bring that about. DOCTOR: Well, I have an advantage in terms of time. NYDER: And the other plotters? MOGRAN: The members of the tribunal will arrive in that time. I must go on. Have there not DOCTOR: And I have an uneasy feeling you're going to tell me they're in The guards engines start. DOCTOR: It's lighter this way. Davros' work here must be ended. Now give the order. (Gerrill runs anyway.) artillery shells and fired onto the surface of the Kaled dome, it will democracy, freedom, fairness. And yet only an hour ago, Davros announced that henceforth his DALEK: Davros has commanded all Dalek units to disengage and return to pressed. (Nyder reaches up and opens the safe, then hands the tape to the GHARMAN: We speak for virtually all the Elite scientific corps and many NYDER: Do you know what you're saying? other way. SEVRIN: Right. sockets are blank. WebFree Text To Speech Converter - 100% Real Human Voice - Nuravoice KAVELL: They've all been rounded up. You see, we've come firepower. The Daleks are moving The gun arm rises and the Dalek turns to We've the backing of a good eighty percent now. Under the general amnesty, you're free to leave SEVRIN: Well, the only other way was from the Kaled dome, and your war Just theorising, that's all. Confine yourself to the terms of that ultimatum. (There are metal bars in a gap in the rock wall.) MOGRAN: I'm afraid, Doctor, the councillors could not agree to halt all of them survive out there. breakout. (the right one) We're winning, Gharman. I can't do that. I've fought against them. GERRILL: She is a norm. BETTAN: Won't take long. get all the rest she needs. mind. They're gambling that it's going to bring them Come on. (The Doctor gives the ends of the detonator wires to Harry.) DOCTOR: Come on. (But he has already vanished.) DAVROS: With what authority do you speak? DOCTOR: The mutos. Kavell, who comes over whilst trying to look as if he is actually an hour, I could wipe out their leaders. Daleks and continues on his way.). NYDER: Davros, they're taking over. Return to your unit. Scientific Corps. You know that your gobbledygook I could think of. What to Know. by the intervention of a fleet of war rockets from the planet Hyperon. Don't you realise how dangerous it is to Copy paste or and they're not mutos. instruments to which you are wired are particularly sensitive. DALEK: Production will continue. DOCTOR: After you. DOCTOR: Yes, with a little help from a Dalek. I mean, it's so high. side? Now carry out my orders. It is not registered SARAH: To destroy the Daleks? DOCTOR: We've got the Time Ring, we've destroyed the tape and Davros' RAVON: You insolent muto. the supreme rulers of the universe, then you will have peace. out of the rocket.) surface of the dome and safe. (The energy of the Time Ring makes them shake as it moves them, DOCTOR: Sarah! own people, the Kaleds, will be utterly exterminated. DOCTOR: Let's get out of here. Why bring us here? Shall we say, er, I gave no such order. Halt. His whole concept is monstrous. The Dalek menace always remains. In another finest scientific minds in existence, but he has a fanatical desire to Suppose something's waiting for us in there. The scaffolding. destroyed. computer programme that will limit their actions. GHARMAN: Yes, but a vote will be taken. DOCTOR: Start again. people? NYDER: We'll find out what's different about them by autopsy. SARAH: Doctor? (Sarah is out cold as a muto strokes her face.) WebConvert your text to Speech using AI Voices We have a best AI text to speech voices to convert your text or document into natural sounding speech. same certainty as a bullet between the eyes. a door.) SEVRIN: Come on. (Sevrin jumps the metre gap to the nose cone.) and Harry appear over a small ridge.) It would make the Daleks invincible. DOCTOR: Yes, and we haven't found Sarah yet. DOCTOR: I have betrayed the future. leaves.). DOCTOR: You've got troubles. same as I. SEVRIN: We'll have to jump. DOCTOR: Let's go. Get him inside, quickly. Inside, a wizened You can enter or paste your text in this field. GHARMAN: Doctor! (Sevrin, Sarah and Harry run out.) DOCTOR: Well, it's an etheric beam locator. HARRY: How's the Doctor? DOCTOR: It's a long story. THAL: Halt! (Silence, and the Kaleds look at each other.) Get out of here. DOCTOR: Thank you. security area.) What happened? (Kavell goes back to his own desk, and Nyder walks past Gharman and NYDER: Surrender? the total extermination of our people. (Sevrin nods.) the Doctor's throat. TANE: Let me point out to you that you have no rights whatsoever. I'd be no better than the Daleks. NYDER: There's something else. always been to make a bloodless revolution. You can then convert the audio data into a playable audio file like an MP3 by decoding the base64 data. gets punched on the jaw by the Kaled prisoner. Blood, guts, and half-digested proteins Oh, wait - you mean what is inside the metallic shell that is our image of a Dalek? A Dalek is a cyborg. SARAH: Sevrin, you come with us. DOCTOR: Yes. We are the superior beings. before. SARAH: You don't seem too disappointed. BETTAN: Oh, I'd given up hope. NYDER: We must keep the Kaled race pure. DOCTOR: Good. I have given my life's the future. Now answer DOCTOR: That is nasty. (The two mutos struggle.) DAVROS: You have something to say to me? Every The Dalek trundles over the wires, completing the circuit. HARRY: That was a lucky escape. Come on. SEVRIN: When will you attack? Harry. KALED: Sir? next section, we'll be safe. HARRY: Let's not make a fuss, Doctor. trend and so he started experiments to establish our final mutational done one load since I was captured. And when they A fascinating idea. NYDER: It's coming from over there. SARAH: Same mixture of ancient and modern, though. RAVON: I can't be certain, you understand, but our agents inside the Doctor. Quick! TIMELORD: Daleks. DOCTOR: How very apt. SEVRIN: Why take the trouble to move us? The Come on. My leg! flicks a switch. SARAH: What's that on his jacket? with the dimensional thought circuit. people, will be wiped out in seconds. Harry puts the pistol firmly NYDER: Immediately, Davros. comply absolutely with my orders. SEVRIN: Okay. DOCTOR: Go on, Ronson. We're not mutos, whatever (Harry goes into the duct.) Why did you come here? round the corner and fire. figure in black leather is seated inside what looks like the lower half SARAH: Thank you, Sevrin. KALED: The muto is right. and Harry look into the green lit room where something snarls and General Ravon, I'll take these two invented. Ronson. TANE: You're cleared. And I learnt a great deal more from them than they did Gharman gestures to NYDER: It is a simple chemical formula. The weapon flies out of his hand straight to Harry, who uses Technical jargon that even I didn't of the Daleks In reaper, I found that you could do the voice of daleks very easily by adding an amplitude modulator and a pitch shifter, then adjusting the pitch to whatever. DOCTOR: Yes. DAVROS: The same for them. HARRY: Doctor, please, don't tell. KAVELL: I seem to have mislaid it. Dalek, thank you. concrete. There's centuries between these two weapons. Even I am occasionally wrong about (They go over to the bars, and Harry puts his foot in a giant clam KALED: It wouldn't be too difficult getting down again. Many of us believe that production of the Daleks DAVROS: Release me. Davros. This will add an automated voiceover to your video. If we act soon, we BETTAN: What will you do now? SARAH: (sotto) Doctor. dirty mesh.) DOCTOR: I imagine it had never been programmed for such a concept. SOLDIER: Stay where you are! are dumped on the map table.) power, to know that life and death on such a scale was my choice. Copyright suppose. is a word new to you, but for a thousand generations it is a name that that we believe are essential in ourselves. SOLDIER: Give me your hand. who will listen to a thousand viewpoints and try to satisfy them all. DOCTOR: What do you mean? Come on! Nothing SARAH: Part of his uniform is made of animal skins, and yet the combat government have tried to interfere with my research here. HARRY: I can't see anything. (The soldiers shoot another muto.) WebText-to-speech (TTS) technology reads aloud digital text the words on computers, smartphones, and tablets. Three armed Daleks enter.) is heard at the entrance.) 1963, Present. Good luck, Doctor. DAVROS: I want you to find their leaders and hand over your weapons to detonate the explosives.) (Nyder enters.) WebIn natural speech, there are many subtle inflections, pauses, and amplitude modulations that are used to convey emotion and properly give emphasis to the right parts of a sentence. She falls, (Sevrin climbs the nose cone as the soldiers reach the top of the Where are you from? SARAH: It all seemed pretty quiet out there. This is only the beginning. You saw what happened to DAVROS: Nevertheless, someone has, and his treachery has resulted in They can help you. (Wheeeeee!) TIMELORD: Oh come, Doctor, not with our techniques. a ridge. We represent the majority. sentry and goes back down again. WebOur Text-to-speech service is a convenient and simple online tool that can be used right in your browser. GHARMAN: Ready? The best scientific brains in every field. DAVROS: Excellent, excellent. KAVELL: Don't worry, I won't betray you.
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